教科EEC版五下Unit2 What Do You Want to Be -Class 2 Textbook p.15-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)--(编号:e0c6a).zip

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I say, you do. 每组选出两人,其他同学问:每组选出两人,其他同学问: What do you want to be? 一人看图做动作,一人猜职业,一人看图做动作,一人猜职业, 哪组猜对的多,哪组获胜。哪组猜对的多,哪组获胜。 Talk together My dream I want to be a/an_. I like_. I want to_. I can_. Writing My dream Choose: 1.I want to be _ artist. A. a B. an C. the 2.She wants to be _ engineer. A. the B. a C. an 3.I want to _ wonderful food? A. cooks B. cooking C. cook 4.I like _ planes. A. flying B. fly C. flies Do the exercise 1.want, a, be, pilot, to , I (连词成句连词成句) 2. I want to fly planes.(用用She改写改写) 3. do, want, be, what, you, to?(连词成句连词成句) I want to be a pilot. She wants to fly planes. What do you want to be ? Do the exercise There is no rich or poor and high or low difference in the job. 工作无贵贱高低之分 Homework 1.Talk about your dream with your parents or friends. 2.Read the dialog and copy it. 选择填空 1.I want to be _ artist. A. a B. an C. the 2.She wants to be _ engineer. A. the B. a C. an 3.I want to _ wonderful food? A. cooks B. cooking C. cook 4.I like _ planes. A. flying B. fly C. flies What Do You Want To Be?教学设计 教材分析: 本课为 EEC 五年级下册 Unit2 第二课时,本课围绕学生熟悉的 职业展开话题,通过本单元的学习,学生能用英语谈论未来的理想 职业并能将自己的爱好与理想相结合,表达自己未来想从事的工作。 教学目标: 1、能力目标 :能够听懂并谈论理想,锻炼学生的听说能力和日常口 语交际能力。 2、知识目标 :1)学会谈论各人的理想。 2) 学习职业和与之有关的活动。 3、情感目标 :让学生正确树立自己的人生观,树立崇高的理想,确立 自己未来理想的职业,并为其努力学习。 学情分析: 本课的教学对象是五年级的学生 ,他们通过小学五年的学习 , 对英语已经有了很大的兴趣。通过对频度副词的学习 ,帮助学生更 好的梳理自己的生活 ,抒发自己对未来的期望。五年级的学生接受 能力较强 ,很多学生已经形成了自己的学习方式 ,教师只需要稍加 引导,使学生力的培养十分重要,所以教师要为学生创造出适合他们 交际的环境,引导学生在贴近生活的环境中运用语言,让学生结合自 己的实际经历,表达自己的真情实感。 重点、难点: 单词 : pilot,engineer,design,spaceship,fantastic 句型 : What do you want to be? I want to be a(an) . . What do you want to do ? I want to. 注意区分“What do you want to be?” “What do you want to do?”。 教学过程: Greetings Revision I do you guess. Review the words:swimmer、pliceman、driver、doctor、cook. Leadingin T:Today,lets learn the Unit2. What do you want to be ? (板书课题)Read it in pairs.Who can answer my question?What do you want to be ? (板书)S:I want to be Do you know? What do Dongdong and Jane want to be ? Ss: No. PresentationPresentation 1、T: Look at the picture.This is Dongdong . He says “I want to be a pilot.”pilot 飞行员。Practice :Read it one by one. Spell it groups.(板书)pilot. Ask and answer.(小组) 2、Who can answer my question? T: What does the pilot want to do ? Ss:开 飞机。(图)fly( Read it in pairs) planes(Spell it one by one). What do you want to do? I want to fly planes.(板书) Ask and answer .(小组) 3、Look at the picture. This is Jane. She says:“I want to be an engineer.” 工程师 .Look and answer. Practice: Read it one by one. Spell it groups.T:Read. Ask and answer.(boys and girls) 4、T: What does the engineer want to do? (看图) Ss:设计飞船。 T: design spaceship. Practice: One by one read it. Read in pairs. Group read. Practice:1. Read the dialogue in pairs. Ask and answer. 2.I say you do. Ss: What do you want to be? S1: Do the action. S2:I want to be a/an(看动作猜) 3、Talking about your dream. 4、Writing about your dream. 5、Do exercises. Sum up: What did you learn this lesson? Everyone has a dream. We should study hard for it. At last ,I want to tell you: There is no rich or poor and high or low difference in the job. (ppt) Homework 1、Talk about your dream with your parents or friends. 2、Read the dialogue and copy it. Design of the blackboard Unit2 What Do You Want to Be? What do you want to be? I want to be a pilot. an engineer. What do you want to do? I want to fly planes. design spaceships. Reflection: 加强对学生学习策略的指导, 让他们在学习和运用的过程中逐 步学会如何学习, 做到: 1. 积极创造条件,让学生参与到阶段性学习目标,以及实现目标的方 法。 2. 引导学生结合语境,采用推测、查阅和协调的方法进行学习。 3. 引导学生在学习过程中, 进行自我评价,并根据需要调整自己的学 习目标和学习 策略。 对学生进行有效的评价 评价可以使学生认识自我,树立自信,有助于反思及调整自己的学 习过程。评价或 采用测验及非测验形式, 平时重视形成性评价,对学 生回答学习过程中的表现所改进的 成绩,及反映的情感、态度、策 略某方面进行及时的评价,如有口头评价、等级评价、 学生之间互 相评价等方法,充分发觉学生的进步,鼓鼓励学生自我反思、自我提高,测 验 以学生综合运用能力为目标、侧重于学生理解和获取信息的能力,减 少客观题,增加主管题。通过评价学生学会分析自己的成绩和不足,明 确努力方向。
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