教科EEC版五下Unit4 How Long Will You Stay There -Class 1 Textbook p.34-ppt课件-(含教案)--(编号:b0316).zip

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Unit 4 How Long Will You Stay There? visit Wonder Land learn Chinese go to Australia Q1:Is Mom ready to go? A1:Not yet. Q2:What does Mom want to do? A2:She wants to check her list. shirts socks pants raincoat umbrella books camera LIST 1.Do my homework 2.Play soccer 3.Draw a picture 4.Clean my room 5.Study English shirts socks pants books raincoat umbrella camera LIST Q1:Is Sandy ready to go? A1:Yes, she is. Q2:What did Sandy take? A2:She took her raincoat and umbrella. take your Sandy:Dont worry, Mom. Im ready to go. Dont . A:I cant find my mom. B:Dont worry. I will help you. A:Its raining. B:Dont worry. I have the umbrella. worry Q1:Whats wrong with Tino? A1:He forgot the camera. Q2:Who has the camera? A2:Sandy has the camera. get got cameraforgot the for for 过去式过去式 I forgot to feed the dog. Hes hungry. I forgot to water the flowers. They look too bad. Q1:Where are they going? A1:They are going to the airport. the读音的变化: 当它后面的单词以元音音素开头, 读音由【】 变为【i:】 。 Read them aloud. 1.the airport 2.the artist 3.the engineer 4.the orange 5.the umbrella 6.the eggs Chant: List,list,check my list. Raincoat,raincoat,take your raincoat. Worry, worry, dont worry. Camera, camera, forgot the camera. Airport, airport, go to the airport. Dad:Are you _ _ _? Mom:Not _. Let me _ _ _. Mom:Did you _ _ _ and _? Sandy:Dont _, Mom. Im _ _ _. Tino:Oh, I _ _ _ . Who _ _ _? Sandy:I _ _ _. Dad:OK. Lets _ _ _ . 1.Let me _(检查检查)my_.(清单清单) 2.Did you take your _?(雨衣雨衣) 3.Dont _.(担心担心) 4.Who has the _?(照相机照相机) 5.I forget the camera.(过去式过去式) _ 6.Lets go to the_. (机场机场) a.Yes,I do. b.No,I didnt. a.I have the camera. b.The camera is $150. a.Dont worry. I have the umbrella. b.Not yet. Read and check T or F. Jack:Good morning, Mary. Mary:Good morning,Jack. Jack:Are you read to go? Mary:Not yet. Let me check my list. Oh, I forgot my raincoat and camera. Jack:Dont worry. I have the camera. Mary:Great. Im ready to go. Jack:OK. Let us go to the airport. ( ) 1.Mary is ready to go at the beginning. ( ) 2.Jack forgot his raincoat and camera. ( ) 3.Jack has the camera. ( ) 4.Mary and Jack are going to the airport. F F T T Picnic Time water apples toast camera LIST ROLE PLAY Talk together and act it out. S1:Are you ready to go? S2:Not yet. Let me check my list. Did you take _ and _? S3:Yes, I did. Dont worry. Im ready to go. S4:Oh,I forgot the _. Who has the _? S3:I have the _. S1:OK. Lets go. water apples toast camera LIST HOMEWORK: 1.Write down the sentences with new words.(新词造句) (yet,check,list,raincoat,worry,forgot, camera,airport) 2.To think about your plans for the summer vacation and make a list. (暑期计划清单) UnitUnit 44 HowHow LongLong WillWill YouYou StayStay ThereThere ?教学设计教学设计 【 教学目标 】 知识目标:掌握单词 yet,check,list,raincoat,worry,forgot, camera,airport。 掌握句型 Who has .? I have . 能力目标:能听懂并理解故事中的人物对话。 能模仿录音,熟练朗读对话。 能扮演故事中的人物表演对话。 情感态度目标:乐于开口,敢于模仿,积极参与,帮助孩子养成做 事 要有计划的好习惯。 学习策略目标:学生能对故事作出预测,能在语境中猜测词意、句 意。 文化意识目标:学生懂得旅行时要做好周密的计划和准备。 【 教学重、难点 】 能够灵活运用所学语言根据实际情况进行对话,同时注意定冠 词 the 遇到元音音素开头的单词时读音的变化。 【 教学流程 】 一. 导入 简单复习第三单元的内容,出示图片引出 Sandy 一家要去 Wonderland。 二. 呈现 听录音,了解故事内容,为图片排序。 三. 新授 1.逐图听录音回答问题。 1)观察第一幅图回答问题并学习新词 yet, check, list。 Q1:Is Mom ready to go? Q2:What does Mom want to do? 2)观察第二幅图回答问题并学习新词 raincoat and worry。 Q1:Is Sandy ready to go? Q2:What did Sandy take? 3)观察第三幅图回答问题并学习新词 forgot and camera。 Q1:Whats wrong with Tino? Q2:Who has the camera? 4)观察第三幅图回答问题并学习新词 airport。 Q1:Where are they going? 2.通过课文情境学习新知。 3、学习课文,强化模仿。 1)听课文录音跟读,注意强化学生的语音语调。 2)分角色朗读课文。 3)看图说话。 四、巩固练习 1.补全句子,巩固新授单词 2.选择正确答语,掌握重点句型应用。 3.阅读判断,培养并提高学生阅读理解能力。 五、拓展练习 仿照课文,根据提示编辑对话,灵活运用所学语言进行表演。 六、作业 1.新词造句 2.完成暑期计划清单
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