教科EEC版五下Unit5 Where Is the Gift Shop -Class 1Textbook p.44-ppt课件-(含教案)--(编号:10377).zip

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Whats Sandys plan for the vacation? How do they go to the Wonder Land? Where does Sandy want to go? Pantomime 童话剧童话剧 Where does Sandy want to go? Where does Sandy want to go? gift shop How does Sandy ask the way? Does the man understand Sandy? Im sorry. Im sorry? Why does the man say “Im sorry?” Great. Because they speak different languages. So Sandy wears her earphone and asks again. 1.How does Sandy ask ? Does the man know where the gift shop is? 2.How does Sandy get there? go straight 1 2 民民生生路路民民生生路路 中山路小学中山路小学 turn left go straight turn right Where can Sandy find the gift shop? What else does the man say? white building Which one is the gift shop ? next to Its next to that building. next to Recite the story Listen and repeat. Excuse me. Is there a/an near here? Excuse me. Where is the? Excuse me. How can I go to the? Go straight block(s) and turn left/right. You can find it on your left/right. Go along the Yanan road until you see a gas station. Ask the wayShow the way When you have a trip with your family, if you cant find the way, can you ask the way? If other people ask you the way, would you like to do your best to help them show the way? Go straight two blocks and turn left. Its between the gift shop and the bank. Go straight one block and turn left. Its next to the supermarket. Go straight one block and turn right. Its on your left. Its next to the bookstore. Homework: Preview the next lesson. Sandy wants to go to the gift shop. What does she want to buy? How about Billy? Can you guess? 教学目标 让学生在语境中通过课文的语音输入和语言模仿,初步掌握交际句型 Is there a gift sho p near here?和 Go straight _ blocks and turn left/ right. 通过情境任务设置信息差,让学生在情境中进行语言交际运用。通过完成阅读练习,培养学 生的读写能力,同时通过开放式的作业布置有效拓展学生思维并有效提高学生语言综合运用 能力。 教学重点、难点:单词 straight 的发音,block 的应用。熟练掌握方位辨别,能够灵活运用 所学语言指路、问路,并能根据实际情况做出回答。 学情分析 五年级的学生通过三年的英语学习,已经具备了一定的语言学习能力和学习方法,储备了一 些语言知识。在四年级下册学习中,学生已经掌握了书店,医院,饭店等场所的名称,以及询 问地点的简单用语,这些都为本课学习内容问路,指路,打下了良好的基础。在本课中出 现的地点名词比较容易掌握,但具体怎样指路以及如何应用相关表达,需要通过操练、应用 等教学环节帮助学生理解消化。 重点难点 交际句型 Is there a gift shop near here?和 Go straight _ blocks and turn left / right. 教学过程 教学活动 【导入】whereisthegiftshop 一、歌曲引入,创设良好的学习氛围 T: Hello, boys and girls! Im Angela. Glad to see you here. Are you happy toda y? If youre happy, lets sing a song together- “To Market” (通过演唱英文歌曲,轻松课堂氛围,激活学生英语思维。) 二、复习地点名词,为学习语言新知做铺垫 T: Well, if you want to buy a fat pig, you can go to the market. And if your e very hungry, where can you go? S1: I can go to the restaurant. Ss: Yes, I can go to restaurant.(spell) T: There is a restaurant in Wonder Land. Can you guess what other places there are? S1: Is there a in Wonder Land? 教师提出问题,让学生思考,训练学生的英语思维,一生说答案,其他同学如果认为他说的对 就用英语重复或拼出单词,同时让猜对的学生把卡片贴到黑板上。以点带面,充分复习地点 名词,营造说英语的良好氛围,为学生的语言学习和交际活动做铺垫。 【讲授】whereisthegiftshop 1. T:Well done! Welcome to Wonder Land! This is the street, so we can cal l this part “block” (音形意) 学生分小组起立读(one block two blocks three bl ocks) 2. T: How many blocks are there in Wonder Land? (9) and in each block we have some buildings. (学习 building: the white building , left, right, on the left, on the right) 3. Tino is very hungry now, he wants to eat something, so hes going to th e restaurant. Wheres the restaurant? Its here. And Billy is here. So he can go this way.(边说边演示) but how can we tell him the way? Listen! (Model) Go straight two blocks and turn left, you can find it on your right.(通过交际自然 呈现本课新知,让学生对新知内容有初步的了解) 4. Game: 找朋友 (老师开小车说出要去的地方“Wheres _?” 通过学生运 用句型 Go straight./ Turn left. / Turn right.引导教师到达目的地。 老师示范后,找 学生到前面演示) 5. 带着问题听录音学习课文 T:Well, you all find your friends. Now do you want to meet our friend Sandy? Where is she going? And how can she get there? Lets look and listen. (初读课文,在插图的辅助下,利用录音对学生进行语言输入。用问题引领学生阅读、理解文 章,让学生在情境中体会语言。 ) 6. (录音反馈)回答问题 7. 听录音跟读正音 【活动】whereisthegiftshop 1. 多媒体街区图,集体问路指路,应用新知 2. 游戏:问路 一生面向黑板,老师将学生要去的地方卡片任意藏在一个“街区”内,学生转过身问路,通过 同学的帮助找到要去的地方 运用句型:A: Excuse me. Is there a _near here? B: Go straight- blocks and turn-, you can find it on your-. A: Thanks a lot. B. Youre welcome. 【练习】whereisthegiftshop 1. T: Well, you all help them find the way. And now I need your help. This is m y problem.(课件出示任务:按 A/B 卷的形式发给同学,每个同学的街区图中都没有他们要去 的两个地方,信息存在于对方的图中,通过小组问答的形式,画出路线图,并补全地点名称) 2.小组反馈:分组对话 六、运用所学语言,布置写作内容,延伸课堂教学 1.看图,阅读连线 2.看图,你能画出几条路线?写一写 (通过阅读练习及开放性的作业布置,拓展学生思维,提高学生的语言读写及应用能力) 【作业】whereisthegiftshop 1.看图,阅读连线 2.看图,你能画出几条路线?写一写 (通过阅读练习及开放性的作业布置,拓展学生思维,提高学生的语言读写及应用
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