教科EEC版五下Unit6 How's the Weather in Your Country -Class 3 Textbook p.56-57-ppt课件-(含教案)--(编号:50082).zip

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第三课时 weather cold hot coolwarm Whats the weather like ? 同义句 weather w snow sun rain wind cloud (复数)clouds sun cloud rain wind snow cloudy rainy windy snowy sunny weatherHows the ? Its Hainan Heilongjiang windy windy snowy snowy rainy rainy sunny sunny cloudy cloudy practicepractice windy windy snowy snowy rainy rainy sunny sunny cloudy cloudy Sichuan Beijing Shanghai Taiwan Xinjiang group workgroup work Hainan Xian season fall winter springsummer season Hows the weather in spring? Its warm and sunny. Its spring here. Were riding our bikes to the park. ride-riding Hows the weather in summer? Its hot and sunny. Were at the beach now. Its summer here. Hows the weather in fall? Its cool and windy. Its fall here. fly flying Were flying kites in the park. Hows the weather in winter? Its cold and clouldy. Were making a snowman. Its winter here. make -making spring summer fall winter start/stop Lets play a game 1 写出下列天气 _ _ 2 句型练习 the, hows ,weather?(连词) Were riding our bike to the beach.(一般) Homework:Homework: 听音模仿本课内容 背诵本课重点句型 介绍张 家口的四季 Lesson 6: Hows the Weather in Your Country? Period 3 一、Teaching Aims: 1. Knowledge aims: Review the words and phrases of four skills words; Past forms of the verb; Review the sentences of“Hows the weather in 季节、地方?= Whats the weather like in 季节、地方?” Practice the phonetic. 2. Ability aims: By the end of the lesson, the students should be able to: 1. Ss can communicate with each other about the weather and seasons. 2. Ss can express their ideas . 3. Focus of the lesson: 1. n adj; Phrases such as make a snowmanetc; sentences 2. Ss can use another way to talk about the weather. Ss can describe the weather of some cities. 4. Predicted area of difficulty: Ss can express their ideas of weather. 5. Emotion aims: 1. Help the Ss develop their self-learning abilities. 2. Improve the Ss abilities of communication and cooperation. 二、Teaching methods: Task-based teaching approach, TPR, 三、Teaching aids: pictures, A map of China. CAI 四、Teaching Procedures: Step I : Greeting Step II: Revision Part 1 warm up 1. Listen and sing. 设计意图:用歌曲作为课的开始,激发了学生的学习兴趣。给学生适当 了解有关天气的词汇。 2. Show some pictures about hot,warm,cool,cold; 游戏说明:Ss stand and say words quickly. PPT: warm; hot ;cool; cold ; weather, 设计意图:通过游戏能使学生集中注意力来复习所学过的词汇。 Part 2 new teaching T: Today Lets talk about the weather. 引导出 Hows the weather ?同义句 Whats the weather like? PPT: snow;sun;rain;讲授新单词 wind;cloud 通过图片引导, 1. T: What are these? (T shows a picture of the clouds)小组单词卡片教学, 分音节叫同学们读,拼单词。 设计意图:复习环节所涉及到的单词均是为本课的教学目标服务,能 够为学生学习本课新知做好语料的准备与铺垫。猜单词游戏的活动形 式可以在上课伊始将学生带入轻松活跃的英语课堂气氛中。 T: Lets see a weather forecast, please remember some words.(Using CAI, review some words about the weather sunny, cloudy, windy, rainy, snowy, hot, cool, cold, warm, ) T: Whats the weather like? (picture1) S: T: Its sunny. Ss to read it T: (picture2.3.etc) S: T: cloudy, windyetc Ss to read it Group teaching(小祖四人分工教授单词,读,拼,译,查) T: We have known some signs of the weather. Now I have so many signs of the weather, they are so nice, do you like them?And can you say the rules about these words? Ss: 设计意图:让学生自己总结规律体现了学生的自主学习,同时也让学 生对知识点加深印象。 T: Lets ask and answer according to the pictures about the weather. eg: Hows the weather? or Whats the weather like? T: Hows the weather in Hainan ? Ss: Its sunny. 2.Group work :work in your groups,ask and answer. Lets know more cities weather. Look at the map, talk about the weather of the cities. 组长: Hows the weather in Sichuan? 组员 1: T:Hows the weather in Taiwan? 组员 2: T: Hows the weather in Beijing? 组员 3: 设计意图:小组合作自主学习,通过对不同城市天气季节的问答训练, 让学生熟练掌握本课的知识点。 3.Play a game: 两组同学通过石头剪刀布可决定谁提问,谁回答,通过 激烈的游戏环节让同学们在玩中学,提高同学们参与的积极 性。 PartPart 3 3 Guide T:There are four seasons in a year.Yes or no? Ss: Yes. T:what are they? Ss:spring,summer,fall,winter. 板书 spring,summer,fall,winter.(贴 seasons) Hows the weather in spring? S1:Its warm and sunny. What are you doing in spring? S2;We are riding our bikes. 板书 riding our bikes 教授 summer,fall,winter,板书 at the beach,flying kites,making a snowman. Listen to the tape,1.listen;2.read after the tape;3.read in groups. Show time:you can choose one of the seasons,and introduce it for us. Group1,2,3 Step. Exercise Ss finish the exercises on the ppt. Hows the weather there? Its_ and_. Its _ here. Were_ to the beach. Hows the weather there? Its_ and_. Its _ here. Were_ to the beach. Step: Homework. 1.听音模仿本课内容 2.背诵本课重点句型 3.介绍张家口的四季
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