教科EEC版五下Unit6 How's the Weather in Your Country -Class 3 Textbook p.56-57-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)-部级优课-(编号:f0ac0).zip

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Hows the weather? Lesson 6 Hows the weather? 重庆 北京 青海 上海 Hows the weather in_? Its_. Its_ and_. Mohe sunny sunnywarm Beijing windy windyhot Shanghai cloudy cloudycool Chongqing rainy rainy cool Qinghai snowy snowycold 漠河 summer winter spring fall Hows the weather in ?Hangzhou Hello, Im Jack.I went to Hangzhou last year. Its spring there . Its warm and sunny . I rode my bike to the West Lake . What a beautiful city! He rode his bike to the West Lake. riderode I ride my bike to school every day. past tense I rode my bike to I rode my bike to the park yesterday. Hello, Im Jack. I went to Hangzhou last year. Its spring there . Its warm and sunny. I rode my bike to the West Lake . What a beautiful city ! Hints: Jack Hangzhou spring warm and sunny rode my bike beautiful Sanya fall cool and cloudy went to the beach flew kites swam and played fantastic city I went to Sanya with my family. Its fall there. Its cool and cloudy. I went to the beach. I flew kites at the beach. I swam and played in the water. What a fantastic city ! flew swam went 原形: fly 原形: go 原形: swim Where did Jack go in fall ? Hows the weather there ? What did he do there ? How is the city ? Jacks Trip There are four seasons in a year. Hows the weather in different seasons? Hello, Im Jack. I went to Hangzhou last year. Its spring there. Its warm and sunny. I rode my bike to the West Lake. What a beautiful city ! I went to Sanya with my family. Its fall there. Its cool and cloudy . I went to the beach. I flew kites at the beach. I swam and played in the water. What a fantastic city ! Jacks Trip There are four seasons in a year. Hows the weather in different seasons? Hello, Im Jack. I went to Hangzhou last year. Its spring there. Its warm and sunny. I rode my bike to the West Lake. What a beautiful city ! I went to Sanya with my family. Its fall there. Its cool and cloudy . I went to the beach. I flew kites at the beach. I swam and played in the water. What a fantastic city ! I went to _ . Its _ there. Its _ and _ . I _ . I _. What a _ city ! Im going to _ . Its _ there. Its _ and _ . I _ . I _ . What a _ city ! Im in _ . Its _ there. Its _ and _ . I _ . I _ . What a _ city ! My trip A回忆 C现场 B计划 I went to Sanya with my family. Its fall there. Its cool and cloudy . I went to the beach. I flew kites at the beach. I swam and played in the water. What a fantastic city ! Im going to Sanya with my family in fall . Its cool and cloudy . Im going to the beach. Im going to fly kites at the beach. Im going to swim and play in the water. What a fantastic city ! Im in Sanya with my family. Its fall here. Its cool and cloudy . Im at the beach now . Im flying kites at the beach . Im swimming and playing in the water. What a fantastic city ! nice summe r spring What a _ city! interesting things weather season good funny fall warm and sunny go hiking wonderful hot and sunny fantastic cool and cloudy go swimming beautiful cold and windy hot and foggy(雾的) fly kites cool and rainy have a snowball fight(打雪仗) clean make a snowman winter go on a picnic cold and snowy winterwinter Write down your trip, then talk about them . climb a mountain Homework: 1. Read the passage fluently . 2. Please introduce your trip to your parents or your friends. “学习设计学习设计”备课方案备课方案 课课 题题Lesson 6 Hows the weather ? 学学 情情 分分 析析 学习材料分析(课程标准、学习材料的特点、重难点、先前教学经验反思等)学习材料分析(课程标准、学习材料的特点、重难点、先前教学经验反思等) 本课为 EEC 教材小学课本五年级下册 Lesson 6 Hows the weather ?的第 二课时。英语课程标准指出:五年级学生要求能在图片和教师的指导下读懂并讲 述简单的小故事。本单元主要有以下四个板块:Have fun 1 , Practice 1 , Have fun 2 ,Practice 2 .本课时学习的是第二板块 Practice 1 的内容。主要学 习有关天气的交际用语,通过有关天气的英语表达,让学生了解不同地点的不同 气候以及人们可以参与的不同活动,并学会区分一般现在时和一般过去时的用法, 综上分析,我确定本课时的学习重点是:1.Hows the weather there ? Its and .即:描述不同季节天气的变化;2.Sb. did sth. in ,在一般现在 时的基础上,学会动词过去式的变化,并用过去时来表述在不同的季节曾经做过 的趣事。这不但是本课时的学习重点,更是本单元学生学习的重中之重。为了更 好地提高学生的能力,让不同层次的学生都有所收获,我对原有比较简单的教材 内容进行了文本再构,通过我的好朋友 Jack 介绍他的旅行经历,不但将课本原有 内容融入到语篇中,还拓展了短语,在情境中使文本内容更加丰富。 本节课我通过多次试讲,多次修改,形成了现在的学案设计。试讲反思 修改,再试讲再反思再修改,从而使得操练形式由机械化到趣味化, 朗读方式由单一化到多样化,尤其是学习任务的设计上,也更加有梯度。 学生情况分析(学生认知基础、学习能力、习惯、学习兴趣及差异状况等)学生情况分析(学生认知基础、学习能力、习惯、学习兴趣及差异状况等) 经过四年多的英语学习,学生们已具备了初步阅读、朗读和简单复述的能 力。在故事的阅读理解中,学习动词过去式 flew,rode,swam。通过学习、操练、 掌握、运用新单词帮助学生理解整个语篇,并能描述不同季节所做的事情。通过 3 次任务单的练习,帮助学生理解语言,运用所学习的语言知识,使得学生的学 习有深度和难度的提高。本次参与教学的班级是五(3)班,该班共有学生 61 人, 班级学生的英语基础有明显的好坏之分,对已学句式一般过去时和一般现在时的 掌握牢固程度也有差别。鉴于此教师从一开始对语篇的听读训练,过去时的巩固, 学学 习习 目目 标标 知识与能力知识与能力: 1、熟练掌握并运用有关四季天气问 答的句型: Hows the weather there ? Its and . 2、听读并理解人们在不同季节所做 的不同事情,学会一般过去时的 运用。Sb. did sth. in . 3、掌握相关动词的过去式: riderode fly-flew swim-swam 过程与方法过程与方法: 1、利用歌曲、free talk 自然引入 情境。 2、通过看听语篇,习得句型,理解 句意,。 3、以任务单为支架,描写自己的旅 行经历,并与同伴交流,从而提升 乃至到句型的运用,给不同能力的学生都提出了不同的任务要求。此外班级学生 在英语学习能力方面也存在一定差异,大部分学生有良好的学习态度和学习热情, 但也有部分学生性格内向,胆子较小,需要在课堂中及时的鼓励。由此,我设计 了不同层次的学习内容和活动,使班级学生整体上都学有所得。 学生的阅读、写作能力。 情感、态度、价值观情感、态度、价值观: 培养学生良好的听读习惯及对语 篇积极学习的态度。体会语篇中人物 愉悦的心情,使学生更加热爱大自然, 从而更加热爱生活。 学习任务及要求学习任务及要求导学要点导学要点学习评价及反馈学习评价及反馈备注备注 教师根据课前的学情分析确立若干有逻 辑联系的具体明确的学习任务(含:完 成学习任务所期望达到的结果) 为学生完成学习任务,达到任务目标,教师整合各 种要素所设计的引导学生学习的各个环节 用什么方法、形式判断是否达成 学习目标及反馈矫正 设计说明、生成性问题及 处置、课后反思、教学一 得等。 Talk freely and revision : 引出课题 T : What day is it today? What season is it? Hows the weather in spring ?. Review the past tense with a chant. 学生是否能够专注地听看,并且 有及时的表情或言语的反馈 Sing a song : Hows the weather ? 活跃课堂气氛,自然引出下一环节的讨 论。 通过全班同学的共同吟唱来活跃课堂气氛,使学生 在轻松愉快的氛围中融入接下来的课堂讨论。 学生是否能主动参与,带着愉悦 地心情投入到课堂 Know about “Hangzhou” : Learn the new sentences 通过提问来检查学生听看的效率,引出 新授句型 1. 通过提问引出句型: T : Hows the weather in Hangzhou? What did she do in spring ? 2. 生生对读,组间问答练习巩固新句型 Hows the weather there ? Its warm and sunny. 3. 了解一般过去时:ride-rode She rode her bike to the West Lake . 学生是否能理解句子含义 是否能进行自如问答 是否能掌握动词过去式的变化 Use the new sentence pattern 在教师的引导下正确运用新授句型,并借 助任务单帮助学生表达语言,巩固句型 1.分角色朗读语段 2.T:Who wants to be Jack ? Talk about your trip . 学生是否能正确熟练朗读语段。 是否能正确地运用新的语言进行 表达。 任务单:Hints: Jack / Hangzhou Spring / warm and sunny rode my bike / beautiful Know about “Sanya” : 带着问题听语段,有效训练听力的同时 让学生了解三亚 Question: 1.Where did you go in fall? 2.Hows the weather there ? 3.What did he do there? 4.How is the city ? 学生是否能够专注地听看,并且 有及时的表情或言语的反馈 Use the new sentence pattern 通过总结操练来巩固新句型,然后借助 任务单帮助学生表达语言,达到运用语 言的目的 1.结合句型,讲解过去式,分组操练。 fly-flew: I flew kites at the beach . Swim-swam: I swam and played in the water . go-went : I went to the beach . 2.利用任务单,复述 Jacks trip 学生是否能正确掌握动词过去式 的变化。 学生是否能正确运用所学语言进 行复述。 任务单:Hints: Sanya / fall / cool and cloudy / went to the beach / Flew kites / swam and played / fantastic Read the passage “Jacks trip” Talk about “My trip” : 合理提议,拓展运用 1.分角色朗读整个语篇 2.T : Jacks trip is wonderful , I think maybe you also have good trips , please write down your trip and talk about them .(学生根据自己的实际想法,选 择去过,打算去或者正在旅游的地方,从任务 单中选择一项来完成此项操练) 学生是否能有感情地朗读课文 学生是否能根据提示书写表述自 己的经历。 任务单:My trip I went to _ in _。 Its _ and _. I _ . I _ . What a _ _ ! Im going to _。 Its _ and _. Im going to _ . I _ . What a _ _ ! Im in _ now. Its _ and _. Im _ . I _ . What a _ _ ! Homework: 朗读语篇并运用语言 1.Read the passage fluently . 2.Talk about your trip to your parents and friends. 板书:板书: Lesson 6 Hows the Weather ? Hows the weather there? ride-rode fly-flew Its warm and sunny . swim-swam
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