教科EEC版五下Unit1 What Would You Like to Eat -Class 1 Textbook p.4-教案、教学设计--(配套课件编号:829d5).doc

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1、 教学内容:EEC 五年级下册 P10-11 教学重点:1.单词 salad spaghetti lemonade 2.句型 what would you like to eat?Id like/Howabout you? 教学过程: 一、 Warm up 1.课前感知食物图片,创设教学氛围 2.greetings:Hello,boys and girls.How are you?What day is it today?Whats the date today?Hows the weather?Today lets continue to learn lesson 1 (板书课 题) T:w

2、e know Billy is very hungry.He wants to eat something.Where does he want to go?do you know? S:snack bar T:yes,you are right.there are many delicious food here.(指向黑板) Whats your favourite food? S: I like T:whats my favourite food ?do you know? S:. T: lets watch TV 二、 Present 1.i like salad.(强调第二个字母 a

3、 的发音)方法:1.分组读 2.自愿读 2.T: I like spaghetti,too.Lets play a game.listen to the word 3 times and guess the letters.there are 9 letters.Now listen!(学生猜字母,猜出后学习单词) 方法:1)跟电脑读 2)强调“p”发音 3)分解教授发音 spa-ghe-tti 4)拍手读单词, 找几名学生拍手读一读 5)找一组读 T:Do you like spaghetti?S:yes / no 3.Whats my favourite drink?Can you gue

4、ss? S: * May be.Its possible. T:watch TV.I like lemonade.listen and guess. T:follow the computer.follow me,lemonade,whats the meaning of lemon? 单词的重音在第二个音节上。Lets clap the word.lets read it team by team. Ill choose a team.lets read it one by one.方法:1)强调重音在第二个音节 2) 分解读 lemon-ade 3)拍手读 4)小组读 5)开火车 T:Do

5、 you like lemonade? 4.Ok,if you are hungry,what would you like to eat?(一名学生回答,Id like) T:Now lets look at the sentence.follow the computer.now pay attention to the stress.what 和 eat 是重读单词, would you 连读, 教师做示范, read it again.Read it by yourself. 学习句子 what would you like to eat?方法:1)全体跟录音读 2) 简要说明重音符号

6、和连读符号,再跟读。3)学生模仿读 5.T:Together ask me.s:what would you like to eat?T:Id like a hamburger and an orange juice.表示我想要某种食物,用 Id like后面加上食物,领读 2 遍, 问学生(3 名)第 4 名问:How about you?他表示“你呢”,为了避免重复,我们 不用 What would you like to eat?而用 how about you?now follow the computer.pay attention to the stress.重读单词是?s: ho

7、w you T:who can read it? 6.Listen to the tape T:Now lets listen to the chant,open your books,turn to page 10,the first time you shoule listen and answer the questions.the second time you should follow the tape.and the third time team 1 you read part 1 team 2 you read part 2 together read part 3,ok?(

8、接下来可让他们自由读,然后提问 3 组人) 7.Ppt 出示:在点餐的特定情境下,下面单词可用数词修饰 a Coke,(一杯)a French fries,(一份)a pizza,(一块)a spaghetti,(一份)a lemonade,(一杯) an orange juice(一杯),an ice cream(一份) 没有复数形式的单词:two spaghetti,two pizza,two lemonade,two ice cream 三、Practice 1.Team work T:lets play a game.you ask your neighbors “what would

9、 you like to eat?id like”ok? 2.分组竞赛 T:Lets play a game.give me a quick answer.then there are some food will disappear,team 1 ask”what would you like to eat?what would you like to eat?”and team 2 guess ,you should say”Id likeif you are right you will choose a kind of food. 3.调查表和阅读 1)T:boys and girs

10、look at me,who am I ?im a salesperson.you are customers.welcome to KFC.You should ask your friends and finish the blanks then one student will oder meals. T:can I help you? S:yes,please.id likeT:For here or to go?ok.here you are.Enjoy your lunch.(2 组之后找学生当服务员,可在进行 2 组) 2)T:I have a problem,can you help me?look at the dialogue,read it and write your answers. 四、Homework Complete the dialogue. 板书设计: What would you like to eat ? 图片spaghetti 图片lemonade Id like a () and ().


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