人教版八下-Uuit 3 Could you please clean your room -Section A 1a—2d-教案、教学设计-省级优课-(配套课件编号:d5d7f).doc

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人教版八下-Uuit 3 Could you please clean your room -Section A 1a—2d-教案、教学设计-省级优课-(配套课件编号:d5d7f).doc_第1页
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人教版八下-Uuit 3 Could you please clean your room -Section A 1a—2d-教案、教学设计-省级优课-(配套课件编号:d5d7f).doc_第2页
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人教版八下-Uuit 3 Could you please clean your room -Section A 1a—2d-教案、教学设计-省级优课-(配套课件编号:d5d7f).doc_第3页
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人教版八下-Uuit 3 Could you please clean your room -Section A 1a—2d-教案、教学设计-省级优课-(配套课件编号:d5d7f).doc_第4页
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人教版八下-Uuit 3 Could you please clean your room -Section A 1a—2d-教案、教学设计-省级优课-(配套课件编号:d5d7f).doc_第5页
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1、1 一、教材内容分析一、教材内容分析 本单元是人教版八年级英语下册的第三单元, 包括四个板块的内容 (Section A, Grammar Focus, Section B, Self Check),这一单元的四个大部分基本上都 围绕着“chores”这一话题展开,语言技能和语言知识都是依据这一中心话题 而设计的。要求学生学会用句型“Could you please.?”和“Could I .?” 来委婉地提出请求或征求别人的许可,以及如何有礼貌地拒绝别人并表达自己 的理由,陈述自己的好恶。学完本单元,学生学会如何与人礼貌地沟通,通过 谈论家务,学做家务,体会劳动的艰辛,从而理解并尊重父母为自

2、己的付出, 同时身体力行,帮助父母做力所能及的家务。 二、学习者特征分析二、学习者特征分析 本班学生英语基础知识较弱,学生学过小部分的家务活的单词及短语,但掌握 不牢固,加之大部分学生语言表达能力较弱,不敢表达,害怕说错,学习的主 动性和积极性不够。但学生态度端正,有小部分学生上课很积极,并且大胆创 新。因此,教师在授课过程中要多给与细节的铺垫和引导,在学生完成任务时, 要给与及时的肯定和鼓励。 三、教学目标三、教学目标 2 1.Knowledge aims (1)Vocabulary: rubbish,fold,sweep,floor,mess (2)Language focus: Coul

3、d your please.? Yes,sure./Of course./No problem./Sorry, I have to. Could I.? Yes, you can./No, you cant. do the dishes, take out the rubbish, fold your clothes, sweep the floor, make your bed, get a ride,stay out late, go out for dinner. 2.Ability aims listening and speaking ability. 3.Emotional aim

4、s develop students awareness to share housework with their families and teach students learn to take care of them. 4.Teaching strategies situatioal teaching method,task-based teaching method 5.Cultural awareness In many countries, older children and teenagers are expected to do some chores to help o

5、ut at home. They may do their assigned chores every day, or takes turns with their brothers or sisters to do these chores. 四、四、教学重点、难点教学重点、难点 1.Make polite requests and ask for permissions. 2.2.Students can communicate with others using the key vocabulary and the target language 3 learned in this cl

6、ass in every situation. 五五、教学环境与教学媒体选择、教学环境与教学媒体选择 multimedia,pictures,video ,worksheet 六六、教学过程、教学过程 教学过程教学过程教师活动教师活动学生活动学生活动设计意图设计意图 T: Hello,Everyone!Today I bring a small gift to you all. Its a video.Lets enjoy it. StepStep 1 1 Lead-inLead-in 1.Greeting 2.Lead-in T:Do you think the mother in the

7、video is busy? Do you think your mother is busy? Can you help your mother do some chores?“do chores” 1.Enjoy a video. 2.Answer questions 相互问候拉近师生之间 的距离;视频导入,即给 学生情感的导入,也导入 本节课的主题做家务。 StepStep 2 2 PretationPretation 1.Use sentence to teach new words and phrases. (1)T:Canyoudothedishes? do the dishes(

8、Teach four times) T:Could you please do the dishes? (2)take out the rubbish (3)fold your clothes (4)sweep the floor (5)make your bed (6)clean the living room 2. Let students to repeat these phrases twice. 1.Studentsanswer questionsaccordingto teachers questions Ss:Yes,sure./No problem. Ss:Yes,sure./

9、No problem. 2.ReadTogether:Could you please do the dishes? Yes,sure./No 3.Studentsrepeatthese phrases twice. 把本课生词的教授放在 句子中教授,让学生在每 一个小语境中来学生词, 同时潜移默化中导入主 要 句 型 “ Couldyou please.?” ; 通过让学生重 复来确认学生对新授生 词发音的掌握;+ 4 T: I will give you two minutes to recite these phrases. Then I will check it. 3. Give s

10、tudents two minutes to recite. 3.Recitethese phrasesintwo minutes. 限时记单词训练学生短时记 忆。 T: Lets make a memory test. If you know the answer, stand up and say it out StepStep 3 3 MemoryMemory testtest Teacher shows the pictures one by one Students stand up and say out phrases they know according to picture

11、s 记忆测试一方面检查学生记 忆情况, 另一方面活跃气氛, 激发学生兴趣。 T: This evening Peters grandma is coming over, so Peter and his mother need to do chores.Lets listen who will do these chores? StepStep 4 4 Listening 1.Play the listening material of 1b twice. 2.Givestudentssentences structure of checking answers. 3.Leadstudents

12、tocheck answers together. 1.Listen twice. 2.Check answers like this: Petersmotherwill_ 、 _and_. Peterwill_、 _and_. 3.Check answers together. 给学生创设听力情景,用简 单的听力入门训练,调节学 生学习情绪,增加他们听力 练习信心,训练学生的听选 信息能力,另外,让学生感 知作为学生有义务分担家 务;先听后说,由听到说做 一个简单的输出,增强学生 学习信心。 T:Lets help Peter and his mother do chores. Before

13、 we do it, lets find out these chores in rooms and make sure tasks like this: 5 S Steptep 5 5 Pair work 1.Teacher find out four chores inroomsandshowan example. A: Could you please_? B:Yes,sure.Couldyou _? A:Well,couldyou please_?Imgoing to_? B: No problem. 2.Ask one student to come to platform to h

14、elp teacher make an example. 3.Give students two minutes to practice and ask three pairs of students to show it. 1.Onestudentworkswith teacher to make an example. 2.Studentspracticeintwo minutes 3.Three pairs of students come to the platform to show it. 通过在房间图片里找家务, 锻炼学生的细心观察能力; 学生边拖拽家务短语边组对 话,鼓励学生积

15、极参与,锻 炼学生的动手能力和语言表 达能力。整个活动是任务输 出,让学生达到学以致用的 目的。 Lets thinking: In the conversation, if Peters mother says “Peter, take out the rubbish!”,will peter do it? If Peters mother says “can you take out the rubbish?”,will Peter do it? Peters mother said “Could you please take out the rubbish?” and Peter di

16、d it. StepStep 6 6 ThinkinThinking 1.Askquestionstolead students to think. 2.Ask a student to read the otherthreesentencewith differentintonationand feelings. 3. Lead students to get the usageof“Couldyou please.?” 1.Studentsthinkandanswer “Yes”、 “Maybe” 、 “No”. 2.One student imitates the other three

17、 sentences 3.All the students Conclude:We canuse“Couldyou please.?”tomakepolite requests. 学生通过感受老师的示范, 然后亲自模仿体验,来总结 “Could you please.?”可用于 表示礼貌请求. 6 1.T:Saturday is coming. Peter asks his father if he can do the four things. Lets read these things. 2.T:Lets listen what his father says. 3.T:Lets lis

18、ten why Peters father says “No”. StepStep 7 7 ListeningListening 1.Ask students to read the four things: 2.Play the listening materials of 2a twice. 3.Give sentence structure of checking answers and ask one student to check. Peter wants to.His father says “Yes”. Peter also wants to.His father says “

19、No”. 4.Askallthestudentstocheck together. 5.Play the listening material of 2b once. 6.Give sentence structure and ask one student to check answers 7. Askallthestudentstocheck answers together. 1. Studentsreadthefour phrases. go out for dinner go to the movies stay out late get a ride 2. Listen twice

20、. 3. One student checks answers. 4. Check answers together. 5. Listen again. 6. Check answers like this: Peter wants to. His father says “No”.Because Peter has. Peter also wants to.His father says“Yes”.BecausePeters father has. 7.7. Check answers together. 通过完成两个听力训 练让学生感知 “Could I.?” 用于礼貌地请求 允许。通过检

21、查答案 让学生做一个简单的 语言输出,进一步加 深所听内容。 T:Its Sunday.And Peter still has more things want to do. He talks with his father like this: StepStep 8 8 PairPair workwork 1. Teacher gives an example. P: Could I use your computer? F:Sorry.Imgoingto_(work on/use)it now. P: Well, could I_? F: Yes, you can,but first yo

22、u have to _. P:OK./Sure./Ofcourse./No problem./Certainly. 3.3. Teacher and a student give an example. 1.Onestudentworkwith teacher to give an example. 4. Studentspracticewith partners and show. 内容上加强学生本节 课重点句型“Could I.? “的理解和综合输 出,情感上让学生体 会到不是所有的请求 都会理所当然的被满 足,并且学生应当学 会和家人分担家务。 7 T: Now we will comp

23、ete for the Top Funny comedians, These are rules. Rule 1 good oral English. Rule 2 active. Rule 3 humorous. Rule 4 cooperative. StepStep 9 9 GroupGroup workwork 1. Teacher announces the rules and programmes. 2.Teacher organizes students to practice this programmes in five minutes 3.Teacherevaluateso

24、neby one. 1.Students practice in group in five minutes. 3. Four groups act one by one. (1) The Opening Preparation for Dingniu Restaurant (2) Boonie Bears-Preparation for New Year Party (3) Class Clean-up Day (4) SnowWhiteandSeven Dwarfs 通过图片和语言给学生创 设一个情景,让学生通过 组内活动培养学生小组合 作意识,鼓励所有学生积 极参与。另外以话剧的形 式来

25、激发孩子的学习兴 趣,使学生在学中找到乐 趣,在玩中学到知识。上 台表演锻炼孩子的语言表 达能力。 七、课堂小结七、课堂小结 1. Chore. do the dishessweep the floor take out the rubbishmake your bed clean the living roomfold your clothes 2. Make polite requests. Could you please.? Yes, sure./Of course./No problem. Sorry, I have to. 3. Ask for permission. Could

26、I.? Yes, you can. No, you cant. 让学生聚焦所学重点词汇和重点句 型,再次加深本节课重点知识的印 象。 帮助学生归纳本节课所学重点, 使所学知识条理化,便于记忆。 8 八、家庭作业八、家庭作业 1.To be a better boy a better girl, write an article about your plan of next weekend. What chores are you going to do to help your parents? Sentence: I am going to. 2. Do as your plan next

27、 weekend. 通过对所学知识的运用,做一个简 单的写作书输出,从情感上引导和 鼓励学生与父母分担家务,而布置 实际任务是引导学生从实际行动上 体谅父母。 九、板书九、板书 Unit 3 Could you please clean your room ? Period 1 (Section A1a-2c) Could you please.? Yes, sure./Of course./No problem. Sorry, I have to. Could I.? Yes, you can. No, you cant. 9 十、教学反思十、教学反思 亮点:亮点: 1.本节课力求通过一系列

28、切近学生生活实际的教学设计,激发学生学习英语的 兴趣,培养学生自主学习以及合作学习的意识和能力,使学生初步掌握做家务 这一话题的会话能力。 2.教学过程中根据学生的心理和生理特征,采用游戏、任务和教学相结合的方 法,同时积极鼓励学生进行情景交际,让学生在教师的指导下通过感知、体验、 实践、参与和合作的方式,感受成功。 3.教学过程中注重环节与环节之间的有机联系,精心设计,导入自然,做到环 环相扣,是学生真正做到学以致用。 4.教学过程中注重听力策略的有效引导,和会话示范的层次性。活动注重师生 互动,生生互动,学生与白板互动,更注重趣味性和学生的广泛参与。 不足:不足: 1.教学小结可以通过框架引导让学生自己总结这堂课学到了什么。 2.教学中让学生重复短语那一环节的指令和手势不是特别清晰,学生似乎没有 听明白要求,一直在重复第一个短语直到后来提示了才反应过来。 3.教师评价的部分口语中的个别的单词学生可能没有学过,不知道什么意思。 所以部分口头评价没有起到评价的目的。 4.教师的授课过程中的表情不够自然,教师的语言缺乏亲和力。 5.Top Funny Comedians 环节的气氛的渲染不够,活动过程设计有些粗糙,活动 前准备不充分,评价机制的气氛欠缺。 6.教学课件的制作过程中底版的选择偏白,上课过程中部分学生的位置看起来 有点反光。 10


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