人教版八下-Unit 6 An old man tried to move the mountains.-Section A 3a—3c-教案、教学设计-省级优课-(配套课件编号:4114b).docx

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人教版八下-Unit 6 An old man tried to move the mountains.-Section A 3a—3c-教案、教学设计-省级优课-(配套课件编号:4114b).docx_第1页
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人教版八下-Unit 6 An old man tried to move the mountains.-Section A 3a—3c-教案、教学设计-省级优课-(配套课件编号:4114b).docx_第2页
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1、教学内容分析 教学内容:八年级下 Unit 6An old man tried to move the mountains. 教学对象:吉大力旺八年级学生 37 人。学生为中上水平,能够适应八年级教学用语,基本 可以进行全英授课。 教学方法:任务型教学 教学目标: 语言能力:100%学生能理解文章大意并能简要叙述孙悟空这个人物形象; 50%学生能根据自己的理解描述不同的孙悟空。 文化品格:100%学生能从孙悟空身上体会面对困难,永不放弃。 思维品质:100%学生能通过阅读完成任务,通过分析和概括孙悟空的外貌、能力、性 格和品质等方面锻炼思维;20%能结合其他英雄人物谈谈自己的认识。 学习能力:

2、100%学生能通过不同方面评价一个人物形象;30%能结合自身理解给出更 多观点并反思自我。 教学重点:学习从不同方面评价一个人物形象。 教学难点:根据实际情况客观评价一个人。 教学过程(T: teacher, Ss:students) 1. 欣赏一带一路之歌 ,引出孙悟空这个人物形象。 (设计意图:“一带一路”倡议在国际国内反响强烈,对于学生是应知应会的内容。用二者之 间的联系引出本课主要人物形象。 ) T: Lets enjoy a song first. (T shows a video to Ss) Do you know the song? Its the song of the Be

3、lt and Road. And its popular recently. There are two main characters from one story in the video. Who are they? Ss: Sun and Tang. T:Yes. Today we will learn more about Sun Wukong. Lets go on our lesson. 2. 略读文章,完成任务一,回答问题。 (设计意图:让学生对文章有大致了解。 ) T:Everybody has got a piece of paper and there are some

4、tasks you need to finish. Lets read the passage and finish the tasks. Now, open your books and turn to page 43. Skim the passage and finish task 1. (Ss skim the passage and answer the questions.) Ss:. 3. 通读文章,完成每段大意。 (设计意图:通过完成大意检验学生是否对文章有整体把握。 ) T:Now Read the passage again and finish the main idea

5、 of each paragraph. (Ss Read the passage again and finish the main idea of each paragraph and fill in the blanks.) T:Time is up. Who can read the whole sentence and then translate it into Chinese? Ss:. 4. 从外貌、能力、性格和品质四方面分析孙悟空。 (设计意图:使学生对孙悟空有全面的认识。 ) T: Now we will analyze the Monkey King from four a

6、spects: Appearance, Ability, Personality and Spirit. 5. 通过阅读文章和小组讨论的方式分析孙悟空外貌。 (设计意图:锻炼学生读取信息能力和表达能力。 ) T:First, read the passage and then have a discussion about what the Monkey King looks like. (Ss read first and then have a discussion with their partners.) T: Ok, whod like to say something? S1: H

7、e looks like a monkey. He. 6. 分析孙悟空能力。 (设计意图:使学生学会运用已学和已知内容。 ) T:We have learned what the Monkey King looks like. Next, lets see what he can do. Read the passage and finish the right part of your sheet. (Ss read and then have a discussion with their partners.) T:Stop here. What can the Monkey King d

8、o? S2: He can turn himself into different animals and objects. T: What else can he do? S3:He can command nature power with spells. T: We know the Monkey King becomes powerful with the magic stick. Lets learn something about his magic stick. 7. 分析孙悟空性格。 (设计意图:使学生学会从不同方面评价人物。 ) T: What do you think of

9、 the Monkey King? Please use an adjective to describe him and give the reason. You can talk about him from two parts: strong points and weak points. For example, I think the Monkey King is brave because he is always the first to fight with demons. S4: I think the Monkey King is powerful because he d

10、efeats many demons. S5: I think the Monkey King is faithful because he follows Tang Sanzang though he knows it is dangerous. S6: I think the Monkey King is violent because he kills many people. Ss:. 8. 分析孙悟空品质。 (设计意图:让学生通过阅读和分析文章,体会在困难中坚持奋斗,不轻言放弃。 ) T:What can you learn from the Monkey King? S7: He

11、keeps fighting to help the weak and never gives up. 9. 讨论一下不同英雄人物形象并谈谈从他们身上能学到什么。 (设计意图:让学生通过分析和思考,学习英雄人物身上的优秀品质。 ) T: What other heroes do you know? Any hero is Ok. He may come from China or other countries. Ss:. S8: They give hope to people to get over the difficulty they face. S9: They solve the

12、problems that are difficult for normal people. S10: They are always there to save the weak in trouble. 10. 回顾所学,总结评价孙悟空。 (设计意图:使学生通过 4 个方面评价孙悟空,拓展训练思维。 ) T:Lets give comments on the Monkey King from the four parts. You can use the words and expressions to help you. 11. 作业。 (设计意图:结合学生理解,重述孙悟空的故事。加强学生

13、记忆。 ) T:Tell the story of the Monkey King in English to your friend . Ok, class is over. 附件: 学生阅读任务单。 1. Skim the passage and answer the questions. 1)Which book is talked about? 2) Who is the main character ? 2. Finish the main idea of each paragraph. Paragraph 1: The Monkey King ispupils in England

14、 not to Chinese children. Paragraph 2: The Monkey King is not just amonkey-he can do magical things. Paragraph 3: Western children are also becomingthe story of the Monkey King. 3. What does the Monkey King look like ? 4.What do you think of the Monkey King ? 5. What can we learn from the Monkey King ? ChangesSome areSome are. ThingsAnimals_ _HugeTiny _RoundSquare What can Monkey King do? He can turn himself into different _ and _ . He can _ into anything He can become huge to the size of a mountain or become _ to the size of a hair.


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