冀教版(三起)六下-Unit 4 Li Ming Comes Home-Lesson 24 Danny’s Surprise Cake-ppt课件-(含教案+视频)--(编号:80f13).zip

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Lesson24 Dannys Surprise Cake Unit4LiMingComesHome 冀教版-六年级英语下册 aChinese kite alittlered dragon abeautiful cake nine cookies Lets listen and watch!Lets listen and watch!Lets listen and watch!Lets listen and watch! 1.WhatisDannygoingtodo? 2.WhatdoesDannydoonthecake? 3.WhatdoesMr.Woodbring? 4.Whobringsthesecookies? 5.Doyoulikethesecookies? 6.Aretheyspecial? Picture1-3 Dannyearlyinthemorning. Todayis.Hisclassisgoing to.Heisgoingto. getsup thelastdayofschool haveapartymakeacake Whenthecakeiscool,heon it.Dannytoschool.He1 becausethecakeisheavy. makes a special picture takeshiscake walksslowly Intheafternoon,theclasspartybegins. Mr.Woodbrings. Jennybrings. Everycookieintheclass. someicecream somecookies lookslikeastudent Picture4-6 1.Isthecakegoodtoeat?Why? 2.WhatisinDannyscake? 3.Now,doyouthinkDannys cake isspecial? Dannyscakeis,too.“It. Danny!”saysJenny.“Thanks!Its,” saysDanny. speciallooksgreat asurprisecake Everyonehas,and .Thenagirlsays,“Danny,I thinkyou.”Oh,no!Thecake !Danny! acookieapieceofcake someicecream forgotsomething isntgoodforgotthesugar Sooneveryonehas.cake hasinit!“Thats!”saysDanny. “Thanks,Danny!Thiscakeis!” everyonesays. adollarEverypieceof thesurprise thebest adollar Picture7-8 1.Whosendsthesurprise caketoLiMing? 2.WhatdoesLiMingfindin thebox?Whatelse? 3.Whatsthesurprisein Dannyscake? Mr.Woodgetsaboxand init. Thenheon thebox. putsapieceofsurprisecake writesLiMingsaddress ,LiMinggetsaboxfromCanada. Inside,he!There is,too.LiMinglooksinsidethecake. Aweeklater findsapieceofveryold,verydrycake aletter 复述复述 故事故事 如果你是李明,请给丹尼回一封邮件,告诉 丹尼你收到的惊喜。 Lesson 24 Dannys Surprise Cake 教学设计 冀教版 六年级下册 教材分析教材分析 第 24 课是以单元主题 “Li Ming Comes Home”为线索的 故事课,本课讲述了丹尼的班级在上学的最后一天准备举行 聚会,丹尼给同学们带来了惊喜,同时,伍德先生把丹尼的 这份惊喜寄给了已回国的李明。本课以故事插图和文字相结 合的方式来帮助学生回顾本单元所学词汇及句型。 学情分析学情分析 本课的教学对象是六年级学生,他们已经具备了简单的 英语说、写的输出能力。但学生英语表达能力水平不一,复 述故事对学生来讲是有挑战性的,想要激发学生的积极性, 就必须降低语言复述的难度,先通过听读课文 2 遍,对故事 有一个大致的了解;然后教师用问题引出故事的线索,并通 过填空对故事进行理解,最后教师让学生用一句简单的话对 故事进行提炼,并在此基础上让学生参照图片及板书进行复 述。对于基础较好的学生,教师采取鼓励的方式,激发他们 用自己的语言进行复述故事片段。 教学目教学目标标 1.知识与技能目标 能听懂和理解这个简单的故事。 能就故事进行提问和回答。 能用自己的语言复述或表演故事。 2.情感态度目标 鼓励学生阅读英语故事,让学生懂得珍惜同学间、朋友 间的美好情谊,进一步提高学生学习英语的积极性。 3.学习策略目标 让学生听读、填空、总结;在教师的帮助下简单复述故事。 教学重点、难点 在复述故事时,鼓励学生运用自己的语言进行简单的故 事概括。 教具准备 多媒体课件 教学过程 Step 1: Revision and warm-up 1. Greetings ( 课堂礼貌用语,天气用语问候。) 【设计意图:以师生间的日常问候开始,准备上课。 】 2. Review: T: Li Ming had a surprise for Danny and Jenny when he left for China. What surprise did Li Ming give for Danny and Jenny? S: A Chinese kite for Danny and a little, red dragon for Jenny. T: They had a surprise party for Li Ming, too. What did they make for Li Ming? S: They made a beautiful cake and nine cookies.(课件出示图片) T: Do you think Danny will make a surprise for Li Ming,too? why? S: Yes. Because 【设计意图:回忆上节课所学, 并导入本课主题。 】 T: Ok, today is the last day of school. Do you know what is the last day of school? S:上学的最后一天、放假前一天。 T:Dannys class is going to have a party. Now open your books, lesson 24 Dannys surprise cake. What happens? Lets listen. Step 2: Presentation 1. Listen to the video twice. (提出要求,认真听,第一遍理解 课文意思,第二遍听语音、语调及句子断句。) 【设计意图:初识课文】 2. Talk about these pictures (幻灯片呈现问题) 【学生带着问题,根据意群默读课文,对故事进行理解。 】 Picture 1-3: Q: What is Danny going to do? SS: He is going to make a cake. Q: What is Danny do on the cake? SS: He makes a special picture on it. Q: What does Mr. Wood bring? Who brings these cookies?Do you like these cookies? Are they special? S1: Jenny brings these cookies. S2: Yes, because every cookie looks like a student in the class. Fill in the blanks. 让学生用一句话来描述每幅图片的意思,师板书动词短语。 Picture 4-6: Q: Is the cake good to eat? Why? What is in Dannys cake? Now, do you think Dannys cake is special? S1: No, it isnt. Because Danny forgot the sugar! S2: Every piece of cake has a dollar in it. (教师引导学生说出答案。) SS: Yes. (教师板书:a piece of sugar a dollar,引导学生单词发音及 词义) Fill in the blanks. 让学生用一句话来描述每幅图片的意思,师板书动词短语。 Picture 7-8: Q: Who sends the surprise cake to Li Ming? SS: Mr. Wood. Q: What does Li Ming find in the box? What else? S1: He finds a piece of very old, very dry cake! S2: He also finds a letter. S3: Li Ming finds a dollar in the old, dry cake. (教师板书: a week later letter inside,引导学生理解词义) Fill in the blanks. 让学生用一句话来描述每幅图片的意思,师板书动词短语。 【设计意图: 教师以问题形式呈现文中线索,学生迅速锁定图 片及段落,以寻读的方式获取信息,并用简单的语言回答问 题。教师此时运用板书对每幅图片给予短语提示,为复述做 准备。 】 Step 3: Practice Ask students to retell story 【设计意图: 查学生对故事的理解程度,鼓励学生用自己的语 言描述故事。 】 Step 4: Homework 如果你是李明,请给丹尼回一封邮件,告诉丹尼你收到的惊 喜。 【设计意图:充分发挥学生的创造性,并锻炼学生的写作能 力。 】
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