人教版八下-Unit 1 What's the matter -Section B 1a—1d-ppt课件-(含教案+音频+素材)-省级优课-(编号:21055).zip

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  • 人教2011课标版_八年级下册(2013年10月第1版)_初中英语_Unit 1 Whats the matter _Section B 1a—1d_ppt课件_(含教案+音频+素材)_省级优课_(编号:21055)
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He should lie down and rest. Unit1 Whatsthematter? nosebleed knee sick bandage accident bndd ni ksdnt nzblid sk Whatsthematter withher? felldownonthe ground Next,getanX-ray 学科网 First,goto thehospital. Finally,restforafewdays. 休息几天 Whatsthematterwiththeboy? Hehasanosebleed. First,puthisheadback Thencleanhisface Finally,putonacleanT-shirt. puton:穿上 Whatshouldhedo? Whatsthematter? First,runitunderwater Next,putsomemedicineonit Finally,putabandageonit Hecuthimself. Whatshouldhedo? 1a When these accidents happen, what should you do? Put the actions in order. _ Go to the hospital. _ Get an X-ray. _ Rest for a few days. _ Put a bandage on it. _ Run it under water. _ Put some medicine on it. _ Clean your face. _ Put your head back. _ Put on a clean T-shirt. 1 2 3 3 1 2 2 1 3 Problems have a cold get tired be stressed out have a toothache have a sore throat have a headache Give advice take some medicine sleep have a good rest see a dentist drink hot water see a doctor Pairwork:Makedialogues 1b.Listentotheschoolnurse.Check ()theproblemsyouhear. Problem Treatments Someone felt sick. b, c Someone cut his knee. Someone had a fever. Problem Treatments Someone had a nosebleed Someone hurt his back. Someone got hit on the head. a, b, c, d f e 1c.Listenagain.Writetheletterofeach treatmentnexttotheproblemsyou checkedinthechartabove. a. put a bandage on it b. took his temperature c. told him to rest d. put some medicine on it e. took him to the hospital to get an X-ray f. told her to put her head back Role-playaconversationbetween thenurseandtheteacher.Usethe informationin1band1c. A:Whatsthematterwith B:Hehurthimself inP.E.class. C:Whatshouldwedo? D:. 根据提示给你的英语老师写一张请假条。 have a fever ; doctor told me to stay in bed for two days cant go to school today ; tomorrow ; hope get well; very soon; thank you Dear Miss Ding: Im sorry to tell you that Im not feeling well today. I have a fever . The doctor told me to stay in bed for two days. So I cant go to school today and tomorrow. I hope I can get well very soon. Thank you! Yours Tony 课后反思 本堂课属于一堂听说课,是 unit 1 whats the matter? Section B (1a-1d)部分,本堂课共分为复习导入;教授单词、句型; 听力输入训练;口语输出训练;总结本课所学知识共五个 环节,下面对这五个环节进行课后反思。 1、复习导入;本堂课从一个学生十分熟悉的正反口令活动” Stand up! Sit down!”复习导入新课 Whats the matter? What should you do ?,导入部分活动虽然较自然但显得有些单一, 可以适当地增加内容,使得导入部分更加饱满。 2、单词、句型 在教单词和句型的环节,运用了“小老师”的方法,鼓励 学生大胆参与,学生教学生,充分体现了以学生为主的课 堂 3、听力环节 在这个环节中让学生听磁带两次然后再检查答案,本环节 存在一些不足,听力应加入跟读环节,最后总结性的点出 听力内容中的重点词汇、短语,效果会更好些 4、口语输出(说) 这个环节分为两个步奏;首先让学生运用书上所学知识句 子进行自编对话并到讲台上展示;然后由师生共同即兴发 挥“学校医务室”场景对话,充分运用所学知识进行交流, 从而达到学习语言的目的。 5、本课所学知识总结 这个环节是对这堂课所学知识进行总结,也就是这堂课学 了 什么?这个环节如果多让学生自己总结就更能让学生牢 记所学知识 每堂课都有值得反思的地方,反思中不断学习,反思中不 断进步! Unit 1 Whats the matter? Section B 1a-1d I.Teaching aims(教学目标) : enable students to know some new words and sentences . II.Key words(重点单词):bandage sick knee nosebleed hurt hit breathing sunburned ourselves 2、Key point and difficult point (重难点): 1、some phrase :get feel sick get hit on the head put a bandage on have a nosebleed 2、sentences : Whats the matter with you? What should you do ? 3、使用 should 和 shouldnt 给出合理建议。 III. 情感教育:学会保护自己,学会遇事该怎么办? IV. Teaching contents Step 1 Lead in new lesson by asking some questions eg: -Whats this ? -Its head/shoulder/hand.(then let students do some practice and ask them :Are you tired? If you tired ,what should you do ?) Step2: learn the new words. 1. Who can be the teacher? One student teach one word. 2. Lets read and remember the new words. Step 3 presentation. Step1: Just now ,we saw some pictures they are accidents. Sometimes, some accidents may happen . Lets watch and answer Whats the matter with him? What should he do? (learn the accidents a nd actions.) Step 2 Work on 1a. 1. T: Now ,we have learned what to do with some accidents. Look at the three pictures in 1a, what accidents are they? When these accidents happen, What should you do? Put the actions in o rder. 2. Students do it. 3. Check the answers. Step3 Remember the actions. T: These actions are useful for us. Lets remember them. Each group thin k up one way to remember them. Step4 Listening. 1. Work on 1b. T: Now, boys and girls, you have learned something abou t how to deal with accidents. 1.T:Jenny is a school nurse. Is she busy toda y? Please guess! Yeah, she is really busy . There are many students in her office. What ha ppened to these students? Well, please listen and check the problems y ou hear. 2. Check the answers. 3. T: What did Jenny do with these problems? Here are the treatments. Lets read together! What should Jenny do? Lets predict! 4. Now listen again and write the letter of each treatment next to the pr oblem. Then check answers with Ss. Step 5 pair work Let students make conversations by themselves,using the sentences we learned Lets learn more accidents and more actions. Step6:summary Step7:Homework 1. copy the new words 2. using the sentences we learned to make the conversation 板书设计: 课后总结反思:本节课主要以遇到问题该怎样解决为话题进行讨论 的一节听说课,本节课是该单元的 B 部分,主要学习 What should Section B 1a-1d What should you do ? New words: bandage sick knee nosebleed hurt hit breathing sunburned ourselves Sentences: Whats the matter with you ? What should you do ? you do ? 的句型,本堂课主要以学生听说练习为主,教师引导完成。
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