人教版八下-Unit 2 I 'll help to clean up the city parks -Section A 3a—3c-ppt课件-(含教案+微课+音频+素材)-市级优课-(编号:209c0).zip

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Unit 2 Section A 3a-3c 教材分析教材分析 本单元话题涉及援助与关爱。从编排设计上看,la-lc 活动旨在 呈现、学习不同援助方式的英语表述,为词汇输入阶段;2a-2d 活动 通过听、说练习此前所学的词汇表述,并在听说训练过程中体会动 词不定式和短语动词的用法;3a-3c 活动通过阅读强化对单元主题内 容及语言项目的理解,为后续的语法总结归纳做好铺垫。 Section A 部分的教学重点是学习用情态动词 could 表达建议, 正确使用有关援助的表述、短语动词以及相关表达中的动词不定式。 本部分的学习难点是动词不定式在英语句子中的成分与作用,以及 不同短语动词的含义与搭配。在教学本单元时,教师应充分利用话 题内容的优势引导学生探索、讨论互相关爱及援助的价值和意义, 渗透人文关怀和道德观念的培养。 3a-3c 这部分为阅读技能训练及评议学习的综合训练,所选课文 描写两位中学生参加志愿服务以及对各自志愿服务的观点、看法。 文章脉络清晰,首段陈述主题,后两段分写。在描述人物时,作者 采用“简单的人物介绍(兴趣)所从事的志愿服务工作自我评 述(观点及感受) ”逐层推进,层次分明。 1、读前准备:教师利用课文标题及插图引导学生对阅读课文建 立心理期待。首先要求学生读标题,讨论标题传达的信息。然后将 关注点引向插图,让学生讨论插图传递的信息。 2、深层阅读:3b 部分提出一些问题,让学生细读课文找出问 题答案。 3、读后活动:学生根据课文内容用动词不定式补全 3c 的句子。 让学生观察各句动词不定式与前边词语的搭配特点,教师适当点评 讲解。 教学目标:教学目标: 一、知识目标: 1、学习并且掌握本节课重点词汇、短语及句式。 1)重点单词和短语:several, strong, feeling, satisfaction, joy, owner,try out, journey, give up, at the age of , at the same time 2)重点句式: I want to learn more about how to care for animals. I get such a strong feeling of satisfaction when I see the animals get better and the look of joy on their owners faces. Volunteering here is a dream come true for me. I can do what I love to do and help others at the same time. 2、加强对动词不定式的认识,巩固动词不定式的用法。 二、能力目标 1、学会正确使用阅读篇章中出现的重点词汇、常用表达和动词不定式用法。 2、能运用语言和语法知识进行阅读并理解文章意思,会运用预测、略读、寻读、细读、 寻找主题句、思维导图、信息加工、重组等策略深入理解文章内容,把握文章细节,做出相 关阅读练习题,积累阅读技巧和答题策略。 三、情感态度价值观目标 在学习过程中感受助人就是助己,助人收获快乐,尽己所能,帮助他人,乐于奉献是一 种良好的品德,培养学生为他人着想,热爱公益事业,乐于助人的优良品质。 教学重点:教学重点: 1、重点的短语及句型 2、动词不定式 教学难点:教学难点: 应用阅读方法及策略理解文章意思,并复述主要内容。 教学策略与方法:教学策略与方法: 1、采用 P-W-P 阅读教学模式,以学生为主体,通过结对活动、小组活动等形式完成自 主探究,合作式学习。 2、教会学生运用预测、略读、寻读、细读等策略深入理解文章内容,把握文章细节,做 出相关阅读练习题,积累阅读技巧和答题策略。 教具准备:教具准备: 1、多媒体电脑系统,本课时 PPT 课件,动词不定式微课视频,粉笔等 教学过程:教学过程: Step 1 Greetings Greet the class. Step 2 Review Use PPT to show some pictures and ask and answer questions about them. What are they doing? Do they do these things for money or for free? What are they? Do you want to be a volunteer? What volunteer work do you want to do? Step 3 Presentation 1. Tell the class: We have two students. They are Mario and Mary. They are volunteers. We will study their stories. 2. Read the title of the article. Ask and answer questions about the title. 3. Use PPT to show two pictures about Mario and Mary. Talk about the two pictures. Is the student in the first picture a boy or a girl? Where is he? What job do you think the man next to him in the picture does? Where are the girls? Are they in the classroom or in the library? What are they doing? Guess: What do the two students volunteer to do? 4. Learning strategy. Tell the class how to read an article better. Teach them some reading skills. Step 4 Reading Pre-reading 1. Listen to 3a and underline new words or difficult parts. 2. Teach new words. While-reading 3. Read the passage alone for several minutes and understand it. 4. Test your memory. Show some statements and ask students to write T or F for each statement. ( ) 1) Mario and Mary give up several days each week to help others. ( ) 2) Mary wants to be an animal doctor. ( ) 3) Mario is a book lover. ( ) 4) Mario could read by himself at the age of five. 5. Complete the following chart. Read Paragraph 2, 3. Students work in groups to fill in the chart. Then check answers. Mario He loves_. He wants to be_ . He learns more about how to_. He gets such a strong feeling of_ . Mary She is a _. She decided to _ a volunteer after- school reading program. She helps kids _in the library. The kids are going on _ with books. Post-reading 6. Students work in groups. Then answer the questions in 3a, 3b. 7. Play a video about infinitives. Then ask Ss to underline infinitives in the passage. 8. Use infinitives to complete the sentences in 3c. Check answers. Step 5 Summary Sum up the main items taught in this period. Homework Practice reading the passage in 3a and get ready to retell it. 随州随州高高新区中心学校新区中心学校 向大向大建建 Section A 3a-3c Unit 2 Ill help to clean up the city parks. help clean up the parks give out food at the food bank visit sick kids help old people Do they do these things for money or for free? Why do you think so? What volunteer work do you want to do? 3a 1. Whats the title of the article? 2. Do the students work for money or for free? How do you know? 3. Are the volunteers young or old? How do you know? Read the title and answer the questions. Students Who Volunteer. For free. Volunteer. Young. By the word students. 3a 1. Is the student in the picture a boy or a girl? 2. What job do you think the man in red does? 3. Where are they? A boy. An animal doctor. At an animal hospital. 3a 1.What are they doing? 2.Are they in the classroom ? They are reading. No, they arent. 阅读阅读策策略:略: 我我们在们在阅读一阅读一篇文章时,要尽篇文章时,要尽可能可能多多 地从地从文章标题文章标题以及以及所配插图所配插图中获取相关信中获取相关信 息息来来帮助我帮助我们们理解理解文章文章的的内容。内容。 Mario and Mary want to be volunteers. Listen to the article in 3a. Underline the words you dont know. 3a Mario Mary New Words several pron. strong adj. feeling n. satisfaction n. joy n. owner n. try out journey n. 几几个个;数;数个个;一一些些 强强烈烈的的;强强壮壮的的 感感觉;觉;感感触触 满足;满意满足;满意 高兴高兴;愉;愉快快 物物主主;主人主人 参参加加选选拔;试拔;试用用 (尤指长途尤指长途)旅行;行程旅行;行程 True or false 1. Mario and Mary give up several hours each week to help others. 2. Mary wants to be an animal doctor. 3. Mario is a book lover. 4. Mario could read by himself at the age of five. T F Fast reading. F F Mario He loves _. He wants to be _ . He wants to learn more about how to _. He gets such a strong feeling of _ . Read the second paragraph and fill in the blanks. animals an animal doctor care for animals satisfaction Mary She is a _. She decided to _ a volunteer after- school reading program. She helps kids _ in the library. The kids are going on _ with books. book lover try out for learn to read a different journey Read the third paragraph and fill in the blanks. 3a,b3a,bRead the article and answer the question. 1. What does Mario volunteer to do? 2. What does Mary volunteer to do? 3. Why does Mario volunteer to help others? 4. Why does Mary volunteer to help others? 5. What does Mario say about volunteering? 6. What does Mary say about volunteering? 3c3c Use infinitives to complete the sentences below. 1. Mario would like _ an animal doctor. 2. Mario works for an animal hospital because he wants _ about how _ for animals. to be to learn more to care 3. Mary decided _ for a job at an after-school reading program last year. She still works there now _ kids learn to read. 4. Mary has a dream job because she can do what she loves _. to try out to help to do Summary New words: several, strong, feeling, satisfaction, joy owner, try out, journey Structures: at the age of, a strong feeling of, come true Grammar: 动动词词不定式不定式 Read the passage for several times and try to retell it. Thank you ! Unit 2 Ill help to clean up the city parks. Section A(3a 3c)课后练习)课后练习 一、一、根据句意及汉语提示填写单词。 (巩固生词的意义及写法) 1Jack has _(几个) good friends here,and he often visits them. 2Im going to make a long _ (旅行) to Yunnan with my parents during the summer holidays. 3To her _ (高兴),she won first prize. 4The tiger is very _(强壮的) because it eats lots of meat every day. 二、二、用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。 (巩固生词的变形) 5She looked at her sons picture with great _ (satisfy) 6She has a _ (feel) that someone is following her. 7We should help the lovely cat find its _ (own) 三、三、单项选择。 (训练重点单词或短语的用法) ()8.There are _ students studying hard in the classroom. They must get good grades. AmuchBlittleCfewDseveral ()9.Im going to Paris tomorrow. I wish you have a good _. Asatisfaction Bletter Cnotice Djourney ()10.Ann could swim _ the age of five. Aat Bon Cin Dwith 四、四、根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词。 (巩固课本重点句子、重点结构) 11我觉得物理很难,但我不想放弃它。 I think physics is very difficult,but I dont want to _ _ _. 12她决定尝试当一名志愿者。 She decided _ _ _ for a volunteer. 13我希望我的梦想能够实现。 I hope that my dream can _ _. 五、语法填空。用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。 (训练动词不定式的用法) 14He hopes _(see) your father. 15Would you like _(relax) on the beach? 16The teacher often tells us _(not surf) the Internet. 17Come on!I have something important _(tell) you. 18Many people who live in the city often go out _(breathe) fresh air on weekends. 19I havent decided when _(take) a holiday yet. 20Could you tell me what _ (do) next? (答案见下页)(答案见下页) 答案:答案: 一、一、1. several 2. journey 3. joy 4. strong 二、二、5. satisfaction 6. feeling 7. owner 三、三、8. D 9. D 10 A 四、四、11. give it up 12. to try out 13. come true 五、五、14. to see 15. to relax 16. not to surf 17. to tell 18. to breathe 19. to take 20. to do
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