人教版八下-Unit 4 Why don't you talk to your parents -Section A Grammar focus 4a—4c-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-市级优课-(编号:86187).zip

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Unit4 Unit4 Why dont you talk to Why dont you talk to your parents?your parents? Grammar Focus-4cGrammar Focus-4c Whydontyoutalktoyourparents?. Theycanhelpyou!. Whynottalktoyourfriends?. Theycanhelpyou!. Itsnotabigdeal. Youshouldsharefeelings,youcouldforgetproblems. Step1. Preparation.Step1. Preparation. What are his problems? Can you give him some advice? What should he do? Wehavemanyproblems. Free talk: Your own problemsFree talk: Your own problems copy others homework kpiv.抄袭,模仿,复制,复印 Copying others homework is wrong. 我们应该知道抄袭别人的作业是错误。 _. We should know. If you copy others homework, the teacher will be angry with you. Maybe he doesnt trust you anymore.(不再) .enim(r) She copied her friends homework. Her teacher doesnt trust her anymore what should she do? She should promise not to copy others homework _her teacher can trust her again. so that His friend borrows his money without returning it. What should he do? return v. rt(r)n 归还,回来,返回 =give/go back We shouldnt wait until the last minute to return them. 1.掌握提出问题的方法, Whatswrong? Whatsthematter? Whatstheproblem/thetrouble? 并能讨论所给出的建议。 Youlooktired. Whatsthematter? IstudieduntilmidnightlastnightsoIdidnt getenoughsleep. WhatshouldIdo? Whydontyouforgetaboutit?Although sheswrong,itsnotabigdeal. Whatshouldhedo? Heshouldtalktohisfriendsothathecan sayhessorry Maybeyoucouldgo tohishouse. IguessIcould,butIdontwanttosurprise him. Grammar Focus 表建议的重点句型: Youshould+v. Youcould+v. Whydontyou+v.? Whynot+v.? Talk about the problems with your group members. Im very shy. My sister and I fight all the time. My sister spends all evening on the phone. My parents wont let me have a pet dog. 4b Eg: A: My cousin borrows my things without returning them. What should I do? B: You could tell him that you need them. A: Thanks. Maybe its useful. C: Why dont you tell her that it makes you angry so that he will return them to you. A: Thats a good idea. D: I think you should tell your uncle about the thing. A: I dont think its good. But thanks all the same. Talk about the problems with your group members. Im very shy. My sister and I fight all the time. My sister spends all evening on the phone. My parents wont let me have a pet dog. 4b Pay attention to: until although so that Youlooktired. Whatsthematter? IstudieduntilmidnightlastnightsoI didntgetenoughsleep. WhatshouldIdo? Whydontyouforgetaboutit?Although sheswrong,itsnotabigdeal. Whatshouldhedo? Heshouldtalktohisfriendsothathecan sayhessorry Maybeyoucould gotohishouse. IguessIcould,butIdontwantto surprisehim. Grammar Focus 点拨:until 用于否定句中,常用notuntil一 般译为“直到才” 。 他直到最后一分钟才写作业。 _He didnt do his homework until the last minute. until用在肯定句中, 一般可译为“直到时(为止)”或“在以前”。 我会待在这里直到明天 _. I ll stay there until tomorrow. 点拨:although引导让步状语从句,意为“ 尽管但是”,不能说thoughbut。 虽然他个子小,但是他很强壮。 _. _. Although he is short ,he is strong. He is short, but he is strong. 点拨: sothat意为“因此”,引导目的状语从句在从句中常使 用can/could/will/may/should等词。 Eg:他很早起床因此他能赶上早班车. _ 拓展:sothat意为“如此以至于”,常用于结果 状语从句 Eg: 他是如此的激动以至于说不出一句话来。 _ He got up early sothathe could get the early bus. He was so excited that he couldnt say a word. 4a Fill in the blanks with although, so that or until. 1.A:Whatswrong? B:Mysisterborrowsmyclotheswithout asking.WhatshouldIdo? A:Well,youcouldtellherthatthismakes youangry_shellaskyou nexttime. 2.A:Idonthaveanyfriendsatmynewschool. WhatshouldIdo? B:_youdonthaveanynow, youllsoonmakesome. so that Although 3.A:Imworriedaboutmyschoolgrades. Whatsyouradvice? B:Youshouldntwait_thelastminute tostudyforatest. 4.A:Mikeismybestfriend, buthealwayscopiesmyhomework.What shouldIdo? B:_hesyourbestfriend,youshould stilltellhimthatcopyingothers homeworkiswrong. until Although Youwonatoycat!Myparentsalwaysargue. Mycousinborrowsmythingswithout returningthem. Youareluckyenoughtohaveapen.Mybestfriendismorepopularthanme.Ileftmyhomeworkathome. 4c 1.Itsnotgoodhabitsto_.(抄袭 别人作业不是好习惯) 2.Mycousinborrowsmythings_them.( 借我东西不还) 3._saysorrytoyourparents? 为什么你不 跟你父母道歉呢? 4._thesunwasshiningitwasntverywarm.尽管 太阳高照,却不很暖和。 5.Illwait_theyarrive. 我会一直等到他们来。 6.Writetohimatonce_hemayknowintime. 马 上写信给他,使他能够及时了解情况。 7. Theydont_(不再相互打 架了) 8. She_ _ _ at home.(钥匙忘家里了) copy others homework without returning Why dont you Although until so that fight with each other anymore left her keys ProblemsAdvice 1. Why dont you. 2. Why not. 3. You should. 4. You could. 5. . . Homework Conclude the problems and the advice in your book. 归纳书 中A部分出现的问题及提出的建议。 知难而上知难而上 We must meet the challengesWe must meet the challenges andand overcome the difficulties.overcome the difficulties. 我们一定要面对挑战,征服困难! Exercises: 1.Its not good habits to _ _ _.(抄袭别人作业不是好习惯) 2.My cousin borrows my things_ _them. (借我东西不还) 3. _ _ _ say sorry to your parents? 为什么你不跟你父母道歉呢? 4._the sun was shining it wasnt very warm. 尽管太阳高照,却不很暖和。 5.Ill wait _ they arrive. 我会一直等到他们来。 6.Write to him at once _ _ he may know in time. 马上写信给他,使他能够及 时了解情况。 7. They dont _ _ _ _ _(不再相互打架了) 8. She_ _ _ at home.(钥匙忘家里了) Unit4 Why dont you talk to your parents? Section B(Grammar Focus-4c)教案 【教学目标】 1.知识与技能知识与技能 1)Words and phrases: copy copy others homework return=come/go back return=give back not.anymore 2)Sentences: Although hes your best friend, you should still tell him that copying others homework is wrong.www-2-1-cnjy-com My cousin borrows my things without returning them. Your best friend doesnt trust you anymore. You left your homework at home. 2.过程与方法:过程与方法: 通过复习讨论的形式引入本课教学内容,再通过视频教授新知识在教授过程中运用 所学句型进行练习。然后通过 group-work, pair-work and play a game 等形式训练学生 对知识的灵活掌握情况。 3.情感态度和价值观:情感态度和价值观: 遇到问题要主动地去和家人、朋友或亲近的人交流;如果遇到身边的人遇到问题, 能主动提供帮助。遇到问题要想办法解决而不是担忧害怕。 【教学重点】 1.掌握单词, 词组。 2.和朋友伙伴们谈论你的麻烦和问题并能给出建议。 【教学难点】 1. Modal verbs could and should Sentence patterns: Why dont you ?/ Why not.? 2.conjunctions until, so that and although 【教学方法】chant groupwork pairwork game 【课前准备】PPT 课件 【课时安排】一课时 【教学过程】 Step1.preparation. Chant: Why dont you talk to your parents? They can help you! Why not talk to your friends? . They can help you! You should share feelings, you could forget problems. Its not a big deal. 1. Show them a small video to find a boys problems then give him them advice. 1)too much homework2)cant get good grades 3)The teacher is angry with him. Advice from students: . 2. Talk about their own problems using the sentence patterns.世纪*教育网 Step 2 .Presentation. 1.Show them some videos to teach some new words and phrases like copying others homework, not.anymore and return. T: Whats the man in the video doing? S: He is copying others test paper. T: Copying others homework is wrong. We should know copying others homework is wrong. If you copy others homework, the teacher will be angry with you. Maybe he doesnt trust you anymore. Then tell students here is a sad girl, she copied others homework, so her teacher doesnt trust her anymore . What should she do ? Let them give the girl some advice. Next, show them a picture about an upset man. He is upset because his friend borrows his money without returning it. What should he do? Let students give the man some advice. And I will praise them if they can give some useful advice. 2. Read the grammar focus and conclude the ways to ask problems and the important sentence patterns. What”s wrong? Whats the matter? Whats the problem/the trouble? You should +v. You could +v. Why dont you +v.? Why not +v.? Step 3 .Practice. (groupwork)(4b) 1. Let them work in 4. One of them has a problem, the other three each give a piece of advice using the sentence patterns you should do . you could do. why dont you do.and why not. Eg: A: My cousin borrows my things without returning them. What should I do? B: You could tell him that you need them. A: Thanks. Maybe its useful. C: Why dont you tell her that it makes you angry so that he will return them to you. A: Thats a good idea. D: I think you should tell your uncle about the thing. A: I dont think its good. But thanks all the same. Then let them make the similar conversations and role play them 1.)Im very shy. 2.) My sister and I fight all the time. 3. )My sister spends all evening on the phone. 4. )My parents wont let me have a pet. Let them read the grammar focus again, pay attention to until, although, so that and explain how to use them. Then do 4a. Fill in the blanks .Practice the short conversations with partners. Step 4. Production .m1. copy v. 复制;复印 1. copy v. 复制;复印 第三人称单数要变 y 为 i 家 es. copies. Its not good habits to copy others homework.抄袭别人的作业不是好习惯。 2. return v. 返回,回来;回去 return to +地点 They didnt return home until yesterday afternoon. 直到昨天下午他们才回家。 拓展:return 归还 = give back You must return these books and magazines in a week. 你必须在一周之内归还这些书籍和杂志。 3. not.anymore= no more 强调数量或程度上的不再 Now she wasnt afraid any more. 现在她再也不害怕了。=Now she was no more afraid. Step 5. Progress. 1.Play a game. There are six gold eggs. Two of them have gifts and the other four have problems. Students can hit one of them. If they hit one with a problem(the problems are from 4c), they should give some advice. If someone hits a gift, I will give it to him/her. They must be interested in the game. 2. Do some exercises. It can improve their writing skills. 1.)Its not good habits to _ _ _.(抄袭别人作业不是好习惯) 2.)My cousin borrows my things_ _ them. (借我东西不还) 3.)_ _ _ say sorry to your parents? 为什么你不跟你父母道歉呢? 4.)_the sun was shining it wasnt very warm. 尽管太阳高照,却不很暖和。 5.)Ill wait _ they arrive. 我会一直等到他们来。 6.)Write to him at once _ _ he may know in time. 马上写信给他,使他能够及时了解情 况。 7.) They dont _ _ _ _ _(不再相互打架了) 8. )She_ _ _ at home.(钥匙忘家里了) Step 6.Homework Conclude the problems and the advice in your book. 归纳书中 A 部分出现的所有的问题及提 出的建议。 Step7. Emotion : We have many problems in our life. When we have problems, we should talk about them with our friends, teachers and families to ask for help ,because sharing our problems with others is halfway to solving them. And if others have problems, we should offer help. We shouldnt be afraid of the problems. We must meet the problems and overcome difficulties. 【板书设计】 Unit4 Why dont you talk to your parents? Section A Grammar Focus-4c Words and phrases: copy copy others homework return=come/go back return=give back not.anymore 1 教 Sentence patterns: Why dont you do .? Why not do.? You should do. You could do. 【教学反思】 本课时以观看视频复习讨论方式引入话题,增强了英语教学的趣味性,学生可以根据 生活中出现的问题和同伴讨论给出建议并且表演出来在用中学,学以致用。
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