人教版八下-Unit 5 what were you doing when the rainstorm came -Section B 1a—1d-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+音频+素材)-市级优课-(编号:a00c0).zip

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  • 人教2011课标版_八年级下册(2013年10月第1版)_初中英语_Unit 5 what were you doing when the rainstorm came _Section B 1a—1d_ppt课件_(含教案+视频+音频+素材)_市级优课_(编号:a00c0)
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What were you doing when he came, When he came? I was walking, I was walking. What were you doing at that time, at that time? I was running, I was running. What were you doing when he came, When he came? I was swimming, I was swimming. What were you doing at that time, at that time? I was shouting, I was shouting. What were you doing? Section B 1a-1d What was Coco doing at that time? swim She was She was ming. drinking milk. Step 1 she was riding the horse. ride the horse readShe was ing she was dancing. dance fly a kiteShe was ing A:What were you doing at 8:00 last Sunday morning? B: Step 2 Kate John A basketball lover basketball competition They were making their way home. She was making her way to school. Make ones way前往 Whats wrong with the dog? How to help him? What was Kate doing? She looks worried, why is she worried? 1b Listen and write short answers to the questions. 1. What event happened at the school yesterday? 2. Who missed the event? 3. Which team won at the event? A school basketball competition. Kate. Johns team. Step 3 1c Listen again. Number the events 1-6 in the order they happened. _ Kate saw a dog by the side of the road. _ Kate got to the bus stop. _ Kate called the Animal Helpline. _ Kate left the house. _ Kate waited for someone to walk by. _ Kate realized her bag was still at home. 1 2 3 4 5 6 1.Watch a short movie about Kates story. Step 4 consolidation Step 4 consolidation 2.Look and say about Kates story Kate left the house Kate got to the bus stop Step 4 consolidation 2.Look and say about Kates story Kate realized her bag was still at home. Kate saw a dog by the side of the road. bag? Step 4 consolidation 2.Look and say about Kates story Kate waited for someone to walk by. Kate called the Animal Helpline. 2 3 5 4 12 3 456 Which group is the best and quickest? 1. Retell the story . Step 5 consolidation Yesterday Kate _(leave) home for Johns_. It was a little late. When the competition s_, she was still _. When she _the bus stop, she r_her bag was still at home. Then she_. While she _(run) back home, she _ by the side of the road, and it was _ . left basketball compitition tarted making her way to school got to ealized went back was running saw a dog hurt 1. Retell the story . Step 5 consolidation She wanted to call the _, but she _(left/forgot)her phone at home so she had to wait for someone to_. Then Kate used his phone to call the helpline. As a result, Kate _the basketball competition. But _(luck), Johns team _ the game. Animal Helpline left walk by missed luckily won 1. Retell the story . Step 5 consolidation Yesterday Kate _(leave) home for Johns_. It was a little late. When the competition s_, she was still _. When she _the bus stop, she r_her bag was still at home. Then she_. While she _(run) back home, she _ by the side of the road, and it was _ . left basketball compitition tarted making her way to school got to ealized went back was running saw a dog hurt 1. Retell the story . Step 5 consolidation She wanted to call the _, but she _(left/forgot)her phone at home so she had to wait for someone to_. Then Kate used his phone to call the helpline. As a result, Kate _the basketball competition. But _(luck), Johns team _ the game. Animal Helpline left walk by missed luckily won 以组为单位,进行故事接龙。每人续写一句。以组为单位,进行故事接龙。每人续写一句。 work in groups and make a new story about Kate. try to make your story interesting and surprising. 开头已给出:开头已给出: Kate was walking on the street at 8:00 last Sunday. While Kate was walking, Step 6 Lets tell stories 1.What do you think of Kate? 2. What do you learn from her story? Be kind and try our best to help others. Step 7 Free talk Unit 5 What were you doing when the rainstorm came? Section 1a-1d Warming up: 课前热身 一起唱:What were you doing when he came, when he came? I was walking, I was walking. What were you doing at that time, at that time? I was running, I was running. What were you doing when he came, when he came? I was swimming, I was swimming. What were you doing at that time, at that time? I was shouting, I was shouting. What were you doing? 1.展示 Coco 视频。Lets watch a video about my daughter and see what she was doing at that time? 2. Pair work What about you? What were you doing at 8:00 last Sunday morning? A: what were you doing at 8:00 last Sunday morning? B:. 新课部分 1. Show a picture of Kate. John loves basketball; Whats wrong with the dog? How to help him? 2. Look at the picture in your book. What was Kate doing? She looks a little worried, why is she worried? Lets listen to her story. Please write short answers to the three questions while listening.听的时候写出这三个问题的简略回答。简略回答。 What event happened at the school yesterday?_ Who missed the event?_ Which team won at the event?_ Listen for the third time and number the events in the order you hear them. _ Kate saw a dog by the side of the road. _ Kate got to the bus stop. _ Kate called the Animal Helpline. _ Kate left the house. _ Kate waited for someone to walk by. _ Kate realized her bag was still at home. consolidation 巩固听力内容巩固听力内容 (1) Watch a short movie acted by Miss Xiao. (2) Look and say. 看图说话。用一句话(1c 中的句子)描述所给图片。 (3) Retell the story. 复述听力中的故事.空格字数不限 Yesterday Kate _ (leave) home for Johns_. It was a little late. When the competition s_, she was still_. When she _the bus stop, she r_ her bag was still at home. Then she_. W_on the side of the road, and it was_. She wanted to call the _, but she _ (left/forgot)her phone at home so she had to wait for someone to _. Then Kate used his phone to call the helpline. As a result, Kate _ the basketball competition. But _ (luck), Johns team _ the game. 故事接龙故事接龙。以组为单位进行故事接龙,每人续写一句。发挥你的想象力,让你 的故事有趣并出乎意料。 开头已给出: Kate was walking on the street at 8:00 last Sunday. 上周日八点,Kate 走在大街上。 While Kate was walking, Kate 正走着的时候。 。 。 。 。 。 情感教育,主体升华。 1. What do you think of Kate? 2. What do you learn from her story? Unit 5 what were you doing when the rainstorm came? Section B 1a-1d 一、教材内容分析 Parts 1a-1d of Section B will be covered in the fourth period of this unit In Section A students have already learnt the structure of past progressive tense and the usage of when/while. This period is about listening practice, students will listen to a story of Kate. They will have chances to use the target language to make a story. 二、教学目标 1. Students will be able to know the differences between simple past tense and past progressive tense. 2. Students will be able to know the new word and phrase: realize and make ones way” 3. Students will be able to retell Kates story. 4. Students will be able to make a new story. 三、教学过程 Step 1: WarmingWarming up:up: 课前热身课前热身 (2(2 minutes)minutes) 一起唱:What were you doing when he came, when he came? I was running, I was running. What were you doing at that time? at that time? I was jumping, I was jumping. What were you doing when he came, when he came? I was swimming, I was swimming. What were you doing at that time, at that time? I was shouting, I was shouting. What were you doing? 【 设计说明:八年级的学生不如七年级学生活跃,课前一首简单的歌曲能设计说明:八年级的学生不如七年级学生活跃,课前一首简单的歌曲能 让学生马上兴奋起来。而且歌词内容与本单元有关,这能加深学生对过去进行让学生马上兴奋起来。而且歌词内容与本单元有关,这能加深学生对过去进行 时的印象,非常自然的进入本课时的学习。时的印象,非常自然的进入本课时的学习。】 Step 2: Review (8 minutes) 1.展示 Coco 的视频。Lets watch a video about my daughter and see what she was doing at that time? (ClassClass workwork) She was swimming. She was drinking milk. She was riding the horse. She was flying the kite.放风筝 She was dancing. She was reading. 2. What about you? What were you doing at 8:00 last Sunday morning? (PairPair work)work) A:A: What were you doing at 8:00 last Sunday morning? B: I was drinking milk. 【设计说明:本环节先让学生观看我女儿的几张照片,学生对这些照片很设计说明:本环节先让学生观看我女儿的几张照片,学生对这些照片很 感兴趣。然后就照片内容复习过去进行时,这块主要是师生问答模式,接下来感兴趣。然后就照片内容复习过去进行时,这块主要是师生问答模式,接下来 学生要将进行学生要将进行 pair work.两人对话能更好地检查学生对过去进行时的掌握情况,两人对话能更好地检查学生对过去进行时的掌握情况, 为后面的新课做好准备为后面的新课做好准备】 Step 3: Listening practice (12 minutes) 1. Listen and write short answers to the questions (Individual Work) Ask the students to listen to the conversations in 1b and write down the short answers. Then check the answers. 2. Listen and number the events. Ask the students to listen again and number the events in the order they hear. 【设计说明:本环节的听力训练旨在训练学生把握对话大意,善于捕捉关设计说明:本环节的听力训练旨在训练学生把握对话大意,善于捕捉关 键词句,排除冗余信息的技能。键词句,排除冗余信息的技能。】 Step 4 .consolidation (12 minutes) 1. Watch a short movie acted by Miss Xiao. Ask students to watch a short movie and hope they can understand the story better. 2. Look and say. 看图说话。用一句话(1c 中的句子)描述所给图片。 (Individual Work) 3. Compitition. Which group is the best? (Group Work) Ask students to work in groups, six students in each group to describe the six pictures one y one. Lets see which group is the best. 3. Retell the story. 复述听力中的故事.空格字数不限 Yesterday Kate _ (leave) home for Johns_. It was a little late. When the competition s_, she was still_. When she _the bus stop, she r_ her bag was still at home. Then she_. While she _ (run) back home. She saw_ the side of the road, and it was_. She wanted to call the _, but she _ (left/forgot) her phone at home so she had to wait for someone to _. Then Kate used his phone to call the helpline. As a result, Kate _ the basketball competition. But _ (luck), Johns team _ the game. 【设计说明:本环节主要是巩固听力部分,通过观看短电影,看图谈论六设计说明:本环节主要是巩固听力部分,通过观看短电影,看图谈论六 张图片,然后小组竞赛口头说听力中学到的故事,最后复述文章。环环相扣,张图片,然后小组竞赛口头说听力中学到的故事,最后复述文章。环环相扣, 层层深入,力求学生扎实地掌握。层层深入,力求学生扎实地掌握。】 Step 5: Assessment (10 minutes) Work in groups and make a new story about Kate. Try to make your story interesting and surprising. 开头已给出: Kate was walking on the street at 8:00 last Sunday. While Kate was walking, (Group Work) 【设计说明:请学生上讲台展示他们所编排的有趣故事,让其他学生欣赏设计说明:请学生上讲台展示他们所编排的有趣故事,让其他学生欣赏 并点评。通过对比同学的表演,学生之间彼此找出自己的不足;通过老师的点并点评。通过对比同学的表演,学生之间彼此找出自己的不足;通过老师的点 评,纠错示范及总结,学生进一步掌握本课时语言知识,提高听说技能。同时评,纠错示范及总结,学生进一步掌握本课时语言知识,提高听说技能。同时 在教师引导下,学生互相学习,集思广益,取长补短,激发了学习的兴趣,培在教师引导下,学生互相学习,集思广益,取长补短,激发了学习的兴趣,培 养了合作学习的策略。养了合作学习的策略。】 Step 6: Emotion Education (1 minute) 1. What do you think of Kate? 2. What do you learn from her story? Be kind and try our best to help others. 【设计说明:教书的同时还要育人,学生学完这一个课要教他们善良,设计说明:教书的同时还要育人,学生学完这一个课要教他们善良, 乐于助人的美德乐于助人的美德】 Step 7: Homework ( 1 minute) Ask the students to listen to the conversations in 1b of Section B and try to follow it. 【设计说明:作业内容是课堂听读训练的延伸。旨在让学生听音并模仿,培养设计说明:作业内容是课堂听读训练的延伸。旨在让学生听音并模仿,培养 良好的语感。良好的语感。】
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