辽宁师大版三年级下册-Unit 1 This is my cat.-ppt课件-(含教案+视频)-市级优课-(编号:a1971).zip

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  • 辽宁师大2011课标版三年级起点_三年级下册(2012年12月第1版)_小学英语_Unit 1 This is my cat._ppt课件_(含教案+视频)_市级优课_(编号:a1971)
    • Unit 1 This is my cat..mp4
    • Unit 1 This is my cat..pptx--点击预览
    • 教案a1971.docx--点击预览


Unit 1 This is my cat . 辽师大版英语三年级下册 This is my ruler . This is my ruler . It is very nice. That is my dog . Thats my dog . It is so cute . Lets singLets singLets singLets sing This is my ruler . It is very nice. 温卓课件 . my It is . Thisis Introduce your stationeryIntroduce your stationeryIntroduce your stationeryIntroduce your stationery 和同桌一起介绍一下你的文具 温卓课件 This is my dog. 温卓课件 dog dg 温卓课件 That is my cat. 温卓课件 kt cat 温卓课件 d k duck 温卓课件 . my It is ThisThat . Introduce your stationeryIntroduce your stationeryIntroduce your stationeryIntroduce your stationeryIntroduce your stationery and Introduce your stationery and Introduce your stationery and Introduce your stationery and animals.animals.animals.animals. is 和同桌一起介绍一下你的文具和小动物 温卓课件 Lets play a Lets play a Lets play a Lets play a game?game?game?game? 温卓课件 Whats missing ?Whats missing ?Whats missing ?Whats missing ? rabbit rbt 温卓课件 Whats missing ?Whats missing ?Whats missing ?Whats missing ? 温卓课件 Whats missing ?Whats missing ?Whats missing ?Whats missing ? 温卓课件 Whats missing ?Whats missing ?Whats missing ?Whats missing ? 温卓课件 Whats missing ?Whats missing ?Whats missing ?Whats missing ? 温卓课件 Whats missing ?Whats missing ?Whats missing ?Whats missing ? 温卓课件 Lets read the wordsLets read the wordsLets read the wordsLets read the words 温卓课件 Two. Cat and dog. How many animals are there in the text? 课文中有几种动物? What animals are they? 它们是什么动物? Listen and answer the questionListen and answer the questionListen and answer the questionListen and answer the question听并回答听并回答听并回答听并回答问题问题问题问题 温卓课件 Read silently Read silently Read silently Read silently 默默默默读读读读 Ray Kitty What is the cats name ? What is the dogs name? 温卓课件 Cat. Reading aloud Reading aloud Reading aloud Reading aloud 朗朗朗朗读读读读 Who is next to the Annie,dog or cat? 谁紧挨着安妮,狗还是猫? 温卓课件 Look! This is my cat, Kitty. Lovely! That is my dog, Ray. Wow, so cute! Copy to read Copy to read Copy to read Copy to read 仿仿仿仿读读读读 温卓课件 Look! This is my cat, Kitty. Lovely! That is my dog, Ray. Wow, so cute! Copy to read Copy to read Copy to read Copy to read 仿仿仿仿读读读读 温卓课件 Reading aloud Reading aloud Reading aloud Reading aloud 朗朗朗朗读读读读 Look! This is my cat, Kitty. Lovely! That is my dog, Ray. Wow, so cute! Reading aloud Reading aloud Reading aloud Reading aloud 朗朗朗朗读读读读 Look! This is my cat, Kitty. Lovely! That is my dog, Ray. Wow, so cute! 温卓课件 Reading aloud Reading aloud Reading aloud Reading aloud 朗朗朗朗读读读读 Look! This is my cat, Kitty. Lovely! That is my dog, Ray. Wow, so cute! 温卓课件 Reading aloud Reading aloud Reading aloud Reading aloud 朗朗朗朗读读读读 Look! This is my cat, Kitty. Lovely! That is my dog, Ray. Wow, so cute! 温卓课件 Reading aloud Reading aloud Reading aloud Reading aloud 朗朗朗朗读读读读 Look! This is my cat, Kitty. Lovely! That is my dog, Ray. Wow, so cute! 温卓课件 Reading aloud Reading aloud Reading aloud Reading aloud 朗朗朗朗读读读读 Look! This is my cat, Kitty. Lovely! That is my dog, Ray. Wow, so cute! 温卓课件 Reading aloud Reading aloud Reading aloud Reading aloud 朗朗朗朗读读读读 Look! This is my cat, Kitty. Lovely! That is my dog, Ray. Wow, so cute! 温卓课件 Reading aloud Reading aloud Reading aloud Reading aloud 朗朗朗朗读读读读 Look! This is my cat, Kitty. Lovely! That is my dog, Ray. Wow, so cute! 温卓课件 That This is _. i Mei Yangyangs dog Mei Yangyangs dogs that is =thats s _. 温卓课件 Thisis s . Thats s . Introduce theIntroduce theIntroduce theIntroduce the animals animals animals animals 介绍一下小动物 温卓课件 Jimmy and I have many toys. Really? Come and look! This is my dog. Thats Jimmys rabbit. How nice! Look at my lovely cats. Wow! You have a zoo! 温卓课件 and I have . Really? Come and look! This is my . Thats . ! Look at my . Wow! ! _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 温卓课件 What have we learnt today ? 今天我们学习了哪些内容? 温卓课件 1、 Recite the text.(背诵本课课文。) 2、Color your animals (给你的动物们涂上颜色。) Homework :Homework :Homework :Homework : 温卓课件 This is our only home. 这是我们唯一的家园。 温卓课件 You can choose today, 我们可以从今天开始, 温卓课件 to make a world of difference! 让世界变得不同! 温卓课件 No trading No killing 没有买卖 就没有杀害 温卓课件 Bye ! 温卓课件 课时:1 教 学 目 标 知识目标 1 By using courseware, teaching tools, students can listen, read say the part of Listen and say. 2 Using the sentences This is my That is my 能力目标 Through listening, reading, role play, the students can say This is my That is my to the others. 情感目标 Learn how to introduce the things of yourself, and enhance the interests of the students to learn English. 教 学 重 点 1 Learn to use the pattern: This is That is 2 Learn to use the dialogue in part Read and say. 3 Four skills words cat, dog, rabbit, duck. 教 学 难 点 1 Make sentences by the students with This / That 2 Enhance the interests of the students. 教 学 方 法 情境教学法、任务型教学法、微课辅助教学 教 具PPT 课件、单词图片、喜羊羊图片、四线三格磁条 教学步骤教师活动学生活动教学意图教 学 过 程Step1 Warming-up Step2 New lesson to teach(14 步) 1. 巧妙导入 2. 引出主题 Greetings Sing a song:This is my ruler. 1.Show the ruler and And to the Greetings 1. Read the key sentences of the course through the lyrics. 2.learn the sentences : “This is 1.通过唱 歌整体感 知今天所 学新知 This is /That is 2.通过实 物展示引 3. 解决难点 students:This is my ruler.This is my pen.This is my pencil box.How beautiful .Blackboard writing: This is my . 1.Introduce your stationer. Using“ This is my .” 2. Micro class show. 3.Export words through micro classes. Learn the words:dog,cat( blackboard writing) 4. Listen and guess the words. Learn my.” 3.Look and say the sentences and read other similar sentences . 4.Make sentences with This is my . Practice key sentences with the words youve learned. 5.Look at the micro class and learn difference between this and that 6. Learn new words and practice sentences. 7. Practice with their members in a group. 导学生理 解重点句 式。 3. Practice key sentences with the words youve learned 4.句型练 习中复习 旧知识。 ruler、pe n 等文具单 词。 5.微课引 入课堂, 学习 this 与 that 的 区别。 6.利用微 课、图片 等工具学 习单词和 操练句子。 让学生在 学习单词 时做到词 不离句。 4.听音感知 5.默读初始 6.朗读探知 the words:duck( blackboard writing) 5. Suppose you are Xi Yangyang and practice words and sentences. 6. Introduce your stationery and animals. 7.Play games. Whats missing ? and Fun reading words .Learn the words:rabbit( blackboard writing) Listen and answer the question: How many animals are there in the text?and What animals are they? Read silently and answer the question: What is the cats name ? and What 8.Practice the words and sentences repeatedly 9.Play “Whats missing?”and learn the new words. 10.Make a new dialogue with their partner. 11.Read and play the dialogue. 12.Listen, think and answer. 13.Read silently and answer the question. 7.通过小 组练习复 习旧知识 及练习句 子。 8.通过游 戏练习新 授单词。 (在玩中 学) 9.带着问 题有针对 性的去听 课文。 (任务型 教学) 10.检验学 生对课文 的理解。 11.不同的 方式朗读 7.听音跟读 8.角色朗读 9.留白处理 10.短文示范 11.学生仿写 12.课堂小结 13.布置作业 14.情感升华 is the dogs name? Reading aloud and answer the question: Who is next to the Annie,dog or cat? Listen and try to read after the tape. 1. Several different ways of reading. 2.Correct pronunciation and intonation Read the text, from jane to difficult. Listen to the passage and read it. Listen to music and make up a dialogue with your deskmate. 14.Reading aloud and answer the question . 15.Phonetic intonation. 16. Read the text in different forms. 17. Read the text in pairs. 18.Look at the passage and listen it. 19. Make up a dialogue with your deskmate. 课文,意 在加深学 生对课文 掌握的熟 练程度。 12.跟读能 有效地提 高学生发 音的准确 性。 13.替换练 习及扩展 练习培养 学生的发 散思维。 14.通过填 空将说的 知识转化 成写的知 识。 15.通过小 组合作鼓 励学生主 动与其他 同学合作, 勇于开口, 对所学对 话进行情 景再现与 拓展。 What have we learnt today ? 1、 Recite the text. 2、Color your animals This is our only home. Protect animals. No trading, No killing.(Watch the video) 20.We are learnt 21.Do homework. 22. No trading, No killing. 16.分层布 置作业, 让不同的 孩子都能 有所收获。 17.培养学 生保护动 物,保护 我们的地 球。 Blackboard Design 课 前 反 思 look-look at Those, there, they, My name It is 教 学 反 思 This is the first class of the semester. The content of the study is relatively simple, and the students can master the knowledge well.
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