辽宁师大版四下英语Unit 5 My father is great-ppt课件-(含教案)-公开课-(编号:50105).zip

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  • 辽宁师大2011课标版三年级起点_四年级下册(2013年11月第1版)_小学英语_Unit 5 My father is great_ppt课件_(含教案)_县级优课_(编号:50105)
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My father is great Unit 5 My Father Is a Doctor My father is a doctor. My mother is a teacher. They love me so. My father is a doctor. My mother is a teacher. I love them, too. Lets sing Back Listen and read Back great /greit/ Listen and read Back My father is a doctor. He knows much illness. He can help many people! Who is he? Hes Yao Ming. What is he like? He is/has Hes a basketball player. Whats his job? Lets watch an advertisement jobs musician音乐家 policeman waiter tourist导游 basketball player taxi driver gardener花匠 trainer饲养员 reporter 记者 Whats his job? Lets act I can guess Back Guess, whats his job? He is _. a driver He knows many places. Guess, whats his job? He is _.a doctor. Lets act I can guess Back Lets act I can guess Back Guess, whats her job? She is _.a teacher She knows many things. Lets act I can guess Back Guess, whats her job? She is _.a pupil My mother is great. She can look after many people. Whats her job? Shes a nurse. Listen and say I can say Back Listen and answer: Hes a teacher. Listen and say Back Listen and answer: Hes a taxi driver. Listen and say Back Read silently and try to answer: knows many things knows many places My father is great. He knows many things! Whats his job? Hes a teacher. Listen and say Back My father is great, too. He knows many places! Really? Whats his job? Hes a taxi driver. Listen and say Back Read emotionally with your partners. My father is great. He knows many things! Whats his job? Hes a teacher. Listen and say I can read Back My father is great, too. He knows many places! Really? Whats his job? Hes a taxi driver. Listen and say I can read Back Can you act? What are their jobs? He works in a car. Guess, whats his job? He is a taxi driver. Game time Back What are their jobs? Shes always in a white coat. Guess, whats her job? Game time Back Shes a doctor. She works in a school. Guess, whats her job? She is an English teacher. Game time I can read Back Lets act Back My is great. knows many things helps many people likes to learn many things looks after many people knows many places. Whats her/his job? Shes/Hes a . Sometimes he is a driver. Sometimes he is a doctor and a nurse. Back Sometimes he is a teacher. Who is he? a riddle Look, write and report. Hello. My names Henry. My father is _. My mother is _. My sister is _. My brother is _. Henrys father is His mother is a doctor a teacher a nurse a pupil Try to do Back Everyone is equal, occupation without distinction, joint efforts of the world for everyone. 人人平等,职业不分贵贱,世界的美好需要每个人的共同努力。 Homework Hello. My names _. My father is _. My mother is _. My sister is _. My brother is _. Back 教学内容Unit 5(第一课时) 教材分析本课的话题是介绍及询问他人的职业,了解和运用介绍询问他人职业的 基本表达方式。 学情分析四年级的学生大概处在十岁左右,这个阶段儿童思维发展开始从具体形象 思维向抽象逻辑;激动、不够稳定持久;喜怒哀乐很容易通过面部表情表。 学生现阶段学习现状;在记忆方面,这个年龄段的孩子的有意识记逐渐占 据主导地位,即使是抽象材料也能花功夫努力记住,并能自觉检查记忆的 效果。他们记忆发展的另一特点是从机械识记向意义识记发展。随着知 识的增长,理解能力的提高,中年级学生意义识记逐渐占据主导地位。所 以他们不仅仅能记忆押韵的,朗朗上口的英语儿歌,也能够通过图片很快 背诵第一部分的课文。 教学目标 Aims on the knowledge: To master the five words teacher、driver、 doctor、 nurse、 pupil; To understand and used the sentence “ Whats his job? Aims on the abilities: To develop the abilities of listening and speaking; To train the ability of working in groups; To foster the abilities of communication. Aims on the emotion: To foster consciousness of good cooperation and proper 教学重点 What his job ?句子问答。 教学难点 四会单词的拼写。 教学准备多媒体课件 教 学 过 程 教学环节师生活动技能训练/设计意图复案 Warm Up 1. Greetings T: Hello, boys and girls. How are you today? 2. Listen and sing the song. 通过歌曲学唱为本 热身复习中 出示体育老 师照片,生 Presentation “My father is a doctor”. T: Good job. You are great. 3. Free talk (1)T: My father is a doctor. He knows much illness. So I want to say: My father is great. (板书课题)My father is great (2)(出示姚明照片)T: Who is he? / Whats he like? / Whats his job? (3)Show a video about Yao Ming and let the students answer: Whats his job? 图标总结短片中出现的工作,板书 领读单词 driver. (4)遮挡图片,通过猜一猜游戏呈 现本科四会单词。 1.Listen and answer Play the recorder about “Listen and say”. The students listen to the tape for the first time. And try to answer the questions: Q1:Whats the girls fathers job? Q2:Whats the boys fathers job? 2.Read silently and try to answer: What does he do? 单元学习做好铺垫。 师生自由交谈中自 然过渡到有关职业 的问答。 通过呈现 Magic Yao Ming, Magic Shang hai 宣传片,不 但呈现各种职业, 而且无形提高了孩 子们的人文素养,并 导入本课主题。 在训练学生听力的 同时,分层次的处 理文本内容,由浅 入深,由易到难。 引导学生带着问题 通过静听默读感知 理解课文。 自己介绍 Hes our PE teacher.并展 开讨论。复 习介绍人物 特征的内容 并四会掌握 单词 teacher. 师讲解 student&pupil 异同。 Practice Consolidation Assessment 师出示图片,并利用图片释义 knows many thing/places. 1. Listen and imitate. 此次听音跟读要求学生要有感情朗 读,并注意语音语调的准确性。 2. Practice to read the dialogue. 师分三个梯度进一步训练学生朗读: (1)Read emotionally with your partners. (2)Role play (3)Try to retell 1.出示 PPT 并简单介绍特征。学生 猜 Whats his/her job? The teacher describes a job. Students guess what the job is. 2. Teams PK 生根据图片及 TIPS 提示,小组合 作表演。 3. Show a riddle. T: Guess, who is he? 4. Write and report Henrys family. Hello. My name is Henry. My father is _. My mother _. My sister _. My brother _. 通过模仿读、小组 读、角色扮演、复 述文本等不同的形 式,分层次分梯度 训练学生的语音、 语调的准确性,并 进一步深入了解及 掌握课文。 渗透情感教育,父 爱大如山。 在真实情境中激发 学生运用所学语言 的热情与动力,通 过层层递进,分层 次教学培养学生自 主学习的能力。 人文知识素养出发, 让孩子们懂得人人 平等,职业不分贵 贱,世界的美好需 职业模仿练 习,一生做 动作,其余 学生猜。 Homework Remember: Everyone is equal, occupation without distinction, joint efforts of the world for everyone. 1. Introduce your family members to your friends, then write it down. 2. Talk with your partners about “Whats your aunt/uncles job”. 要每个人的共同努 力。 促进核心素养的逐 渐提升。 设计基础作业和开 放性作业,供学生 分层选做。尊重学 生个体差异和引导 他们相互学习。 板书设计Unit 5 My father is great Whats his job? Hes a teacher, driver doctor nurse pupil 教学反思 本课是四年英语下册第五单元。这一单元主要学习职业名词,并掌 握职业的问答,能够熟练运用于主句型:What is his/her job? He/Sh e is 。同时能够熟练掌握对话,并在实际中应用。在本节课中, 我运用课件通过出示姚明世博会的视频引出职业的主题,带领学生自然 而然的进入新知的学习。之后再通过猜谜游戏,图片遮挡等带领学生学 习新词,并在每个练习环节巩固句型。这样会让学生一目了然,既增加 了知识量,又加深了印象。问答活动来让学生感知语言、习得语言,运 用语言,激发兴趣。通过表演让学生体会小组合作的重要性,为以后更 好的参与小组活动总结经验。在结束的时候对职业进行了总结和升华。 人人平等,职业不分贵贱,世界的美好需要每个人的共同努力。渗透德 育教育,提升人文素养。本课主要的语言训练点是询问及回答他人职业 ,学主要的知识点都已在对话之前的练习中有所呈现,所以课文对孩子 们来说并不太难,遗憾的是没有更多的时间让学生进行单词拼写操练, 对时间的把握还是不准,在今后的教学中还要多多练习。此外,对于 He knows many things. He knows many places. 教师还需更多指导 。 合作交流1.词汇教学要求词不离句,教师注重了在句子中操练词汇。2.部分新授 单词操练不够。 (刘丽) 检查意见教学设计合理。 本教案已经修改 3 次;组长签审:何志剑 学校评价等级:
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