辽宁师大版四下英语Unit 11 He can play the guitar-ppt课件-(含教案)-市级优课-(编号:1034b).zip

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  • 辽宁师大2011课标版三年级起点_四年级下册(2013年11月第1版)_小学英语_Unit 11 He can play the guitar_ppt课件_(含教案)_市级优课_(编号:1034b)
    • lesson 11.ppt--点击预览
    • 教案1034b.doc--点击预览


Row ,row ,row your boat gently on the lake. Merrily,merrily,merrily,merrily,merrily row a boat. What can you see? I can see many birds. How many birds can you see? I can see fifteen birds. 根据图片内容利用根据图片内容利用“How many .can you see?”“I can see.”句型自编简短对话,并表演。句型自编简短对话,并表演。 How many _ can you see? I can see _ _. apples four apples How many _ can you see? I can see _ _. bananas threebananas How many _can you see? I can see _ _. tigers sixtigers six boats seven birds three ships five kites Row ,row ,row your boat gently on the lake. Merrily,merrily,merrily,merrily,merrily row a boat. 教学目标 1、学会并运用“How many”询问,并用“I can see”去回答。 2、听懂、会说、并认读短语 three ships、seven birds、six boats、five kites。 3、听懂、会说、认读并正确书写句子:“How many ships can you see?” 4、培养学生仔细观察的能力 学情分析 一、本班学生在渐渐培养学习习惯和行为习惯,对于英语的掌握程度很好。 二、本班学生平时上课能够积极主动的发言,学生思想比较单纯,但个别同学在课堂上 纪律不是很好。 三、本班学生大部分上课时能够专心听讲,但个别的学生行为习惯应再加强,鼓励他们 在课堂上认真听讲,积极主动的回答老师提出的问题,善于提问。 重点难点 评论 1、学会并运用“How many?”提问,并用“I can”回答。 2、书写句子“How many ships can you see?” 3、引导学生观察名词单数形式与复数形式的变化之所在,弄清它们的发音。 教学过程 第一学时 教学活动 活动 1【导入】Greeting 1、Greeting T:Are you ready? Ss:Yes! T:Stand up. Class begins. Good morning,boys and girls. Ss:Good morning,teacher. 教师进行自我介绍。 齐唱歌曲“Row your boat” 活动 2【导入】Revision 教师出示以前学过的单词卡片。 T:Look,I have many cards. You say the sentences, I do the action.教师先做一下示 范。 T:I need a student come here,do it like me. T:Are you ready? Ss:Yes! 教师走下讲台与学生对话 T:Lets have a free talk, OK? T:What can you do,xxx? S1:I can speak English. T:Can you fly,xxx? S2:No,I cant. T: Ok. Stop here!Now lets have a race,OK? Ss:OK. T: This is Group 1and that is Group 2. T:Now which group have most smiles,the group will be the winner. T:Lets come on together .Up、Up、Yeah! 教师出示铅笔,带领学生数铅笔,以此引入新课 Lesson 11. 活动 3【讲授】Newlesson S1:I can see three ships. 师在提问几名同学。 T:Lets chant. T:one ship、three ships;one ship、three ships;one ship、one ship、one ship;three ships、three ships、three ships。(拍桌子动作) T:OK. Lets play a game. Look at my mouth and say quickly. If you guess right,your will have a smile. 学生快速说单词。 T:OK. You are great!How many pencils can you see? S1:I can see two pencils. T:How many pencils can you see? S2:I can see three pencils. T:Now here .How many ships can you see?(重复两遍) S1:I can see three ships. T:How many ships can you see? S2:I can see three ships. T:OK.大家一定听清了“How many ships can you see?”是你能看见多少艘轮船呢?(重复 两遍) 师板书“How many ships can you see?”并领读。 T:Can you spell “ships”read after me:s h i p s. Read after me. Ss:s h i p s 找同学读。 师在领读“How many ships can you see?” T:OK. Boys and girls. Open your exercise books and write down “How many ships can you see?” 学生在本子上写。教师下去指导并纠正错误。 T:OK. Prepare your things. Ask and answer. Use“How manycan you see?”“I can see” 如果学生听不懂,教师翻译一下。 学生自由练习。 S1:How many pencils can you see? S2:I can see four pencils. S3:How many pens can you see? T:OK. Boys and girls,lets go to the beach,ok? Ss:OK! 大屏幕展示图片 T:Look,this is Linda,this is Li Ming. What are they talking about?Lets listen together. 找同学说。用汉语说。 T: OK. Lets listen again. T:Open your books,read after me.(领读三遍) 找同学读。 S4:I can see five pens. (2)教师出示实物铅笔 T:OK. Lets count again. T:One pencil、two pencils、three pencils、four pencils、学生跟着一起说。 T:Now I have eleven pencils.老师这里有 11 只笔。Read after me!eleven pencils、eleven pencils.学生跟读。 T:OK .那我们表示一只铅笔的时候用 a pencil,两只或两只以上的时候用复数。Like:two pencils、three pencils、four pencils. OK .Now I can see eleven pencils. (重复三 遍)请同学跟读。一起读。 引导学生自己说。 (3)大屏幕展示 a boat、many boats T:Look,whats this? Ss:A boat. T:Look,what are these?They are many boats. How many boats can you see?Lets count. T:One boat;two boats;three boats;four boats;five boats;six boats。 T:Say:I can see six boats.找同学读,齐读。 T:Lets chant. T:one boat、six boats. one boat、six boats. one boat、one boat、one boat. six boats、six boats、six boats.(拍手动作) T:Look,whats this?This is a bird. T:Look,what are these?They are birds.How many birds can you see?/ T:One bird;two birds;three birds. seven birds. 学生一起读 T:Now“ I can see seven birds.”学生跟读。 T:Lets chant. T:one bird、seven birds;one bird、seven birds;one bird、one bird、one bird;seven birds、seven birds、seven birds.(挥手动作) T:Now look at the picture. Whats this? S:A kite. T:OK.A kite.领读几遍。 T:Look,they are kites . How many kites can you see? 师领着数:one、two、three、four、five. I can see five kites. T:How many kites can you see? S1:I can see five kites. 师继续提问,生回答。 T:Lets chant. T:one kite、five kites;one kite、five kites;one kite、one kite、one kite;five kites、five kites、fives kites.(跺脚动作) T:Now this is a ship. ship、ship、ship 生跟读。 T:Now how many ships can you see?(重复三遍) T:One、two、three;one、two、three。I can see Ss:I can see three ships. T:How many ships can you see? 活动 4【活动】巩固 T:OK ,stop here. Lets look at a picture .Now who can read? 同学读。 T:OK, practice in pairs. 找同学说,教师指导,说的好的给一个 smile 活动 5【练习】当堂验收 T:Lets look at the picture. Who can do it?Hands up! S:How many “apples”can you see? I can see“four”“apples”. T:OK,lets have a look. 老师出示答案 T:Lets count:one、two、three、four、four apples. OK,youre great!继续出示题,方法同上。 活动 6【作业】Sumup T;OK, lets sum up what have we learned in this class. Who can sum up? 学生先总结,在由教师总结。 T:Today we have learned four phrases, Look:six boats、seven birds、three ships、five kites. And a sentence:How many ships can you see? 教师带领学生看哪组获胜。 最后以歌曲“Row your boat”结束本课。
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