冀教版(三起)四下Unit 4 My Favourites-Lesson 23 My Favourite School Work-ppt课件-(含教案)-市级优课-(编号:205db).zip

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Lesson 23 My Favouritie School Work Lets sing a song! Whats your favourite food? My favourite food is _. Chinesemusic artPE math scienceEnglish Whats your favourite subject? My favourite subject is _. socks hat skirt shorts dress trousers T-shirt shoes My favourite clothes are _s. What are your favourite clothes? What do you like to do at school? 1. Jenny, whats your favourite school work? Listen and underline.(听音,用横线画出答案听音,用横线画出答案) 2. Kim, whats your favourite school work? I like to _ . Thats my favourite school work. l like to _ , _ I like to _.and Follow the tape.(跟读课文跟读课文) Whats your favourite school work? I like to _. / I like to _ , and I like to _. Thats my favourite school work. pair work Read silently and fill in the blanks.(默读,填空)默读,填空) I like to _ . Thats my favourite school work. Its _ . interesting You like to play games, _ I like to sing songs. but Fill in the blanks with “and ”or “but”. I like to draw pictures, _ I like to write stories. and You like to play games, _ I like to sing songs. but You like to sing songs, _ I like to draw pictures. but You like to write stories, _ I like to play games. but Whats your favourite school work? You like to _,but I like to _. I like to _. Thats my favourite school work. pair work My favorite My favourite colour is red. My favourite food is fruit. My favourite subject is art. My favourite clothes are shoes. My favourite school work is _ . to sing songs pair work My favourite school work is _ . sing songs 英语英语 歌唱歌唱 A: Whats your favourite school work? B: I like to sing songs.Thats my favourite school work. I go to the music club. C: You like to sing songs, but I like to draw pictures. I go to the art club. D: My favourite school work is to play games. I go to the games club. Hello! My name is Kim. Im 11 years old. Im 1.5 metres tall. My favourite colour is blue. My favourite food is dumplings. My favourite I like to play ping-pong. Thats my favourite school work. So I go to the ping-pong club. Write a story about yourself. 写一写,介绍一下自己。写一写,介绍一下自己。 Homework 1.Talk about your favourite school work with your family. 2.Make a poster about yourself. Thank You 教学设计教学设计 名称 Lesson 23 My Favorite School Work 执教者课时1 课时基本信息基本信息 所属教材目录冀教版小学英语三起版 四年级下册第四单元 Lesson 23 教材分析教材分析 冀教版小学英语(三年级起始版)四年级下册结构清晰,鲜明地体现了注 重学生英语听说读写能力的培养和训练。因此本课设计到了听、说、读、写 各方面的练习。本单元中学习主题是 my favourite.前几课分别学习了学生最 喜欢的颜色、食物、衣服、学科,本课继续学习我最喜欢的校园活动。 这五课在结构上很相似,但是本课在句型上与前几课不同,学生容易按 照前几课的思维定式错误的表述成:My favourite school is read books. 因此我重点设计了句型的学习和应用练习:I like to read books. Thats my favourite school work。并拓展了新句型:My favourite school is to read books.与前几课的句型对比呈现,易于学生理解记忆。And,but 在前 面的学习过程中已经出现过,容易理解区分。 学情分析学情分析 四年级的学生活泼好动,喜欢歌曲、竞赛等。他们已经学习了至少两年的 英语,具备一定的知识积累。尤其是本节课内容,他们在以前多少学过,比 较容易接受。他们善于模仿,但本节课的内容他们很容易模仿前几课的句式 出现错误。因此,需要让他们对本课的知识点引起高度注意。 四年级下学期的学生马上就要进入高年级了,因此,仅仅是听、说、读的 练习就显得单薄了,所以需要加入写的练习,为学生进入高年级做预备。 知识与技能 目标 1.学生能听懂、会说、认读并书写“and” “but” 2.知道 Whats your favourite school work?有两种方式回答: I like to do sth. Thats my favourite school work. My favourite shool is to do sth.并能正确运用表达校园活动的内 容。 教学目标教学目标 情感态度 目标 1. 在小组合作中能与其他同学积极合作,完成对话任务。 2. 对 schoo work 话题感兴趣,能够积极与他人交流。 学习策略 目标 1. 运用本课所学句型,在个人及他人的喜爱的 school work 的话 题上积极表达和交流。 2. 对所学内容能够主动复习和归纳,遇到问题主动向老师和同学 请教。 文化意识 目标 重点 学生能听懂、会说、认读并书写“and” “but” 教学教学 重难点重难点 难点 知道 Whats your favourite school work?有两种方式回 答:I like to do sth. Thats my favourite school work. My favourite shool is to do sth.并能正确运用。 教学过程教学过程 教学环节教学环节 (注明每个环节(注明每个环节 预设的时间)预设的时间) 教师活动教师活动学生活动学生活动设计意图设计意图 Greetings and review (3min) 1.Greeting. 2.Lets sing a song: “red yellow blue and green” 3.Review Whats your favourite food/ colour/subject? What are your favourtie clothes? Greeting Answer the questions 欢快的歌曲边唱 边做动作即活跃 课堂气氛,又复 习了旧知。 师生问答、生生 自由问答复习旧 知,为学习本课 新知做铺垫。 New concept (15min) 1.What do you like to do at school? These things are school work. 2. Listen and underline. Whats Jennys and Kims favourite school work? I like to draw pictures and write stories. “and” 3.Follow the tape. 4.Pair work A:What s your favourite school work? B: I like to . Thats my favourite school work. I like to read books/ sing songs/ play games/ . Listen and underline Answer the questions. Follow and read. Do pair work 通过师生问答, 自然过渡到本课 主题 school work. 带着问题听录音, 初步了解文本, 培养学生的听音 搜寻信息的能力。 引出 and 重点。 跟读录音,学习 标准的语音语调, 进一步熟悉本课 内容。 培养学生的两人 合作交流能力。 默读,培养学生 的寻读能力。 引出 but 重点 根据文本填空, 5. read silently and fill in the blanks. “But” 6.Fill in the blanks with and or but. 7.Pair work with Make a dialoug with but. 8. My favourite school is to do sth. My favourite school is to play games. Read and answer the questions You like to play games, but I like to sing songs. Fill in and answer the questions. Do pair work. Talk about their favourite school. 考察学生 and but 是否掌握。 巩固应用 but 交 流。 通过 PPT 对比呈 现新句型:My favourite school is to do sth. 并集中练习, 突破难点。 Practice (15min) 1. Group work Club time. 2. Write a story about Do group work. Write a story 通过加入新社团 的小组活动,常 设情境综合应用 本课所学的新知 识。 总结写写自己的 favourite.锻炼 了学生的写作能 yourself.about yourself. Share you story. 力,综合归纳了 本单元的主题。 课堂小结 2 分钟 What do you learn in this lesson? 1. “and” “but” 2. Whats your favourite school? I like to do sth. Thats my favourite school work. My favourite school work is to do sth. 布置作业 1 分钟 1. Talk about your favourite school work with your family. 2. Make a poster about yourself. 板书设计板书设计 Lesson 23 My favourite school work A: Whats your favourite school work? B: I like to sing songs, and I like to writes stories.Thats my favourite school work. C: You like to sing songs, but I like to play games. D: My favourite school work is to read books.
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