冀教版(三起)四下Unit 2 Days and Months-Lesson 9 When Is It -ppt课件-(含教案)-省级优课-(编号:c1968).zip

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U Unitnit 2 2 DaysDays andand monthsmonths LessonLesson 9 9 WhenWhen Is Is It It ? ? ListenListen singsing : : TwelveTwelve monthsmonths J January,anuary, F February,ebruary, March,March, April,April, May,May, J June,une, J July,uly, AugustAugust September,September, O October,ctober, N November,ovember, December.December. TwelveTwelve monthsmonths makemake a a year.year.9.mp9.mp4 4 J Januaryanuary thethe firstfirst is is N Newew YearYears s DayDay. . 1 1. . WhenWhen is is N Newew YearYears s Day?Day? WhenWhen is is thethe SpringSpring F Festivalestival? ? It It is is inin J Januaryanuary oror F February.ebruary. InternationalInternational WorkersWorkers DayDay is is MayMay thethe first.first. ThisThis is is ChildrenChildren s s DayDay. . It It is is J Juneune thethe firstfirst . . TeachersTeachers DayDay is is SeptemberSeptember thethe tenth.tenth. WhenWhen is is N Nationalational DayDay? ? O Octoberctober thethe first.first. Lesson 9 When Is It? MatchMatch andand saysay( (连线,问答连线,问答) ) N Newew YearYears s DayDay O Octoberctober thethe firstfirst SpringSpring F Festivalestival InIn J Januaryanuary oror F Februaryebruary InternationalInternational WorkerWorker s s DayDay ChildrenChildren s s DayDay TeachersTeachers DayDay N Nationalational DayDay SeptemberSeptember thethe tenthtenth MayMay thethe firstfirst J Januaryanuary thethe firstfirst J Juneune thethe firstfirst Lets do it Pair work. Make and say. When is _? It is _. MakeMake a a personalpersonal calendar.calendar. 1 1 .When.When is is youryour birthday?birthday? MyMy birthdaybirthday is is _ . . 2 2 .When.When is is youryour fatherfather s s birthday?birthday? MyMy fatherfather s s birthdaybirthday is is _. . 3 3. . WhenWhen is is youryour mothermothersbirthdaysbirthday ? ? MyMy mothermothers s birthdaybirthday is is_. . Todays homework: 1.Listen Lesson 9 and read it . 2.Draw some festivals pictures . 3. Practice your conversation with your partner. Unit 2 Days and months Lesson 9 When Is It ( When is New Years Day?&Lets do it!) Teaching design . Analysis of the students The pupils in Grade 5 can use some simple sentences to talk their some festival. In this class, they will learn to express six festival and ask & answer. . Teaching Objectives a. Knowledge objectives Ss can listen, say and read the key words and phrases. b. Ability objectives Ss can understand and apply these sentences to real situation. New Years Day- - January the first the Spring Festival- in January or February International Workers Day - May the first Childrens Day- June the first Teachers Day- September the tenth National Day- October the first When is ? It is . c. Emotion objectives Ss can express six festival and ask & answer. . Focus Points & Difficult Points 1) Master the English names and dates of the six festivals 2) Let students understand and say sentences and use them in real situations freely. . Teaching aids: Video Word cards PPT pictures .Teaching procedures ProceduresTTeachers activitiesStudents activitiesPurpose Warming up 1.Greeting 2.Answer the questions Greet to the teacher. 复习 12 个月,并让 Which month do you like best? Why? Because . How many months are there in a year? 3.Lets sing: The twelve months Lead in the topic There are twelve months. 学生说说自己的生日, 为后面的学习内容准 备。演唱歌曲,调动 学生积极性,创造好 的英语学习氛围。 Presentation Task 1. When ins New Years Day? Six festivals presentation: a. New Years Day When is New Years Day? -January the first is New Years Day. b. Spring Festival When is Spring Festival? -It is in January or February. c.International Workers Day d. - International Workers Day is May the first. e.Childrens Day f.-This is Childrens Day. It is June the first. g. Teachers Day h. - Teachers Day is September the tenth. i.National Day -October the first. When is ? It is . Task 2:Listen and read Task 3:Match and say Ask and answer Use the key sentences to describe six festivals. Ss try to use the key sentences to describe the date of the festivals. .Listen to the text and read . Match the festivals and dates ,then ask and answer. 通过课件和图片的展 示,教授 6 个节日的 短语以及日期,并用 主要的句型问答 When is ? It is . 听原音,让大家感受 本课的主要内容,同 时也是很好的纠正读 音的过程。 连线:把节日和日期 连线,同时再一问一 答,很好的巩固了所 学的内容。 Practice 1. Lets do it When is ? It is . 2.Make your personal calendar When is your birthday? My birthday is . Ss draws twelve months pictures. T guide Ss to find the information and ask and answer. Make a survey: Ask your family members 学生画好 12 个月份 的图片。通过图片对 12 个月份的问答,很 好的练习和巩固了所 学的知识。 通过对家庭成员生日 的调查,拓展本课的 Focus on Homework When is your fathers birthday? My fathers birthday is When is your mothers birthday? My mothers birthday is New Years Day- January the first the Spring Festival - in January or February International Workers Day - May the first Childrens Day- June the first Teachers Day- September the tenth National Day- October the first When is ? It is . 1.Listen Lesson 9 and read it . 2. Draw some festivals pictures . 3.Practice your conversation with your partner. birthday ,and sing songs: “I love my family”. 主题,爱父母,爱祖 国,培养学生的爱国 主义情怀。对本课也 是德育教育。 巩固所学的内容。 Blackboard writing Unit 2 Days and months Lesson 9 When Is It New Years Day Spring Festival International Workers Day January the first in January or February May the first Childrens Day Teachers Day National Day June the first September the tenth October the first When is ? It is .
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