教科版(广州)六下Module 2 Animals-Unit 3 What animal is it-Fun with language-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)--(编号:960dd).zip

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1 义务教育教科书英语六年级下册(三年级起点)Module 2 Animals Module 2 第第 3 课时课时 Animals I Like 读写课研学案读写课研学案 班级: 姓名: 学号: 一、研学目标一、研学目标 1、我能有节奏朗读 rhyme。 【Task 1】 2、我能说出动物的名称。 【Task 2】 3、我能根据所给词语说出动物的有关信息。 【Task 3】 4、我能根据所给信息猜出动物。 【Task 4】 5、我能阅读有关动物的篇章,并积累语言完成练习。 【Task 5】 6、我能运用所学知识写出我喜爱的动物。 【Task 6】 二、学习路线图二、学习路线图 三、研学过程三、研学过程 2 (一)引入课题 【Task 1】Read the rhyme (二)复习巩固 【Task 2】Sharp eyes. I know these animals. 【Task 3】Smart mind. I can make sentences about animals. 【Task 4】Guess who I am. I can guess. (三)积累语言 【Task 5】Read and answer. Reading 1 Starfish A starfish looks like a star. Most of them have five arms. Some have even more. At the end of each arm is an eye. The starfish has many eyes as it has arms! And if an arm of a starfish is lost, it grows a new one. If you cut a starfish in two, each piece will grow into a new starfish! Starfish are not real fish. They are not good to eat. Dry ones are very pretty. People take dry starfish home and decorate their houses with them. Read and choose the right answer.(阅读,选择正确的答案。 ) ( ) 1. What is a starfish? A. A star. B. A fish. C. Not a real fish. ( ) 2. How many eyes does a starfish with five arms have? A. Two. B. Five. C. Seven. ( ) 3. What will happen if you cut a starfish in two? A. It will die. B. It will dry up. C. It will become two starfish. Reading 2 Dolphins 3 Dolphins are small whales and they live in the sea. They may look like fish, but theyre not. They are mammals like us. An adult dolphin is usually about 3 to 4.2 metres(米) long and weighs(重) about 150-200 kg. Some can weigh up to 450 kg. Dolphins are super swimmers. They can swim at 35 kilometres (千米)an hour. They move their big tails up and down when they swim. The smiling face of a dolphin makes it the most popular animal with people. These friendly animals usually make their home near land. They will sometimes come up to people. They seem to enjoy playing with people. People enjoy swimming with them, too. Read and answer the questions(阅读,回答问题。 ) 1. Where do dolphins live? 2. How long is an adult dolphine? 3. How heavy is an adult dolphin? 4. How fast can dolphins swim? 5. Why dolphins are the most popular animals with people? (四)运用语言 【Task 6】Write your favourite animal. 1. Finish the mind-map. 4 2. Write your favourite animal. 【学习评价学习评价】 学习任务达成程度小组评价 【Task 1】我能有节奏朗读 rhyme。 【Task 2】我能说出动物的名称。 【Task 3】我能根据所给词语说出动物的有关信息。 【Task 4】我能根据所给信息猜出动物。 【Task 5】我能阅读有关动物的篇章,并积累语言完成练习。 【Task 6】我能运用所学知识写出我喜爱的动物。 义务教育教科书 六年级下册 Module Animals 第三课时 Animals I Like读写课 Mengmeng Shuaishuai Kuku 1. I know these animals. 1. I know these animals. panda, bamboo The panda likes eating bamboo. The pandas favourite food is bamboo. The panda usually eats bamboo. Using the following words to make sentences about animals as quickly as you can. 2. I can make sentence about animals. live in Using the following words to make sentences about animals as quickly as you can. look like be good at can, fast King of the Animals 2. I can make sentence about animals. 3. I can guess. Guess who I am. I am good at climbing trees, and I am fast. People like me because I look like them. When people see me in a zoo, they often feed me bananas. I love bananas. I have a strong body with four short legs. My mouth is big and long. My teeth is sharp. People are afraid of me. crocodile 3. I can guess. Guess who I am. I look like a horse. I have beautiful strips. I can run fast. I live in Africa. zebra 3. I can guess. Guess who I am. I am the biggest bird in the world. I cant fly, but I can run very fast. I can be 2.5 metres tall. ostrich 3. I can guess. Guess who I am. I am a small bird. I only live in New Zealand. My wing isnt big. I am very small. So I cant fly. kiwi 3. I can guess. Guess who I am. I am the sea bird. I cant live in warm place. I like to live in cold place. I cant fly, but I am good at swimming. I can catch fish in the water. penguin 3. I can guess. Guess who I am. A starfish looks like a star. Most of them have five arms. Some have even more. At the end of each arm is an eye. The starfish has many eyes as it has arms! And if an arm of a starfish is lost, it grows a new one. If you cut a starfish in two, each piece will grow into a new starfish! Starfish are not real fish. They are not good to eat. Dry ones are very pretty. People take dry starfish home and decorate their houses with them. 4. I can know more about animals. Read and choose the right answer. ( ) 1. What is a starfish? A. A star. B. A fish. C. Not a real fish. ( ) 2. How many eyes does a starfish with five arms have? A. Two. B. Five. C. Seven. ( ) 3. What wil happen if you cut a starfish in two? A. It will die. B. It will dry up. C. It will become two starfish. C B C StarfishStarfish Dolphins are small whales and they live in the sea. They may look like fish, but they are not. They are mammals like us. An adult dolphin is usually about 3 to 4.5 meters(米) long and weighs(重) about 150-200kg. Some can weigh up to 450 kg. Dolphins are super swimmers. They can swim at 35 kilometers(千米) an hour. They move their big tails up and down when they swim. The smiling face of a dolphin makes it the most popular animal with people. These friendly animals usually make their home near land. They will sometimes come up to people. They seem to enjoy playing with people. People enjoy swimming with them too. 4. I can know more about animals. 1. Where do dolphins live? 2. How long is an adult dolphin? 3. How heavy is an adult dolphin? 4. How fast can dolphins swim? 5. Why dolphins are the most popular animals with people? 4. I can know more about animals. Dolphins are small whales and they live in the sea. They may look like fish, but they are not. They are mammals like us. An adult dolphin is usually about 3 to 4.5 meters long and weighs about 150-200kg. Some can weigh up to 450 kg. Dolphins are super swimmers. They can swim at 35 kilometers an hour. They move their big tail up and down when they swim. 1. Where do dolphins live? They live in the sea. 4. I can know more about animals. 3. How heavy is an adult dolphin? An adult dolphin weighs about 150-200kg. Some can weigh up to 450 kg. Dolphins are small whales and they live in the sea. They may look like fish, but they are not. They are mammals, like us. An adult dolphin is usually about 3 to 4.5 meters long and weighs about 150-200kg. Some can weigh up to 450 kg. Dolphins are super swimmers. They can swim at 35 kilometers an hour. They move their big tail up and down when they swim. 4. I can know more about animals. Dolphins are small whales and they live in the sea. They may look like fish, but they are not. They are mammals, like us. An adult dolphin is usually about 3 to 4.5 meters long and weighs about 150-200kg. Some can weigh up to 450 kg. Dolphins are super swimmers. They can swim at 35 kilometers an hour. They move their big tail up and down when they swim. 4. How fast can dolphins swim? They can swim at 35 kilometers an hour. 4. I can know more about animals. 5. Why dolphins are the most popular animals with people? They have smiling faces. The smiling(微笑的) face of a dolphin makes it the most popular animal with people. These friendly animals usually make their home near land. They will sometimes come up to people. They seem to enjoy playing with people. People enjoy swimming with them too. Task 4. I can know more about animals. How to describe your favourite animal? Dolphins are small whales and they live in the sea. They may look like fish, but they are not. They are mammals like us. An adult dolphin is usually about 3 to 4.5 meters(米) long and weighs(重) about 150-200kg. Some can weigh up to 450 kg. Dolphins are super swimmers. They can swim at 35 kilometers(千米) an hour. They move their big tails up and down when they swim. The smiling face of a dolphin makes it the most popular animal with people. These friendly animals usually make their home near land. They will sometimes come up to people. They seem to enjoy playing with people. People enjoy swimming with them too. Write your favourite animal. 5. I can write my favourite animal. Love animals, love our world. 继续完成作文; 与同学和家长分享自己喜爱的动 物。 1 义务教育教科书英语六年级下册(三年级起点)Module 2 Animals Module 2 第第 3 课时课时 Animals I Like读写课教学设计读写课教学设计 一、教学内容分析一、教学内容分析 本课时是 Module 2 的第三课时,课型定位为读写课。在前一、二课时已解决了 Unit 3 Lets talk 及 Fun with language 内容,学生初步了解常见动物的特征、饮食喜爱、 居住地等信息。本课时重点是对 Unit 3 所学动物进行复习、梳理,拓展学生有关动物名 称的词汇量,通过阅读两篇有关动物的拓展阅读文章,扩充学生对动物的知识量,并通 过思维导图引导学生回顾一些有关描写动物的词汇,构建动物写作的框架,培养学生的 写作能力。 二、教学对象分析二、教学对象分析 本班学生对英语学习有浓厚的兴趣,喜欢思考,喜欢的挑战性的任务。有良好的小 组学习习惯,乐于参与小组学习活动。由于本模块的学习内容为 animals,是学生感兴趣 的话题,而且前两个课时已经学习了一些常见动物的知识内容,对动物的描述有一定的 储备量,能流利地描述一般动物的颜色,食物喜好,居住地等知识。本课时学习重点是 让学生围绕描述动物思维导图的几方面知识点进行听、说、读、写的训练,并在学习任 务中掌握一定的阅读与写作策略。 三、教学目标三、教学目标 (一)语言能力目标(一)语言能力目标 1. 知识与技能目标 (1)复习动物的名称。 (2)能理解阅读材料的内容,完成相关的阅读任务。 2.语用目标 (1)能流利地描述动物的相关信息。 (2)能综合运用已学知识,写出自己喜爱的动物。 (二)学习能力目标(二)学习能力目标 1.掌握一定的阅读技巧,如在文中找关键信息。 2.学会从听、说、读到写的知识迁移,形成良好的写作策略。 3.学会与人合作,共同完成学习任务。 (三)思维品质目标(三)思维品质目标 2 1.激发学生学习动物词汇量的意愿。 2.通过小组合作研学,分享自己喜爱的动物,体验英语学习的乐趣,乐于与同 学们分享交流。 四、教学重难点四、教学重难点 (一)教学重点(一)教学重点 了解动物的特征,说出动物写作的思维导图。 (二)教学难点(二)教学难点 1.从学习任务中提出信息。 2.能从各方面准确描述动物,构建写作框架。 五、教学策略五、教学策略 本课以围绕动物这一话题为中心任务,遵循 input - internalization - output 的教 学模式,创设了听、说、读、写的研学任务,在小组合作中完成阅读任务,最后能归纳 语言完成写作任务。 本节课通过创设在香江动物园观看“萌帅酷”熊猫的为学习主线,通过一系列的学 习任务激发学生学习英语的兴趣。 学生通过教师创设的研学任务,利用小组合作研学模式,相互交流,共同解决任务, 体验英语学习的乐趣。 六、教学媒体六、教学媒体 多媒体课件,研学案 七、教学过程七、教学过程 IPreparation 1. Read the “Animals” rhyme together. 【设计意图:通过齐读 rhyme,调动学生学习的情绪,活跃课堂气氛,引入下面关 于动物的学习。 】 2. Leading in. Introduce Mengmeng, Shuaishuai, Kuku in Xiangjiang Zoo. Have a travel in Xiangjiang Zoo. 【设计意图:通过萌帅酷三只熊猫,引学生进入香江动物园游玩为主线,学习本节 课有关动物的内容,激发学生学习的兴趣。 】 IIInput and internalization 1 3 1. Sharp eyes. I know these animals. Game: Look at the pictures and say out the names of animals. 【设计意图:通过 sharp eyes 的游戏,滚动学生之前已有的动物名称的储备量,激 活学生对动物的认识,拓展学生有关动物名称的词汇量,为最后动物写作挑选动物。 】 2. Smart mind. I can make sentences about animals. T says “Using the following words to make sentences about animals ” 根据所给的单词, 组句描述动物的句子。 Eg: panda bamboo Pandas like eating bamboo. Pandas favourite food is bamboo. The panda usually eats bamboo. 【设计意图:学生通过所给单词,发挥想象力,对相关动物进行正确描述,激活学 生对动物的已有知识量,并训练学生描述动物的口头表达能力,为下一步对动物写作奠 定基础。 】 3. Guess Who I am. I can guess. Eg: I jump far and high. I have four legs, two of are short, the other two are long and strong. I have a long tail. People like me. They come to Australia to see me. ( kangaroo) 【设计意图:通过猜动物的游戏,一方面活跃课堂气氛,吸引学生的注意力,另一 方面为学生动物写作提供相关的句子及描述的方面,进一步激活学生已有知识量,为下 面的写作提供骨干句子。 】 IIIInput and internalization 2 1. Reading 1 Starfish 【设计意图:通过小组阅读动物的篇章,深入了解不熟悉的动物,增加对动物的认 识,扩充动物的知识量,为最后写作作准备。 】 2. Reading 2 Dolphins 【设计意图:深入认识动物的特征,并以此为动物写作蓝本,引导学生进行思维导 图,为学生的动物写作提供方向性。 】 IVOutput How to describe your favourite animal? 1. Discuss in group and finish the mind-map in groups. 4 2. Talk about how to describe your favourite animal. 3. Write about your favourite animal. 4. Share your favourite animal in class. 【设计意图:在研学过程中学会归纳,对所学知识进行整合,为学生最后输出喜爱 的动物构建写作的框架。 】 V. Assessment 八、板书设计八、板书设计 九、作业布置九、作业布置 1.继续完成作文; 2.与同学和家长分享自己喜爱的动物。 附件:阅读材料附件:阅读材料 Reading 1 Starfish A starfish looks like a star. Most of them have five arms. Some have even more. At the end of each arm is an eye. The starfish has many eyes as it has arms! And if an arm of a starfish is lost, it grows a new one. If you cut a starfish in two, each piece will grow into a new starfish! Starfish are not real fish. They are not good to eat. Dry ones are very pretty. People take dry starfish home and decorate their houses with them. Reading 2 Dolphins 5 Dolphins are small whales and they live in the sea. They may look like fish, but theyre not. They are mammals like us. An adult dolphin is usually about 3 to 4.2 metres long and weighs about 150-200 kg. Some can weigh up to 450 kg. Dolphins are super swimmers. They can swim at 35 kilometres an hour. They move their big tails up and down when they swim. The smiling face of a dolphin makes it the most popular animal with people. These friendly animals usually make their home near land. They will sometimes come up to people. They seem to enjoy playing with people. People enjoy swimming with them, too.
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