教科版(广州)六下Module 6 Let’s look back-ppt课件-(含教案+音频+素材)--(编号:7074b).zip

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Who was/is he? He was bron in 1866. He was the father of modern China. He was born in 1904,died in 1997. In 1979 he visited Guangdong and made an important speech . He is a famous movie star. He was born in 1954 Hong Kong. He is a strong man , with a big nose. He likes Chinese kungfu very much. He was born in1980 in Shanghai. He is 226cm tall. He is good at playing basketball. Yao Ming What else do you want to know about Yao Ming? Yao Ming Yao Ming was born on Septemper 12th, 1980 in Shanghai. He is 226cm tall .Both his parents were basketball players. Yao Ming was not much taller than the other boys in his class before grade 4. But later, he was much taller than any other boys in his school. At the age of 10, he started to play basketball. He loves this game and became very good at it. He once played table tennis. He liked making model planes. He was not the best student in school. He liked some subjects but dislike others. He started to learn English at grade five.We all know that Yao Ming is very tall. But when people asked him ”Do you prefer to be clever or to be tall?” ”Clever.” he said. 1.( )Yao Ming is_years old. A、43 B、34 C、24 2.( )Yao Ming is_ tall. A、226cm B、236 C、216cm 3.( ) Yao Mings parents were_. A、writers B、inventors C、basketball players 4.( ) Yao Ming is good at_. A、making model planes B、playing table tennis. C、playing basketball 5.( ) Yao Ming started to learn English_. A、At grade 5 B、at the age of 10 C、before grade 4 Read and Choose the right answers(请根据原文大意,选择正确的答案填空。)(请根据原文大意,选择正确的答案填空。) B A C C A name birthday birth place job hobby Appearance (外貌) character (性格) J.K.Rowling(罗琳) 1965.7,England a famous writer J.K.Rowling Do you know J.K.Rowling ? Of course you know, because she is the writer of the Harry Potter books. Rowling was born in July,1965 in England. She is a mother of three children. She is pretty and slim.She is kind and patient.She loved reading and writing when she was very young.She wrote her first story when she was 6. The idea of Harry Potter came to her on a train trip in 1990. She worked on the idea for several years. Several publishers turned down the first book after she had finished it. The first Harry Potter book was published in 1998 in the USA. It was a great success. Rowling published her second and third Harry Potter books in 1999,the fourth in 2000 and the fifth in 2003. The sixth and seventh books will come onto the market in the next two or three years. Both children and adults love her stories. People in more than 200 countries read her stories in 61 languages. 读短文,并根据短文填写表格读短文,并根据短文填写表格. Name Birthday Birth place Job Appearance( 外貌) Character(性 格) Hobby New words: severa sevrl好几个 publisher pbli 出版社 publish pbli出版 turn down t:n daun拒绝 三、读短文,并根据短文填写表格三、读短文,并根据短文填写表格. Name Birhday Birth place Job Appearance( 外貌) Character(性 格) Hobby J.K.Rowling a writer kind and patient reading and writing in England July. 1965 pretty and slim Can you retell J.K.Rowling? He/She is He/She was born in He/She was born in He/She is /was a/an His/Her hobby is He/She loves/likes He/She looks He/she is Name: Birthday: Birth place: Job: Hobby : Appearance(外貌外貌): Character(性格性格): 提示句提示句 描写方向描写方向 描写人物的句型描写人物的句型 写作写作: 请请描述你喜爱的名人,你可以从他描述你喜爱的名人,你可以从他/她她 的职业、出生时间地点、爱好、事迹等的职业、出生时间地点、爱好、事迹等 方面写。方面写。 要求:要求: 1. 内容符合实际,意思表达清楚。内容符合实际,意思表达清楚。 2.单词书写正确,语句通顺,语法正确单词书写正确,语句通顺,语法正确 。 3. 字数在字数在50个以上。个以上。 课前任务:搜索一个你最喜欢的名人资料。课前任务:搜索一个你最喜欢的名人资料。 Name Time Place Job Appearance( 外貌) Character(性 格) Hobby Tips: Andy Lau(刘德华)(刘德华) 1961.9.27Hongkong 174cm tall handsome, kind, hard-working good at painting singer/movie star Tips: G.E.M.(邓紫棋邓紫棋) 1991.8.16 Shanghai singer Hongkong Tips: Liuxiang 1983.7.13 Shanghai 189cm tall likes singing athlete Lets choose and introduce: Homework: 1.Discribe your favourite people in groups after class. 2. Tell a famous persons story to your parents or friends. Name: Michelle Home: Panyu Favourite colour: purple Favourite food: pizza Favourite sport: playing basketball Hobbies: eating with my daughter Lets be good friends! Revision for Famous People Class_ Name_ 一、阅读活动(一)一、阅读活动(一) Yao Ming Yao Ming was born on Septemper 12th, 1980 in Shanghai. He is 226cm tall .Both his parents were basketball players. Yao Ming was not much taller than the other boys in his class before grade 4. But later, he was much taller than any other boys in his school. At the age of 10, he started to play basketball. He loves this game and became very good at it. He once played table tennis. He liked making model planes. He was not the best student in school. He liked some subjects but dislike others. He started to learn English at grade five.We all know that Yao Ming is very tall. But when people asked him ”Do you prefer to be clever or to be tall?” ”Clever.” he said. Read and Choose the right answers(请根据原文大意,选择正确的答案填空。(请根据原文大意,选择正确的答案填空。 ) 1.( )Yao Ming is_years old. A、43 B、34 C、24 2.( )Yao Ming is_ tall. A、226cm B、236 C、216cm 3.( ) Yao Mings parents were_. A、writers B、inventors C、basketball players 4.( ) Yao Ming is good at_. A、making model planes B、playing table tennis. C、playing basketball 5.( ) Yao Ming started to learn English_. A、At grade 5 B、at the age of 10 C、before grade 4 二、阅读活动(二)二、阅读活动(二) J.K.Rowling Do you know J.K.Rowling ? Of course you know,because she is the writer of the Harry potter books. Rowling was born in July,1965 in England. She is a mother of three children. She is pretty and slim.She is kind and patient.She loved reading and writing when she was very young.She wrote her first story when she was 6. The idea of Harry Potter came to her on a train trip in 1990. She worked on the idea for several years. Several publishers turned down the first book after she had finished it. The first Harry Potter book was published in 1998 in the USA. It was a great success. Rowling published her second and third Harry Potter books in 1999,the fourth in 2000 and the fifth in 2003. The sixth and seventh books will come onto the market in the next two or three years. Both children and adults love her stories. People in more than 200 countries read her stories in 61 languages. New words list: severa sevrl好几个 publisher pbli 出版社 publish pbli出版 turn down t:n daun拒绝 turn down t:n daun拒绝 publisher pbli 出版社 publish pbli出版 turn down t:n daun拒绝 读短文,并根据短文内容填写表格。读短文,并根据短文内容填写表格。 Name Birthday Birth place Job Appearance(外貌) Character(性格) Hobby 三、Writing: Choose and write down your favourite people with tips.(选择所给的三选择所给的三 个名人之一去描述,或者另外根据你自己搜索到的有关你最喜欢的名人资料进个名人之一去描述,或者另外根据你自己搜索到的有关你最喜欢的名人资料进 行写作)行写作) 。 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. A picture of your favourite famous people. Andy Lau is my_ _ _ _ _. Tips: Andy Lau(刘德华) 1961.9.27Hongkong.174cm tall handsome,kind, hard-working ,good at painting singer/movie star Tips: Liuxiang 1983.7.13 Shanghai likes singing athlete 189cm tall likes singing athlete My favourite person is_ _ _ _ _ _. Tips: G.E.M.(邓紫棋) 1991.8.16 Shanghai singer Hongkong _ is my heroine._ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1 SUCCESS WITH ENGLISH BOOK 8 Teaching Plan of Revision for the Famous People School 学校学校 Date 日期日期 Designer 设计者设计者 研究主题研究主题 方向方向 高年级阅高年级阅 读写作探读写作探 讨讨 Topic 课题课题 Revision for the Famous PersonPeriod 课时课时 1 Type of lesson 课型课型 复习课复习课 Objectives: 教学目标教学目标 1.Language knowledge 语言知识:语言知识: Be+adj, be good atBe +job be born died in 2.Language skill 语言技能:语言技能: (1) 能认识学过的名人。 (2) 能熟练掌握有关职业的单词。 (3)能描述名人的一些生平事迹。 (4)能熟练掌握描述人物信息的句型并进行说话及写作练习。 3.Affect 情感态度情感态度: 通过学习名人的故事增加对意识文化的理解,拓展视野,提高跨文化交际能力。学会与朋友们分享自己偶像的 情况。 4.Learning strategies 学习策略:学习策略: 学生在模拟的情景中,通过交际性操练深刻地体会到学习语言最重要的是为了运用语言,并积极、主动与他人 合作,运用英语于交际中。 2 Main Point Analysis 教材分析:教材分析: 本节课谈论的话题是 Famous Person,学习怎样用英语描述不同的名人。本节课旨在让学生学习认识一些中外 的名人,了解来自不同国家的名人的经历、成就和喜好等信息,从中体会并学习中内外著名人物的高尚情操和他们 的顽强拼搏精神,激发其学习英语的强烈兴趣和欲望。 本节课的课型定位为读写教学课。以阅读指导为主,以读促写。结合新课标培养学生综合运用语言能力的 理念,考虑到学生已有的语言知识水平,以及本节课的能力培养目标,在内容的组织上,我选取了二篇较为符合本 班学生学情的文章作为本节课的教学内容及学生课堂阅读材料,以此加大学生的语言输入,指导阅读和写作策略。 在教学过程中,让学生通过自主阅读、小组合作阅读等形式,提高阅读效率,培养学生在阅读中提取信息的能力, 形成写作策略,提高语言运用的能力。 Language difficult point 教学难点:教学难点: 1.培养学生在阅读和询问中提取信息的能力。 2.读写结合,如何描写一个自己喜欢的名人生平以培养学生的写作能力。 。 Teaching Aids/Media and Resource 教学资源与媒体教学资源与媒体 课前收集的资料和自制课件,学生阅读材料二篇“Yao Ming and J.K.Rowling” ,学案等。 Teaching Procedures 教学过程教学过程 Teaching activities & Steps 教学活动及具体的操作步骤教学活动及具体的操作步骤 Learning Activities 学生学习活动学生学习活动 Strategies/Purpose 策略与设计意图策略与设计意图 I. pre-reading Activity 1: 、Free talk Activity 1: talk with teacher 以师生对话的形式让学 生回答问题,目的除了活跃 气氛外,主要是加大参与度, 3 Activity 2 : Play a guessing game Activity 2: Play a guessing game 让中下生能参与到其中,增 强其自信心,为后面的学习 保持高涨的情绪,为下面的 环节做了重要的铺垫。 II.While-readingWhile-reading Activity 3:Reading(1) :Yao Ming 引出故事人物,由学生自己提问:想了 解关于 Yao Ming 的哪些信息。 Activity 4: 要求学生带着自己提出的问题泛 读 Yao Ming 的个人事迹,根据故事大意选 择填空。 Activity 5: 引导学生分组讨论从哪些方面去 了解名人,并进行归纳板书。 Activity 3: 学生自己提问:想了解关 于 Yao Ming 的哪些信息。 Activity 4: 带着自己提出的问题泛读 Yao Ming 的个人事迹,根据故事大意 选择填空。 ActivityActivity 5:5: 分组讨论从哪些方面去 了解名人 由学生自己提出想了解有 关姚明的问题,体现学生学 习的自主性,同时,激发学 生回忆已学知识句型,也为 阅读和回答有关问题提供支 持,通过说话,发展学生的 口语能力。 泛读活动帮助学生初步理 解故事大意,小组合作起到 互帮互助的作用,根据故事 内容选择正确的信息填空, 为归纳写人物架构作铺垫。 让学生学会如何去了解一 个名人而构成一个清晰的思 维导图。为写名人架构作铺 垫。并为下一篇的阅读文章 提出了明确的阅读指示。 4 III.Post-readingPost-reading Activity 6:Reading(2): J.K.Rowling Activity 7:分组阅读短文,根据短文大意填 写表格。 Activity 8:出示新单词,拼读音标,学习单 词帮助阅读。 Activity9:根据表格信息复述 J.K.Rowling Activity10:引导学生归纳描写人物的关键语 句。 Activity 6:Reading(2): J.K.Rowling Activity 7:分组阅读短文,根据短文 大意填写表格。 Activity 8:学生自己找出新单词, 并根据给出的新单词音标尝试拼读音 标,学习单词帮助阅读。 ActivityActivity 9 9:学生根据表格信息尝试 复述 J.K.Rowling Activity 10:学生归纳描写人物的关 选用一篇关于外国名人 J.K.Rowling 的阅读文章, 主要想通过学习她的故事增 加学生对外国文化的理解, 拓展视野,让学生了解来自 不同国家的名人的经历、成 就和喜好等信息,从中体会 并学习中内外著名人物的高 尚情操和他们的顽强拼搏精 神,激发其学习英语的强烈 兴趣和欲望。 通过学生自己在阅读中自 己主动找出相关的新单词并 尝试自己利用学过的音标进 行单词的拼读,真正体现学 生学习的主导地位和对英语 知识的学以致用。 学生根据表格中描写人物 的相关信息尝试对人物进行 复述,提高学生口头综合语 言运用的能力。 再次指导学生怎样梳理并 归纳描写人物的关键语句。 5 Activity11:老师提供三个名人信息让学生自 由选择一个他们最喜欢的名人进行描写。 Activity12:引导学生进行作品分享。 (Choose and introduce your favourite famous people in groups:根据提示信息 小组合作介绍名人。 ) Activity13:检验学生的写作成果。 键语句。 Activity11:学生自由选择一个他们 自己最喜欢的名人进行描写。 (老师 提供三个名人信息,学生自己课前搜 集一个自己最喜欢的名人信息) Activity 12:Choose and introduce your favourite famous people in groups:根据提示信息小组合作介绍 名人。 为他们进行有效的写作训练 作一个有效的铺垫和指引。 让学生通过以上归纳出来 的描写人思维导图,根据老 师提供的图片和提示语自己 自由选择一个自己最喜欢的 名人进行描写,也可以利用 自己课前搜索到的自己最喜 欢的名人信息进行写作,这 样适合学生个体差异性的发 展。 小组合作互相介绍自己 喜欢的名人信息,提高综合 语言运用能力 IV. Conclusion & Homework 1.Discribe your favourite people in groups after class. 2. Tell a famous persons story to your parents or friends. 通过分层布置作业,使 优秀学生的能力得到更好的 发展,这样既关注学生的个 体差异,满足学生的不同需 要,又真正体现学生学习的 自主性。 6 板书设计板书设计: name characterbirthday job Birth place appearance hobby 7
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