人教版(新起点)一年级下册Unit 3 Toys-lesson 1-ppt课件-(含教案+微课+视频)--(编号:31379).zip

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toy car toy train Whats this? Its a . plane toy plane Beijing (北京) How can we go to Beijing? We can go by. car train We can also go to Beijing by. plane Do you know them?(你认识它们吗?你认识它们吗?) ball doll bear Do you know them?(你认识它们吗?你认识它们吗?) Whats on the bed? A bear. Whats on the chair? A plane. Whats under the desk? A car. Whats behind the door? A train. Whats near the doll? A ball. What do you have? I have a I have a I have a I have a I have a B B:Sure.Here you are.Sure.Here you are. B B:Sorry,no.Sorry,no. A: Can I have a car?A: Can I have a car? B: Sure.Here you are.B: Sure.Here you are. Homework: 把你认识的玩具名称用把你认识的玩具名称用 英语说给爸爸、妈妈听。英语说给爸爸、妈妈听。 Unit 3 My toys 教学设计 一、教材分析 本课选自人教版小学英语 1B Unit 3 lesson 1,题目为 my family. 本课内容贴近生活,尤其与一年级学生兴趣爱好紧密联系,因此学生会十分愿意学 习。 二、教学目标 知识目标 1、能听懂、会说、初步认读单词 car ,train 等四个玩具单词,发音正确。 2、能听懂特殊疑问句 What do you have ?并能用 I have.作出应答,语音语调正 确。 能力目标 1、能根据实际情况用 I have.作出应答。 情感目标 1、培养学生学习英语的兴趣,懂得“助人是快乐之本”的道理。 三、教学重点 1、能听懂、会说、初步认读单词四个玩具单词,发音正确。 2、能听懂特殊疑问句 What do you have?并能用 I have.作出应答,语音语调正 确。 四、教学难点 1、能读准单词。 2、能根据实际情况用 I have.作出应答。 3、培养学生学习英语的兴趣,懂得“助人是快乐之本”的道理。 五、教学方法 愉快教学、CAI、 六、教学准备 1、教具:PPT、玩具、单词卡、贴纸 2、板书:Unit 3 My toys 七、教学过程: Step1: Warming up 1.Enjoy a song. The students enjoy a song”My lovely doll” and do some gestures. 设计意图:在课的开始和学生共同欣赏并表演此歌谣引出单词 car,并将学生带入 我的英语课堂中来。 2.Review the word “red,blue,yellow” The students practise this word in different ways. (2)呈示句型 I have. The teacher shows the doll and says “I have a car.” (3)学生有节奏击响板并练习 car,car,car, I have a car. 设计意图:通过教师自己的实物引出句型 I have.更助于学生理解。学生有节奏地 击响板练习 car,car,car, I have a car.既激发了兴趣,又巩固了单词和句型。 Step2:Presentation 1.揭示课题 My toys (1)Story( I have a car. Her name is Kitty. She can speak. She is a magic car. She is very happy now. Can you guess why?) (2)The students guess the reasons . (.) (3)Then Kitty says the answer. (I have many toys. ) (4)The students look at Kittys toys and review some toys. (5)Present the tittle “My toys”.我的玩具 设计意图:通过猜猜 Kitty 开心的原因,既复习了已学单词如 pig,duck,dog,又引 出今天要学的玩具,自然地揭示了课题。 (2)The teacher talks with kitty from QQ and asks “What do you have?”你有什么? a.The students read the sentence after the tape. b.Little train. 设计意图:通过灰太狼抢玩具这一情景,引出 QQ 询问 KittyWhat do you have?使 得新句型的呈现和自然。 3.Learn the words (1)Kitty answers “I have a yo-yo” (2)Read “yo-yo” after the tape and play with the yo-yo. (3) 学生有节奏击响板并练习 yo-yo,yo-yo,I have a yo-yo. (4)Learn puppet with the same method. When practise the word, the students do the puppet gestures. 4. Learn the word “car” (1)Kitty asks the teacher“What do you have?”引出 puzzle (2)train,train,train,I have a train. (4)Kitty is not happy. The teacher gives her car to Kitty and tells the students“Helping others is the origin of happiness.” 设计意图:通过老师问 Kitty 还有的玩具学习新单词 train.Kitty 问老师玩具学习单词 car。老师将自己的拼图送给 Kitty,并渗透情感教育:助人是快乐之本。 Step3: Practice and consolidation. 1. Say a rhyme I have a ball. Ball, ,I have a ball. ball I have a ball ,I have a ball .2.Game1: Finger Games (1)游戏规则:教师手指所学单词,指的慢学生读得慢,指的快学生读得快。 (2)师生互动。 3.Read and write 4,Game2: Robot Game (1)游戏规则:老师说 One two three,学生摆好机器人的造型。老师点到谁,谁就 站起来学机器人说出 I have. 并摆好动作。 (2)师生互动 5.Listen and circle 设计意图:在巩固环节,设计 Rhyme、游戏等活动使操练变得有趣,学生学习的 热情也被激发。 Step4: Assign the homework 1.Read the dialogues after the tape about 15 minutes. 2.Recite the dialogues and the two words. 八、板书设计 Unit4 My toys (A&B)
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