人教版(新起点)三下Unit 6 My Home-Story Time-ppt课件-(含教案)-公开课-(编号:1056e).zip

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  • 人教2011课标版一年级起点(吴欣主编)_三年级下册(2014年10月第1版)_小学英语_Unit 6 My Home_Story Time_ppt课件_(含教案)_县级优课_(编号:1056e)
    • Unit 6 My home (story time).ppt--点击预览
    • 教案1056e.docx--点击预览


Unit6 My Home Story Time 人教版新起点 三年级下册 绵阳市仙海水利风景区中心学校绵阳市仙海水利风景区中心学校 钟怀光钟怀光 What day is it today? Its Wednesday. o n What day is it ? Monday Tuesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Warm-up Presentation This is my home. What s this ? She is in the dining room. Presentation Where is the girl? Where is the grandfather? He is in the living room. What is she doing? She is drinking water . What is he doing? He is watching TV. Presentation Where is the grandmother? Where is the boy? She is in the bedroom.He is in the bathroom. What is she doing? She is watering the plants. What is he doing? He is washing his hand. Presentation Where is the mother? Where is the father? She is in the kitchen. He is in the study. What is she doing? She is cooking dinner. What is he doing? H e is reading a book. Warm-up Lets sing Whats this ? Whats his name ?.Do you know? Hes Trouble. It s a cat . Ok! Today we are going to talk about the cat Trouble s story. New Lesson What s this ? Its a bathroom Hes Trouble On Monday who is he ? Where is Trouble on Monday ? On Monday,Trouble is in the bathroom.Oh no! New Lesson What s this ? It s a dining room On Tuesday Where is Trouble on Tuesday ? On Tuesday,Trouble is in the dining room.Be careful , Trouble! New Lesson Whats this ? On Wednesday Its a kitchen Where is Trouble on Wednesday ? On Wednesday,Trouble is in the kitchen .He makes a mess! New Lesson On Thursday What s this ? Its a living room Where is Trouble on Thursday ? On Thursday,Trouble is in the living room .Oh , Trouble! The juice and! New Lesson On Friday What s this ? Its a study Where is Trouble on Friday ? On Friday,Trouble is in the study .Oh , no! Trouble! My book! New Lesson On Saturday What is this ? Its a bedroom Where is Trouble on Saturday ? On Saturday,Trouble is in my bedroom .Oh , dear! My clothes! TROUBLR New Lesson who time where On Monday On Tuesday On Wednesday On Thursday Trouble On Saturday On Friday Trouble is in the bathroom . Oh no! Trouble is in the dining room.Be careful , Trouble! Trouble is in the kitchen .He makes a mess! Trouble is in the living room .Oh , Trouble! The juice and! Trouble is in the study .Oh , no! Trouble! My book! Trouble is in my bedroom .Oh , dear! My clothes! summary (总结) Practice Now you know why I call my catTrouble Because Trouble In Chinese means 麻烦” Practice Homework 1.熟读这个故事。 2. 运用句型“Where is?” 询问某人在 家里的什么房间并进行回答。 人教版新起点小学英语三年级下人教版新起点小学英语三年级下 UnitUnit 6 6 MyMy homehome StoryStory timetime教学设计教学设计 一、教学目标 (一)、知识目标: 1.能认读单词 trouble careful mess clothes juice 2.掌握句型:Whats this? Its a bathroomstudy. Whats shehe doing? Where is Trouble on Monday? 3.能借助图片和其他阅读策略读懂 Story Time 的故事,完成故事后的匹配练习,并在 教师的指导下表演故事。 4.能使用本课功能句复述 Trouble 在故事中所在的不同位置,以及自己和家人所在的不 同位置和所做的事情。 (二)情感态度与学习策略目标: :通过本课了解小猫 Trouble 在六天的时间里给主人制 造的不同麻烦,从而激发学生学习英语的兴趣,主动与他人交流,树立学习的自信心并提 高学生阅读及实际运用语言的能力。培养学生健康快乐的学习态度。 (三)文化意识目标:了解宠物在主人家生活的细节,丰富有关动物的知识,通过爱护动 物的宣传,培养学生热爱动物的情感。 二、教学手段、教学方法:恰当运用图片,PPT,视频动画,倡导互动型教学模式,即 让学生在教学活动中参与和完成真实的教学任务,从中体验学习的快乐。让学生在有 趣,开放式的语言环境中,学会观察,思考,讨论和总结 三、教学重点难点 :能在语境中正确使用单词:careful mess 能读懂、表演故事,并根据提示复述故事,体会故事中小猫 Trouble 在不同房间制造的 麻烦。 四、教学过程 Step1: Warm-up 1、 warming 师生互相问好。 师:Good morning, class! Nice to see you again. 生:Good morning, Mr zhong! Nice to see you, too! 2 、Use the PPT Ask and answer:What day is it today?Its Wednesday. What s the weather like today? Its sunny. What day is it?Its MondayTuesday.Sunday. What day is it today? Its Wednesday. on What day is it ? Monday Tuesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Warm-up Step2:preparation 1、 Use the PPT and show seven pictures about a home. Ask and answer one by one :Whats this ?Its a dining room.Where is the girlthe grandfather the grandmother.Whats shehe dong? Shehe is She is in the dining room. Presentation Where is the girl? Where is the grandfather? He is in the living room. What is she doing? She is drinking water . What is he doing? He is watching TV. 2、Use a Video and sing a song “ In My Home?” Step3: New lesson 1、 Use the PPT and show some pictures about Trouble(a cat) Ask and answer one by one :What s this ?Its a cat.Whats his name?Its Trouble. Whats this? Its a bathroomdining room kitchenlivingroomstudybedroom.Where is Trouble on MondayTuesdaySaturday? Trouble is in the bathroom.Oh no! Trouble is in the dining room.Be careful ,Trouble! Trouble is in the kitchen He makes a mess!. What s this ? Its a bathroom Hes Trouble On Monday who is he ? Where is Trouble on Monday ? On Monday,Trouble is in the bathroom.Oh no! New Lesson 2、Play a video about Trouble .The students read after the video Step4: Practice 1、Ask some students come to the front of the classroom.Use the pictures about Trouble and the students talk about the pictures in pairs. After the talking , the teacher put the pictures on the blackboard. 2、Summary(Who time where of the Trouble ) 3、Show the picture of the Story Time. Now you know why I call my cat “Trouble”.Because “Trouble” “In Chinese” means “麻烦” Step5: Homework 1、收集有关人物或动物正在进行某种动作行为的照片、图片、图案,并用英语说说他 在哪儿,正在做什么。 2、运用句型“Where is?” 询问某人在家里的什么房间并进行回答。 3、熟读这个故事,课后两人一组进行表演.
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