人教版(新起点)四年级下册Unit 6 Countries-Lesson 1-ppt课件-(含教案)-市级优课-(编号:71cc2).zip

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Unit6 CountriesUnit6 CountriesUnit6 CountriesUnit6 Countries Lesson1Lesson1Lesson1Lesson1 新起点四年级下新起点四年级下 Tom Watch a video New friends motherland(祖国 ) Nick Binbin Cindy Edward Tom step1 Look and guess ? Edward ? ? ? The world map Nick Binbin Cindy Tom step2 Learn the new words 1 1 China china 瓷器 2 2 the USA the United States of America (美利坚合众国) 50 states(州), 50 stars 3 3 Canada Canada a e a 4 4 the UK the United Kingdom (王国) queen 女王 5 5 Australia strel step3 Listen, read & Role play(角色扮演) Bill: Hi, Im Bill. Im from the UK. Emma: Hello! Im Emma. Im from the UK, too. step4 Lets write Part C Im Edward. Im from . C I am Edward. I am from anada. step4 Lets write step5 Look and fill the blanks NameCountryHobbies Nickplaying basketball Binbintaking photos and playing ping-pong Cindyswimming Edwar d collecting things Tomdrawing and making models the USA China Australia Canada the UK Practice A: Hi, Im Binbin . Im from China . I like taking photos and playing ping-pong . B: Hello! Im .Im from . I like . Extension Korea JapanThailand Hand in hand, we can make this world better. 手挽手, 我们会让世界更加美好。 Homework: 1. Search more countries.(查找更多国家名称) 2. Exercise book.(练习册) Thank you!Thank you! 新起点英语四年级下新起点英语四年级下 Unit6Countries Lesson1 教学设计教学设计 Teaching Material(教材分析教材分析) 本套教材是以激发学生学习英语兴趣为目的,培养学生学习 英语的积极态度,使其树立学好英语的自信心,养成良好的学习 习惯;并培养学生初步运用英语进行日常交际的能力,在交流中 形成一定的语感和良好的语音、语调基础。而本单元主要让学生 学会国家名称及相关活动,讨论各国标志性建筑、代表动物等。 通过交流和阅读等活动开阔视野,了解各国的名胜、习俗,增强 对世界各国的热爱。 Analysis of the students(学情分析)(学情分析) 四年级的学生对英语有着较浓厚的学习兴趣。大部分学生已 经具备听、说、认、读等能力。但部分学生由于遇到困难,学习 兴趣会随之减弱,对于三年级的教材他们掌握还不是很牢。并且 四年级的教材对学生又提出了新的要求,所以本学期我们对于四 年级教材的教学进度会根据学生的具体情况减慢。始终把激发学 生的学习兴趣放在首位,引导学生端正学习态度,掌握良好的学 习方法,培养学生良好的学习习惯。 TeachingTeaching Aims(Aims(教学目标教学目标) ) 1能够听懂、会说 Canada, Australia, the UK, the USA, China 等单词,并尝试借助拼读 规律记忆单词。 2能够根据图片或情境,初步运用 Im from表达自 己来自哪个国家。 3能够根据语境,选择本课所学词汇完成句子填空,同时 强化良好的书写习惯。 Important and Difficult Points(教学重难点)(教学重难点) 重点:重点:能够听懂、会说 Canada, Australia, the UK, the USA, China 等单词。 难点:难点:根据提示表达来自于哪个国家。 TeachingTeaching Tools(Tools(教学用具教学用具) ) 课件、世界地图 TeachingTeaching Course(Course(教学过程教学过程) ) .Warming.Warming upup 1.Greeting T: Hi, boys and girls. Nice to meet you. Im happy to be with you. Are you happy today? 2. Watch a video and free talk T:Today there are many new friends here.Now lets watch a video and see their hometowns. (PPT 出示小视频) T: There are four friends here. They are Nick, Cindy, Edward and Tom. Can you guess, which countries are they from? Today we are going to learn Unit 6 and travel around the world. 设计意图:出示各国小朋友家乡的短视频,激发了学生对话题的 兴趣。然后通过课前讨论,有目的的让学生进入学习状态,从而 引导学生们积极主动地投入学习活动,也为后面的新知做好铺垫。 .Presentation.Presentation 1. Lead in Step1: Look and guess T: (PPT 出示世界地图)Look at this map. I circled 5 countries on the world map.Can you guess what countries are they? Ss: China Ss: Canada .(学生各种猜测) T: Now, lets travel the world by plane and see the interesting countries. (T 此时把制作好的简易世界地图挂在黑板上) 设计意图:教学挂图作为一种资源,具有很好的直观性。简易的 世界地图更能吸引学生的注意力,让学生置身于世界 各国之。 Step 2:Learn the new words. (1) the USA(read group by group) 扩展:全称 the United States of America (2) China(read group by group, boys and girls) 扩展: the Peoples Republic of China china 瓷器 (3)Australia (分音节读,groups by groups, one by one) (4)Canada (两个 a 发音不同) (5)the UK (read together) 扩展:the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland(并介绍英国由四部分组成) (介绍王国) Step 3: Listen, read and role play 听力原文: Miss Wu: Welcome to China. Can you introduce yourselves? Nick: Hi! Im Nick.Im from the USA.I like playing basketball. Binbin: Hi! Im Binbin.Im from China.I like taking photos and playing ping-pong. Cindy: Hi! My name is Cindy. Im from Australia. I like swimming. Edward: Hello! My name is Edward. Im from Canada. I like collecting things. Tom: Hello! Im Tom. I like drawing and making models. Im from the UK. 角色扮演: Bill: Hi, Im Bill.Im from the UK. Emma: Hello! Im Emma. Im from the UK, too. Step 4: Lets write Part C Step 5: Look and fill the blanks NameCountryHobbies Nickthe USAPlaying basketball BinbinChinaTaking photos and playing ping-pong CindyAustraliaswimming EdwardCanadaCollecting things Tomthe UKDrawing and maing models . Practice Role play (choose a card and play, each card includes a name, a countries and hobbies) E.g. - Hi, Im . Im from . I like . - Hello! Im . Im from . I like . 设计意图:让学生对重点句型进行操练,此环节还与上以表格 相互联系。 . Extension 1.Travel around the world by plane T: Travel around the world by plane, meet different and culture. 设计意图:让学生去 “坐飞机环球旅行” ,体验全世界内不 同文化,与生活实际联系。 2. Cosplay people in different countries 设计意图:让学生知道“世界各国人民都生活在同一片蓝天下、 拥有同一个家园,我们是一家人” 。在学生原有知识储备的基础 上结合新句型进行操练,达到学以致用。 Homework. 1. Read and write the new words Blackboard Design Canada the USA the UK China Australia
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