人教版(新起点)六下英语Unit 2 All Around Me-Lesson 3-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-市级优课-(编号:10646).zip

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  • 人教2011课标版一年级起点(吴欣主编)_六年级下册(2014年10月第1版)_小学英语_Unit 2 All Around Me_Lesson 3_ppt课件_(含教案+素材)_市级优课_(编号:10646)
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All Around Me 3 public libraryQueens Parkart gallery Chinese restaurant coffee shoppost office Listen and write 听音写出名字 Miss Jackson Tony Sherry What does Miss JacksonTonySherry look like? She has curly black hair. She wears glasses. Listen and write what they look like(听音写出 描写外貌的关键词) Listen and repeat(跟读) (注意语音) 1. Underline the past tense word (画出过去式, 写出原形) 2. How many new friends does Bill have? Who are they? Three. They are Tony, Miss Jackson and Sherry. Read it yourselves.(自读课文) Underline what you learn about these people.(在描写 人物特征的语句下划线) Monday, Feb22 Today was my first day at Willow Primary School. Ted showed me around the school. It is small,but very beautiful. We met Teds friend Tony. Tony is short but handsome. He really likes playing football. He is quite helpful and told me many interesting things about the school. I also met my new teacher, Miss Jackson. She is young and pretty. She has curly black hair and wears glasses. She was very nice to me. After class I played basketball with Ted and Sherry. Sherry is very tall and active. She plays basketball very well. After that, I went home with Ted by bus. Sherry also went home by bus. I saw her reading a science book on the bus. I think she is very hard-working! Read and answer. . 1.Who is your favourite teacher? What does she/he look like? 2.What does your best friend look like? Lets talk.(同桌交流讨论) Write a person you like. You can consider from these three questions. 1.Who is your favorite teacher or classmate? 2.What does he/she look like? 3.Why do you like him/her? Writing(写作) 1 / 3 UnitUnit 2 2 AllAll AroundAround MeMe LessonLesson 3 3 【教学目标教学目标】 1学生能够理解文章内容,并且能够熟练的朗读课文。 2学生能够掌握一些形容他人外貌或者性格品质的词汇 short, handsome, pretty, young, old, helpful 3学生能够熟练的使用功能句型和他人进行对话交流What does she/ he look like? She/ He is tall and thin. 4在一定的语境下,学生们谈论自己喜欢的老师或者其他事物Who is your favorite teacher? My favorite teacher is What does she/ he look like? She/ He is 【教学重难点教学重难点】 1学生能够熟练的朗读内容,理解文章的意思。 2学生能够运用相关的形容词,描述他人的外貌和品质 short, handsome, pretty, young, old 3学生能够在一定的语境下,掌握功能句型和他人交流Who is your favorite teacher? My favorite teacher is What does she/ he look like? She/ He is 【教学设计教学设计】 本节课学习的重点是学会描述他人的外貌和性格特点。因此本节课通过操练功能句型, 让学生能够在一定的语境下熟练的和他人对话;与此同时,学生在练习对话的过程中,不断 的巩固已学过的单词和词组。并且通过文章阅读和开展游戏活动的方式,让学生能够在理解 课文内容的同时,掌握描写人物外貌特征的写作方式和思路,并且使课堂形式更加多样,有 趣。 【教学过程教学过程】 StepStep one:one: 1.Greeting.1.Greeting. T: Good morning/ afternoon, boys and girls. S: Good morning/ afternoon, Mrs. / Mr. 2 / 3 T: What is he like? S: He is and 2.Revision. 课件出示 Queens Park, art gallery, Chinese restaurant, public library, post office, coffee shop 图片,操练词组 二、新课呈现二、新课呈现 1听录音,完成 A 部分。 老师播放 A 部分的听力录音,让学生根据录音材料写出对应人物的名字,随后,老师在 课件上依次呈现要写出名字的三个人物,并请同学们说出他们的名字。 2Lets talk. 老师在播放一遍 A 部分的录音,让学生找到该问题的答案 What does Miss Jackson/ Tony/ Sherry look like? 录音结束后,请同学回答以上问题。 3Role play. 老师让学生和同桌之间练习对话Who is your favorite teacher? My favorite teacher is What does he/ she look like? He/ She is What does your best friend look like? He/ She is 并请 2-3 位同学上台表演对话。 4呈现课文。 老师逐字逐句的讲解课文内容,课文讲解完后,请同学根据课文内容,画出课文中形容 三个人物 Tony, Miss Jackson and Sherry 的外貌或者品质的单词,并请 2 位同学描述一下 课文中人物。e.g. This is Tony. He is short but handsome. He likes playing football. He is helpful. 三、基础巩固三、基础巩固 1“开火车”活动。 老师走到班上任何一位坐在第一排的学生,提问该学生 Whats your favorite teacher? 该学生回答 My favorite teacher is,其后的学生依次回答该问题。 2“猜一猜”游戏。 老师请 3 位同学依次上到讲台,将事先准备好的各科老师的图片呈现给上到讲台的学生 看,该学生根据图片进行描述,其他同学则负责猜出该老师。最先猜对的同学获得贴画的奖 励。 四、外延拓四、外延拓 Have a try.写作 3 / 3 老师请同学们描述一下自己同桌外貌或者品质性格。随后,老师邀请 2-3 组同学上台描 述一下自己的同桌。并尝试写出你做喜欢的同学或老师 e.g. His name is XXX. He is tall but strong 五、练习作业五、练习作业 1听录音,将课文内容读给父母听,家长签字。 2完成 Lets write. 3将本单元的单词每个写 10 遍。 六、板书设计六、板书设计 Lesson 3 What does she look like? She has curly black hair.
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