1、精通英语五年级下册精通英语五年级下册FunFun TimeTime 1 1 FunFun ReadingReading 一.教学目标 1.知识目标 了解关于郑和的英文小短文,运用所学的句型如 where was he from?who are they talking about?what did the people do on the ship?let me tell you等锻炼提高学生们灵活运用目标语 言的能力。 2.能力目标 理解并能在真实语境中进行交流,通过小组合作制定航海制度, 培养学生们合作意识,通过介绍四种宠物在不同国家的情况,拓 宽文化视野。 3.情感目标 培养学生们良好的
2、爱国主义情怀,并具备一定的国际视野的能力。 二. 学情分析 学生们已经有了初步的语言交流,语言运用能力。因此,培养他 们良好的阅读习惯,提高语篇的理解,以及小组合作完成任务的 能力尤为重要。 三.教学重难点 短语及其句型:the famous Chinese explorer, went to many places of the world in a fleet of ships pets around the world 四,教学过程 1.lets read and act。 (先展示一些图片) 让学生们带着问题预读,Who are they talking about? 通过阅读得出答案
3、 They are talking about Zheng He. 接下来跟进话题提出以下三个问题: Where was he from? What did he do? What did people do on the ship?Was he good at his work? 带着问题第二次通读全文. 引导学生在读的时候用铅笔做标记,以培养学生阅读找答案的 学习技巧,通过学生对本部分进行再次阅读可以回答 He was from Nanjing,China. He was a great explorer. Some people cleaned the ship,some people
4、cooked food,some people washed clothes. YES,He is good at his work. 引导孩子们了解并练习新词 explorer, a fleet of ships。 进一步抛出新的问题 zhenghe went to explore the world by。 。 。 学生答 by ship ,我可以顺势说如果你是船长,如何帮郑和管理 船队?yes,make some rules for the ship: 方案一 四人一组 谈论合适的规则,不要局限于书上的三条 方案二 如果不太会写,可以给学生们提供一些规则,通过小组讨 论可以选择放入自己小
5、组的规划内。 依据小组合作讨论,进行 lets talk 的活动。根据学生的个 体差异,可以分为一级和二级提问,可以让学生结合实际情况进 行表达和交流。 一级提问:如 Was he from China? Was he great? Was he a cook? Was he go by ship?。 。 。 二级提问:如 What is his name? Who is he? Where did he from? What did he do? What rules do they have?。 。 。 Do you think everyone obey the rules?why? Z
6、henghes exploring has more than 600 years ,in many other countries they also have a travelling history,可以 让一些了解历史的学生简单说一说。然后,引导学生放眼世界, 不同国家还有很多有趣的话题,如 pets around the world。 先介绍书中的四种宠物,谈论一些宠物的特点。并且做一个小 组合作调查。 CountryPet China Dogs Australia Hamster 趣味活动:通过 cultural link 的小组调查 ,让学生们以小组 为单位自选宠物进行介绍,学生
7、们选了那个宠物就要把自己当做 那个国家的小朋友,以主人公的口吻进行介绍。 如:hello,we come from My name is Im in Class,Grade Let me tell you something about the pets in my country. I have a What color is it? Do you like it? It likes to eat Wow,how wonderful! Homework .You are the leader, design your own ship, draw and paint the ship, and then have a free talk in groups. .Look up some interesting pets from the internet, and then tell them to your friends and parents.