人教精通版五年级下册英语Unit 2 Can I help you -Lesson 7-ppt课件-(含教案)-省级优课-(编号:3039c).zip

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Toy ShopToy Shop boyboy saleswoman toy train Can I help you ? Yes. I want a Yes. I want a Yes. I want a Yes. I want a toy planes Which one do you like ? I like the one. cars toy trains 物品猜价物品猜价 当老师出示物品时,小组用How much is it ? 进行询问,谁把 物品价格猜对,就直接把此物 送给此人。 eightyeigeightyeigeighty yuan twenty-five yuan 1. How much is the toy train? A. fifty-six yuan B. forty- six yuan 2. We ll take it. A. 买buy B. 拿走A A Act it out Act it out Act it out Act it out Make up a new dialogue Homework Must do : 1.read and recite the dialogues. 2.draw a picture with the toys you learned. And use the sentences in this lesson. Choose to do : search more words about toys 人民教育出版社五年级下册 Lesson7Lesson7 第一课时 一、教学目标: 知识与技能:1.学生能够听说认读写单词 toy train, can, help, want. 2.学生能够在真实的情景下运用 Can I help you ? Yes. I want . How much is it ? Its.yuan. 过程与方法:通过情景教学法,让学生提高情景交际能力,能够熟 练掌握购物时的对话练习。 情感态度与价值观:能够通过课堂活动,丰富学生活体验,了解购 物习惯,在相关节日时,给朋友或家人买礼物。 二、教学重难点: 重点:Can I help you ? Yes. I want. 难点:How much is it ?注意单数。take 的用法和意思。 三、教学资源准备:ppt,图片,各种玩具实物。 四、教学过程设计 (一)warming up Show a picture of the toy shop. And teach the students the word “toy”. Compare toy with the word boy. T:if you want to buy something for yourself or your friends How will you say ? S: Can I have a/an .?Teacher at the time can act as the mother and answer the question. 设计意图:这节课就是讲去 toy shop 购物的情景,让学生一开始 就进入这个情景中来,真实并且对课文进行了很好的铺垫作用。在 这个环节就很自然地把 toy 带出来。 (二)Presentation 1. Show the picture of the dialogue. T: Who is the little boy ? S: He is Dick. T:Who is the woman ? She is a saleswoman. Let the students read the word one by one. Let the students listen and answer the question .”What does Dick want to buy?” Find a student to answer the question and then learn the word” toy train” . Study the word train. According to the pronunciation they learn the word. 设计意图:这个直接切入主题,课文,让学生带着问题 Dick 想要 买什么东西?来把四会单词 toy train.引出来并讲解。这种直接进 入情景让学生更能容易的接受。 2.Show the picture again. Let the students listen and tell what the saleswoman say. And the teacher teaches “Can I help you ?” and put it on the blackboard. Make the students repeat how to answer the questions. Yes. I want a.Ask and answer in pair. The second is to let group 1 ask group 2”Can I help you?” Yes. I want a toy train.”依次 询问。 设计意图:这个环节重点学习本课的重点 Can I help you? Yes. I want a toy train.借助本文的情景,直接让学生学会服务员和顾 客之间的问答。两个人一组进行操练,(这样学生能够真正体会到 服务员和顾客之间的对话)小组与小组之间进行操练,体现了小组 之间的合作。同时这些对话也是真实有效的。 3.show the pictureof the shelf. Ask Ss what are they ? They are toy cars, toy trains, toy planes. The teacher asks which one do you like ?教师做出示范 I like the yellow one. 再询问学生,引导学生来回答。 Toy cars,接龙游戏进行询问。 Toy trains. The Ss choose others to answer. Toy planes. Two in pair to practice. 设计意图:本课文当中 which one do you like ? I like the one.也是本课的难点。教师通过商店里柜子上不同颜色的东西对 学生进行提问。就好像真正的在买东西一样。 4. 教师拿着一个玩具说:boys and girls , Do you want to buy it ?Do you bring money? Can you ask me ?”How much is it ?” 教授学生读这个句子,并板书。并且告诉学生回答 Its .yuan. 小组一起进行物品竞价的游戏,小组进行物品的价格,一起说 How much is it ?再找人猜价格,谁猜对了价,这个物品就会给谁。一 共两个东西,大象和球。 设计意图:这个环节是教会学生们学习 How much is it ?和回答。 并且学生在物品竞价这个好玩的游戏当中再次复习了 How much is it 把难点知识简单化。 5.带着两个问题去看视频。第一个问题 How much is the toy train? We will take it .take 是什么意思。 设计意图:这个环节再次重复重点问题,还可以再学习一下 fifty 的写法。顺便把难点 take 带出来。 (三)Practice 1. Listen and read. 2. Act it out. 设计意图 通过跟读和角色扮演让学生再次巩固所学的知识点。 (四)Consolidation 1. Make up a new dialogue. 某人要过生日,要给买生日礼物。 设计意图 通过给定情景设计对话内容,让学生能够在真实的 情景下练习会话内容,能够让学生更有兴趣的学习本课内容。 五、板书设计: LessonLesson 7 7 Can I help you ? Yes. I want a toy train. How much is it ? It is fifty-six yuan. 六、作业设计: 必做:1.read and recite the dialogues. 2.draw a picture with the toys you learned. And use the sentences in this lesson. 选做:search more words about toys
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