人教精通版五年级下册英语Unit 2 Can I help you -Lesson 8-ppt课件-(含教案)-市级优课-(编号:701a3).zip

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精通版小学英语五年级下册精通版小学英语五年级下册 UnitUnit 2 2 CanCan I I helphelp you?you? lesson 8 比一比,看谁的反应快,声音大! 1330 15 50 4556 74 98 The boy is Wang Xiaoming. Today is his birthday. toy shop toys I want a toy. toy train toy plane toy ship toy boat toy toy ship toy boat plane boat toy plane toy train Train train train , I want a toy train . Plane plane plane , I want a toy plane . Ship ship ship , I want a toy ship . Boat boat boat , I want a toy boat. Can I help you? Yes.IYes.I wantwant a a toytoy traintrain. . Its fifty-six yuan. How much is it? TOY SHOP Can I help you? Can I help you? I want a toy train . I want a toy train . How much is it ? How much is it? Its fifty yuan. Its fifty yuan. Work in pairs, use your toys. 2人一组,用自己的玩具角色扮演人一组,用自己的玩具角色扮演,练习对话练习对话 S1: Good morning. Can I help you? S2: Yes. I want a toy train. S1: Here you are. S2: How much is it? S1: Its twenty yuan. S2: Heres the money. S1: Thank you. Goodbye! S2: Bye! Lets chant e She and he, How happy they will be! You and me, How busy we will be! 人教精通版五年级下册 Unit 2 Can I help you?Lesson8 教案 一、教学内容: just practise and so on. P15-16 1) Enable to listen, say and read new words: toy, train, plane, ship, boat. 2)学习如何运用如下目标语言: How much is it? Its fifty-six yuan. Can I help you? Yes. I want a toy train. 要求学生能够听、说、认读词语有: toy, train, plane, ship, boat. 二、教学目标及要求: 1语言目标( Target language): Enable to listen, say and read new sentences: How much is it? Its fifty-six yuan. Can I help you? Yes. I want a toy train. 2、能力目标( Target ability) 在创设的真实情景中进行交际。同时以图文 的形式给学生提供语言操练的情景。 3、情感态度与价值观 (Emotion attitude and Values):通过创设情境给学生 提供语言操练的情景,使他们在创设的真实情景中进行模拟购物并交际。 三、重点 /难点(teaching key points) 1. Teaching Important: 要求学生能够听、说、认读、书写四会单词: can,help,want,toy,train,plane,ship,boat;以及四会句型: Can I help you? Yes.I want a toy train. 2Teaching Difficulties:要求学生熟练操练本课重点句型,并能运用于真实 情境中。 四、教学方法 (teaching methods):角色表演法、情景教学法、韵文说唱法 五、教具准备 (Teaching Aids) pictures ,tape,PPT 六、教学资源( teaching materials):teaching resources network,Teachers book 七、教学步骤 (Teaching procedures) 1、热身 (Warm-up) 1) Greeting 2)lets play a game Say the number as quickly as your can. 3)设置情境 呈现贫困地区的孩子们图片,让学生感受他们读书的不易,最后呈现一位贫困男 孩“王晓明 ”图片,以王晓明为引子,告诉孩子们今天是他的生日,他也有个梦 想,就是想要得到一个玩具,但他没有钱,引发孩子们为王晓明争取礼物,将全 班孩子分成两组进行PK,胜利者,将会获得一个玩具,帮助王晓明实现愿望。 2、新课导入 (Presentation) 1)教师 呈现 toy shop 图片,导入新知: Look!Here is a big toy shop.变 换场景,激活学生的学习兴趣和求知欲。 2)教学单词: toy shop. There are many toys.I want a toy.Do you want it? 引发学生学习本课重点词汇. 3)Learn the new words, read it one by one. 4)lets chant. 自编小韵文。巩固和操练单词及重点句型。 4)学生 2 人一组体验、表演对话。 3、趣味练习 (Practice) 1)创设情境:教师变身为售货员,通过趣味游戏课件巩固操练重点句型,教师 先示范,然后让学生结对训练。力争让学生能在实际情境中运用语言。 T: Now, Im the saleswoman.Can I help you? S: Yes .I want to buy a 2)Practise the key scences: Can I help you? Yes .I want to buy a 3)同法操练: How much is it? Its fifty-six yuan. 4)do pair work 5)Lets sing. 用孩子们熟悉的两只老虎的歌曲创编本课的四个重点句型。 4、language use Do pair work use your toys.让学生用自己的玩具来创编对话。 5课堂评价 Assessment 关注在语言学习过程中,学生对本课语知识、语言技能的掌握并及时作出评价。 6、补充活动 (Additional activities) 1)欣赏 chant,并思考哪个音在 chant 中出现最多。 2)学习 e 在单词 she,he,they,be,me,we 中的发音规律。 3)随节奏说唱歌谣。 7情感教育 Help others is help yourself. 八、作业( Homework) Have a free talk with your friends. 九、板书( Blackboard Design): Lesson 8 Can I help you? Shop. Yes.I want a toy train. Plane. Boat.
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