人教PEP版四年级下册Unit 2What time is it -Part C-教案、教学设计-市级优课-(配套课件编号:9155e).doc

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人教PEP版四年级下册Unit 2What time is it -Part C-教案、教学设计-市级优课-(配套课件编号:9155e).doc_第1页
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1、1 I、教材分析、教材分析 本单元围绕“时间”这一主题展开教学,主要学习时间的表达以及描述在不同时间进 行的日常活动。主要句型有“What time is it?”,“Its , Its time to., Its time for. ”。这些内容都和学生有规律的日常生活息息相关,所以,我在教学时密切结合学生的 生活实际,引导学生联系生活对所学语言加以运用。 II、学情分析、学情分析 本单元的教材设计是以“时间”为主线贯穿始终的。教材围绕生活中的时间,设计了一 系列丰富而又有现实意义的教学环节。学生在学习的过程中,学习积极性和热情自然也 就会被调动起来。与此同时,也能培养学生的动手能力,达到智

2、慧与资源共享的目的。 III、Teaching aims: 1.Review the words and expressions:breakfast,lunch,dinner,English,class,music,PE class,get up,go to school,go home,go to bed; 2Review the sentences :What time is it ? Its , Its time to., Its time for. 3. Be able to understand the story according to the pictures. 4Emotio

3、nal education: We can do many interesting things on April Fools Day, but we cant hurtothers. IV、Important and difficult points: 1Review the words and sentences in this unit. 2Be able to understand the story according to the pictures. V、Teaching materials: PPT, Tape-recorder, video about April Fools

4、Day 2 VI、Teaching procedures: Teaching steps Teachers activitiesStudents activitiesDesign aims Warm-up Greetings T: Good morning, boys and girls. T: Sit down,please. Ss: Good morning, Miss Gao. Ss: Thank you ! 通过简短的日常 问候, 创设英语教 学的课堂氛围。 Review 1,T: What time is it now ? T&Ss: Its time for. Its time t

5、o. 2, Chant together . Ss: Its . Its time for. Its time to. 复习本单元前面 学过的单词和句 型, 让同学们多单 元的知识掌握的 更牢固, 同时也能 很自然地过渡到 新课。 Lead-in After the chant, Miss Gao 3 Says,Lets go to bed. After several seconds, Miss Gao says, wake up, wake up. Its time to get up. Lets go to Zooms home. All the students sleep on th

6、e desk. Wake up. Go to Zooms home. 创设真身的情境, 并让他们参与到 情境中来, 本节课 的活动才是真实 的,有效的。 Presentation 1, Explain the difficult words and sentences: sleep,late,April Fool! Wake up . I want to sleep.Oh,dear,Im late for school. Zoom,look at that clock. 2,Look at the six pictures and try to speakout the correspondi

7、ng sentences. 3,Look at the six pictures and put them in right orders. 4,Listen to the tape 2 times and follow it. 5,Read the story in groups. 6,Read the story in roles in Listen and read the new Words and expressions Look at the six pictures and try to speakout the corresponding sentences. Look at

8、the six pictures and put them in right orders. Read the story in groups. ,Read the story in 让同学们参与到 课堂教学活动当 中, 让学生真正成 为课堂的主人, 教 师只是起着引导 的作业, 学生才是 起着主导地位的。 4 groups ,then give the groups prizes. roles in groups ,then give the groups prizes. Consolidation & Extension Emotional education 1, Role-play A

9、sksome two-students to act the story on the blackboard. Then choose the best group and give them prizes. 2, Watch the video about the April Fools Days customs to learn more about the Festival. We can do many things on Festivals, But we cant hurt others. Work in groups Look at the video 更多地学生参与 到课堂活动

10、中来, 让语言真正起到 学以致用。 现在的孩子虽然 个子比较高, 但是 四年级的孩子年 龄还不是很大, 有 些道理也不是很 懂, 所以我通过本 课时, 希望他们能 明白一些做人的 道理。 5 Homework 1. Try to find some festivals customers in our country. 2.Tell this story to your parents. VII、板书设计、板书设计 6 VIII、教学反思、教学反思 本课时是人民教育出版社四年级下册第二单元的最后一课时,主要讲的是与愚人节 有关的一个小恶作剧。为了让学生能融会贯通地学习本课时,让学生能身临其境地

11、感受 和体验英语,我把所要学的知识融入到生活化的情境中,使枯燥的语言变得具体化、形 象化。 首先,我通过谈论时间和说 chant 把本单元重要词汇和句型复习一遍,再通过 chant 自然过渡到本课。这样,不会让同学们觉得新课的学习过于突兀。 第二,新课呈现部分,先讲新词 sleep,late,句子 April fool! Wake up. I want to sleep. Oh dear, Im late for school。再让他们看图说出每幅图对应的句子,然后再打乱图片,让 他们把所学的句子表达出来,这样,可以提高他们的语言输出能力。 第三,在巩固和拓展环节,我通过 role-play 让他们用正确的语音语调在,在真实的语境 中把小故事表演出来,让同学们把课本知识真实地融入到生过当中。 最后,通过本课的小恶作剧,我带他们了解愚人节的习俗。最后,教育他们在愚人 节这天,我们可以做很多有趣的故事,但不要伤害别人。只有这样,人与人之间才能友 好相处、关系和睦。


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