人教PEP版四年级下册Unit 3Weather-Part B-教案、教学设计-市级优课-(配套课件编号:f04a6).doc

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人教PEP版四年级下册Unit 3Weather-Part B-教案、教学设计-市级优课-(配套课件编号:f04a6).doc_第1页
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1、1 课标要求 对英语有好奇心,喜欢听他人说英语。能根据教师的简单 指令做游戏.做动作.做事情 (如涂颜色.连线) 。 能做简单的 角色扮演。能唱简单的英文歌曲,说简单的英语歌谣。能 在图片的帮助下听懂和读懂简单的小故事。 能交流简单的 个人信息,表达简单的情感和感觉。能书写字母和单词。 对英语学习中接触的外国文化习俗感兴趣。 教材解读 本课时主要是学习 B Lets talk 中的重要单词和句子, 并学 会用句型 Its .结合这些四会单词词组做练习会话。 学情分析 学生有了 A 部分的基础,已经能听说读写这些基本词汇, 本节课就是要能结合句子 Its .(cold and rainy/hot

2、 and sunny)来进行描述表达。除此之外还要针对学困生进行 针对辅导。 学习目标 1、学生能听、说、认读本课时的主要句型:Whats the weather like in New York?Its rainy. Is it cold? Yes, it is. No, its not. How about Beijing? Its 26 degrees. 2、能够分角色朗读对话。 重点:句型:学生能够灵活表达 Whats the weather like in New York? How about Beijing? Its .degrees. 难点:流利地表达句型:Whats the

3、weather like in New York?及回答. 2 评价任务 1、 通过读课文, 自编对话表演检测学生对主要句型: Whats the weather like in New York? Its rainy. Is it cold? Yes, it is. No, its not. How about Beijing? Its 26 degrees.的听、说、 认读的掌握情况。 师生课前准 备 1、教师准备题单、课件和单词卡片。 2、学生准备预习本课的特色作业。 课堂教学过程设计: 教学环节教师活动学生活动设计意图 复习 导 入 Free talk T: Whats the wea

4、ther like today? T: Is it cold? T: Today lets continue to talk about weather. (Show the title of this Unit) Review: 1. Ask Ss to listen to the weather song and circle the word they hear from the song. Free talk S: Its sunny today. S: No, its not. Its warm. 1. Ss listen to the song and circle the wor

5、ds: sunny、 windy、snowy、 rainy 通过热身活 动,复习旧 知识,引出 新知识。 3 2. Play a guessing game. T: Is it cold? T sticks the word cards on the board during the reading of these words. 2. Judge Ts guessing. Ss: Yes, its cold. /No. its not. Its hot. Ss follow to read the words. 通过猜和 读学生认 读本节课 将遇到的 单词,并理 解意思。 探究新知 1. T

6、 shows the pictures of five famous cities in China and play a guessing game with Ss. (Prepare word-cards) 2.Lets talk 1)T asks Ss to listen to the dialogue and answer the following questions. New York 的界面) 1. A: Whats the weather like in? B: Is it cold/rainy? A: Yes, it is./No, it s not. Its. 2.Lets

7、 talk 1) Listen and answer Where is Chen Jie and where is Mark? (Ss learn how to introduce oneself on the phone. This is . ) Whats the 通过 5 组猜 测游戏,让 学生掌握 问题天气 的重点句 型,为课文 的理解做 铺垫。 通过回答 问题处理 文本。 4 Ask students to talk about the degrees. 3. T plays the flash of the dialogue. 4. Ask Ss to work in groups

8、, read and act the dialogue. weather like in New York? Is it cold in Beijing? () 3.Ss follow to read the dialogue twice.(Imitate the pronunciation and intonation.) 4. Ss finish the Five star work. 通过课前 的特色作 业的汇报 让学生区 分摄氏度 和华氏度。 通过跟读 原声培养 学生的正 确语言面 貌。 组长先读, 其他三人评分。 四人一组, 组员 轮流给组长读 课文, 其他两人 评分。 熟读课文 得

9、五颗星 (注意 模仿原声语音 语调) 不会读的 单词和句子请 教组长, 最终达 到五星标准。 5 在规定时 间内表现最好 的 2 个小组进 行展示。 展 示形式可以各 种读法或者表 演。 通过五颗星小 组合作学习让 每一个孩子都 会读所学单词 和句子。 练习1. Lets travel the world. Ss work in pairs, make a telephone conversation according to the picture. A: Hi, Tom. This is Mike. B: Hi, Mike. Whats the weather like inBeijing

10、? A: Its rainy in Beijing. Its 15 degrees. Please take your umbrella. How about Ordos? B: Its . A: Welcome to . Before the conversation show T will show some pictures about the cities. 6 2. 总结 T: What have we learnt today? Whats the weather like in ? How about Beijing? It is sunny/windy/snowy/cloudy

11、. Is it cold?Yes, it is. No, its not. 作业Read and recite the dialogue. 会读会背对话 Add more interesting ideas to the dialogue. 拓展对话内容,写在对话本上 Remake a new dialogue about the weather. 自编有关天气的对话,下节课表演。 安全教育 要注意课间文明游戏,不大声喧哗,不追逐打闹。 环保教育 环境保护,人人有责。 7 语言文字大力推广普通话,增强中华民族凝聚力 。 板书设计: Unit 3 WeatherPart B Lets talk Whats the weather like in New York? It is warm and rainy. Is it cold? Yes, it is. No, its not. 教学反思:


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