人教PEP版四年级下册Unit 6Shopping-Part B-教案、教学设计-省级优课-(配套课件编号:d306e).doc

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人教PEP版四年级下册Unit 6Shopping-Part B-教案、教学设计-省级优课-(配套课件编号:d306e).doc_第1页
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1、PEP 小学英语四年级下册 Unit6 Shopping ? Part BLets talk 教学设计 课题说明课题说明: 本单元的教学内容购物与学生日常生活密切联系。教学重点是灵活运 用购物相关主要句型进行情景交际。 课时说明课时说明:本课时是第五单元 Part B 部分的 Lets talk.学生在此之前已学习 部分购物的“Can I help you ?”和相关 sunglasses, gloves, 衣物和 umbrella 等单词、句型。因此,这节课的教学任务是在已学知识的基础上,以引导学生在 购物真实情境中询问衣物价格,描述衣服,并合理选择自己心仪的物品,并在生 活中扩展以及运用所

2、学知识,真正达到学以致用。 学生情况说明学生情况说明:通过第五单元及第六单元 Part A 部分的学习,同学们对衣物鞋 类单词和“can I help you ?”、”“Can I try it on ?” 等交际用语已有了较好 的掌握。然而 Lets talk 的对话材料是妈妈带女儿去购物买衣服的场景,最后 因为价格较贵,妈妈放弃帮 Sarah 购买那条裙子。在学习如何描述衣物的同时, 引导学生运用英文询问价格,并购买衣物。在教学时,教师要通过创设真实购物 情景,运用多种教学手段,开展灵活多样的教学活动,呈现新知,操练新知,运 用新知,从而让学生更好地掌握和拓展购物这一话题。 教学目标:教学

3、目标: 1、知识与技能目标: a.能理解并听、 说、 读 “How do you like this skirt? It s very pretty. How much is it? Its too expensive” 。 b.能综合运用有关购物的交际句型。 “Can I help you ?” ”How much is it ? 2、情感态度目标:引导学生了解人民币和美元的汇率 教学重难点:教学重难点: 1. 重难点: “How much is it? Its pretty. Its too expensive.” 在真实情境的运用。 教学步骤:教学步骤: Step1Step1 WarmW

4、arm upup 1. Introduce the task. First, Enjoy and talk some beautiful clothes; Second, Read a dialogue about shopping; Last, Buysome beautiful clothes for our party . 设计意图:通过向学生介绍本课的学习任务,让学生初步了解学习任务和 学习目标。 2.Greeting and introduce the assessment: T:Hello,boys and girls! The party will be held at the

5、end of the term . Let s go shopping.Everyone has got a shopping card .Its about 50yuan .If you you do a good job, you can get more shopping card. 设计意图:创设购物情境,结合情境设置评价体系 Step2Step2 IntroductionIntroduction 1. Brainstorming T: We will have a big party ,right? What do you want to wear?What do you want

6、to buy? Eg: sunglasses, hat 设计意图: 通过头脑风暴,启发学生思维,唤醒学生对 5、6 单元的单词的 记忆、达到复习旧知的目的 2. Talk about the clothes T: Wow, so many clothes! How do you like them? S: nice, beautiful, pretty, big, cheap, expensive, 设计意图: 师为学生提供商店衣物整体图片,让学生自由描述商店物品, 顺其自然引出本课重点描述性词汇 pretty, cheap, expensive 等单词 3.Group work: a. T:

7、 Guys, Watch carefully. Magic time is coming. (设计意图:师运用课件将衣物类图片按照单复数进行分类,试图让学生了 解单复数的意义,为后面的大任务的语言输出进行铺垫。) 板书: How do you like the skirt?It is Ppt : How do you like? It is How do you like them?They are b. Describe the clothes you want to buy in groups.(请一组同学进行示范) c. I like your ideas. Lets buy them.

8、 But we should ask the price first. Look! Please talk about the price of them in your groups. 板书: How much is it ?It is Ppt : How much is it ? It is How much is it ?They are 设计意图: 师引导学生标好价钱的实物卡片进行交流衣物价格,操练本课 新句型,运用课件中的单复数分类,潜移默化的引导学生理解正确运用单复 数形式 Step3Step3 PresentationPresentation 1.Task 1 Look and

9、guess T: Sarah is also in the clothes shop. What will she buy? S: 设计意图:引导学生读图,预测对话内容,并初步感知对话,激发学生学习 兴趣 2.Task2Listen and answer T: Lets listen to the tape ,and try to catch the answers. a.How does she like the skirt? Itspretty. b. How much is it? Its 89. c. Isit cheap? No, it isnt. (ppt 出示美元兑换人民币的汇率

10、, 89*0.62=551 并引导学生充分理解 expensive 的意义,渗透文化教育) 3. Task3Listen and think T: Please listen again and think about it . a. Will mom buy the skirt for Sarah? Why? b. Sarah is a little bit unhappy, Can you give her some advice? 设计意图:通过三个任务,层层递进,引导学生通过听力,理解对话内容, 并通过最后一个思维任务,引导学生结合实际生活思考,渗透思品教育 Step4Practice

11、 1.Read follow the tape 2.Read and Act a. Read in roles b. Act it 设计意图:通过朗读对话,对同学们的发音进行正音;通过让自由选择角色扮 演、表演对话,引导学生操练对话 Step 5 Extension T:Lets go shopping now, every group has a shop, two or three of you can be a group. And one of you should be the salesman.Just like this. 设计意图:为学生提供四个挂满衣服的服饰商店,让学生自主选

12、择商店,并引 导学生运用所学句型进行拓展运用。为学生提供对话模板以及词库,为不同层次 的学生搭建语言学习支架 Step 6 Sum up 1. How to describe the clothes. How do you like ? Its nice/pretty/cheap/expensive. 2. How to ask the price. How much is it?Its50 yuan. 3.How to buy the clothes. Can I help you ?I want some .Illtake it. 设计意图:引导学生将课堂上获取的语言信息运用在自己的实际生活中。 Step 7 Homework 1. Act the dialogue in English book. 2. Share your own dialogue with your classmates. 设计意图:引导学生将课堂上获取的语言信息运用在自己的实际生活中。


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