人教PEP版四年级下册Recycle 1-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)-部级优课-(编号:31033).zip

相关 举报
  • 人教(PEP)2011课标版三年级起点(吴欣主编)_四年级下册_小学英语_Recycle 1_ppt课件_(含教案+视频+素材)_部级优课_(编号:31033)
    • Fashion show.mp4
    • Recycle1 listen, tick and say.swf
    • Recycle1 Read aloud.ppt--点击预览
    • Recycle1 Read aloud.swf
    • Song 2.swf
    • Song.mp4
    • 对话简单思维导图.doc--点击预览
    • 教案31033.doc--点击预览


At 4 oclock. In the library. Its cold and windy. Sarah and her friend. What time is it? Where is it ? Whats the weather like? Who will go ? What clothes? What food? . Place: _ Show Others: Time: People: Weather: Recycle 1 Read aloud . Teaching content 义务教育课程标准 PEP 版(三年级起点)四年级下册,第一课时; Recycle 1 Read aloud,Look,ask and answer,Listen ,tick and say. . Analysis of the students 我任教的四年级生源较杂,学生流动性较大,因此四个班孩子学习 习惯大致相同,但因班风班纪又稍有差别。经过 2 个多学期的英语 学习,多数学生回家能按要求预习、自学,课上能认真听讲,按时 完成作业,在小组合作、语言表达能力等方面都有了较大的进步。 本节课主要学习 Recycle 1 Read aloud,Look,ask and answer,Listen ,tick and say .在此之前,他们已经学过了 13 单元的内容。根据其特 点,我将通过比一比、演一演、做一做等活动让学生积极参与到教学 活动中去,充分调动其学习的积极性和主动性。 . Teaching goals: 1.Knowledge goals: (1)能够听、说、认读 1-3 单元有关地点、时间和天气的核心词、句。 (2)能够用正确的语音、语调朗读、表演对话 。 2.Ability goals: 能在情景中运用有关地点、时间和天气的词、句创编对话。 3.Emotion goals : 能在小组活动中培养学生互帮互助,提升语言学习的积极性,增加灵 活运用语言的能力。 .Teaching key and difficult points: 教学重点:正确运用 1-3 单元的词、句,能听、说、读、演对话内 容。 教学难点:运用所学词、句在实际情境中去创编对话。 .Teaching strategies and design 思维导图、小组合作法、多媒体激趣等。 .Environment and resources for teaching 1.本课教材、白板课件、平板电脑等。 2教学环境:群组型智慧教室 Step1. Warm-up (1).Greetings . (2).T:Its a nice day. Im very happy. Today our friend , Sarah is here.She likes music. Do you like music? Ss: Yes. T: ok. Lets sing a song with her. (3).T:What time is it now? Ss: Its . Its time for English class. T: OK. Then give out the text title. Introduce the rules of this class. (设计意图:课前的歌曲,既让学生做好了上课的准备,又温故了有 关时间的内容。本课通过 Hi-Teach 教学互动系统的积分板功能进行 小组评比,能激发学生学习的积极性和主动性。 ) Step 2.Revision (1).Today Sarah takes a video for us. Lets watch. T: What is it? Ss: A fashion show. (2).T: Yes. Do you like it? Well, Sarahs school has a fashion show ,too. Do you want to go ? Ss: Yes. T: But you must finish three tasks, then youll be invited. (3).Look,its a magic tree. There are three magic apples. Lets click the first one, ok! Wow,its a game: sharp eyes. Please read the words and sentences as quickly as you can,when it disappears. (4).Now lets click the second one: Look , ask and answer. Ss ask and answer in pairs . (5).Lets click the third one: Listen,tick and say. Ss listen and tick the right weather on the pad,then check the answer. ( 设计意图: 通过小视频引出 show, 再设计魔法树活动,引导学 生去一一完成,既是对旧知的的巩固,又是对后面内容的铺垫,注重学 习兴趣的培养。 ) Step3.Presentation (1).Great!Here is an invitation for you. Look, Sarah invites another friend,too. Lets go and have a look: Watch the video of “Read aloud” on the Pad.Then read the text and answer the questions:What time is the show? Where is the show? Who will go to the show? Whats the weather like outside? (2).Watch again, repeat the text together. (3).Role-play : Ss read the text in pairs first, then act it out. (设计意图:由得到邀请卡,同时 Sarah 还邀请了另一位朋友,自 然导入 Read aloud 对话。并通过引导学生自读课文,思考并回答有 关的几个问题,考查学生自学效果。并通过跟读、Role-play 活动, 培养他们正确的语音语调及口语能力。 ) Step4.Extension (1).Oh,there is no show. Its a pity ! Can you invite Sarah to other shows? OK! In our life, What other shows do you know? Ss think and talk in groups. (2).Think and talk: If we want to go to a show, What should we know? Ss talk in groups. (3).Talk and finish the mind map ,then make our show and act it out. (设计意图:此环节意在拓展学生思维,培养学生学会运用简单的 思维导图归纳知识,并学会灵活运用知识的能力. 同时培养其小组合 作、共同完成学习任务的意识。 ) Step 5.Summary If we go to a show, we should know the key information about it. And We should study and help each other! Step5.Homework 分层布置作业 Step6. Enjoy a song and class is over. (设计意图:让学生体会学习的成果,感受成功的喜悦,增强学好英语 的信心。为后续学习积累丰富的经验。 )
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