人教pep版六年级下册英语Unit 4 Then and now-Part B-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)-市级优课-(编号:d0f1c).zip

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Unit4 B Lets learn 一一教学目标教学目标 知识目标知识目标 1. 四会词汇:cycling go cycling ice-skate badminton 2. 三会词汇:thought 3. 重点句子:I didnt like before. I thought I couldnt Now,so 能力目标能力目标 1能够听,说,读,写几个四会词汇,能够听,说,认, 读三会词汇。 2能够掌握描述某人今昔对比的句型,能够自由表达自 己的变化。 情感目标情感目标 通过谈论和比较自己过去和现在的一些变化,让学生留 意自己的变化,关注自我,追求进步,更加自信积极地生 活。 二二教学内容教学内容 B Lets learn Listen, match and say 三三教学重点教学重点 1. 掌握四会词汇和重点句子。 2. 能够运用一般现在时和一般过去时对比描述自己个性喜 好能力等方面的变化。 四四教学难点教学难点 1一般现在时和一般过去时的区分和灵活运用。 2比较和描述自己或他人以前和现在的变化。 五五教学准备教学准备 课本,课件,班班通,点读机,卡片 六六教学过程教学过程 一一 Warm-up/Revision Go over the words: dining hall grass gym ago 教师出 示这四个单词的图片词卡快速点学生说出对应的英文 设计意图设计意图:快速复习前一课所学词汇。 师生一起谈论我们城市的今昔对比。 T: Lets talk about the changes in our city.(教师可先说一个变 化作示范) S1: There was no library in our city before. Now there is a new one. S2: There was no science museum in our city before. Now there is a new one. S3: There were no tall buildings in our city before. Now there are so many tall buildings in our city. S4: T: Yes , you are right. How do you know that? S1: My parents told us. S2: I looked it up on the Internet. 设计意图设计意图:通过师生共同讨论让学生获得操练同时复习了 前节课所学的核心句型,为本课所学作准备。 教师播放教材配套的英文歌曲“Changes in me”,学生在 老师的引导下跟唱。 T: Lets listen to a song “Changes in me.” 设计意图设计意图:作为课前热身,引出自己今昔对比,让学生身 有感受,自然进入本课所学。 二二 Presentation / Practice T: You are all different now. You are tall now. Can you ride a bike now? You were short before. Could you ride a bike ten years ago? 接下来教师出示骑车的图片。T: What sport is it? 教师引导学生说 cycling 并板书教读。教师边 做骑车的动作边说:Go cycling. I can go cycling now .But I couldnt go cycling before. Could you go cycling ten years ago? Can you go cycling now? Do you love to go cycling? 设计意图:设计意图:通过大量提问既让学生巩固了刚学的词组又为 后面重点句型的学习作了铺垫。 再次出示骑车图片点学生说词句子。 设计意图:设计意图:检测掌握情况并再巩固。 教师出示羽毛球拍的图片,T: Do you like badminton? Ss: Yes, I do. /No, I dont. T: Can you play badminton? Ss: Yes, I can ./No, I cant. T: Could you play badminton eight years ago? Ss: No, I couldnt.板书并教读 badminton,play badminton I can play badminton. badminton 有点长教师可 分音节教读,这样学生易听清晰易掌握些。再次出示打 羽毛球的图片,点学生说。以检测掌握情况。 教师出示滑冰的图片板书并教读 ice-skate 教师边做动作 边说 Ice-skate, ice-skate, I can ice-skate. I love to ice-skate. Do love to ice-skate? 教师强调 ice-skate 中 sk 的读音发生 浊化。再次出示滑冰图片,点学生说。 让学生听录音跟读,PPT 出示本课三张图片,让学生看 图读出相应的词组。PPT 再出示本单元七个词组和单词, 先让学生熟悉几秒钟,再逐一消失,让学生回忆哪个单 词或词组消失了直至最后一个。 设计意图:设计意图:通过音形义再次巩固所学词汇,利用 PPT 吸引 学生的注意力,提高效率。 PPT 出示夏天图片 T: What season is it? Ss: It is summer. T: I didnt like summer before. I thought it was too hot and I couldnt go out to play. 同时屏显上述句子。板书 think- -thought 并带读,教师让学生联想 thought 和之前学过 的哪个动词的过去式相像 Ss: buy-bought. 设计意图设计意图:联想记忆,方便学生记住该词。 教师讲解 before 的用法,cant 过去式 couldnt。 T: Which season didnt you like before? S1: Winter. S2: Summer. S3: T: Why? S1: I thought it was too cold and I couldnt S2: I thought it was too hot and I couldnt S3:. T: How about now? (教师自问自答) PPT 出示游泳图片。T: Now I love to swim, so I like summer. 屏显相应的句子。教师再问学生现在的情况,让学生说出 现在的情况, (有了上面老师的铺垫这一环节学生进行的很 顺利) 设计意图设计意图:通过以上铺垫水到渠成地过度到本课重点内容, 吴亦凡今昔喜好对比。 T: I didnt like summer before but now I like summer. Does Wu Yifan like summer, too? Open your books to page37.Lets read.屏显课本内容,听录音,跟读。T: Does Wu Yifan like winter? Ss: Yes, but he didnt like it before.让学生两人一组 表演对话,让几组学生起来表演。老师及时给予评价。 三三 Extension/Consolidation 让学生模仿上述对话,创编新对话,同桌之间表演,并 请几对在班上表演,让学生自己给予评价.T: Lets imitate the dialogue and create a new one. Then Ill ask some of you to act it out and youll evaluate them by yourselves. 设计意图:设计意图:学以致用,从教材内容走向生活实际,在真实 交流中提升学生的语言运用能力,同时让学生自己评判既 引起他们的热情又锻炼了他们的听力。 Listen, match and say 部分教师组织学生观察图片,熟悉 相关词组,听录音,把人物与做的活动图片连起来,再 听录音,同桌共同完成:Before, Allen couldntNow 老师点三名学生分别说出图片中三人的变化,老师给予 评价。 Homework 1. Listen to and read the contents of this lesson some times. 2. Write the words of this lesson some times. 3. Imitate the dialogue and create a new one. go cycling ice-skate play badminton dining hall grass gym ice-skate go cycling play badminton ago I didnt like summer before. I thought it was too hot and I couldnt go out to play. Now I love to swim, so I like summer. Homework 1.Listen to and read the contents of this lesson some times. 2.Write the words of this lesson some times. 3.Imitate the dialogue in this lesson and create a new one. Unit4 B Lets learn 一一教学目标教学目标 知识目标知识目标 1. 四会词汇:cycling go cycling ice-skate badminton 2. 三会词汇:thought 3. 重点句子:I didnt like before. I thought I couldnt Now,so 能力目标能力目标 1能够听,说,读,写几个四会词汇,能够听,说,认, 读三会词汇。 2能够掌握描述某人今昔对比的句型,能够自由表达自 己的变化。 情感目标情感目标 通过谈论和比较自己过去和现在的一些变化,让学生留 意自己的变化,关注自我,追求进步,更加自信积极地生 活。 二二教学内容教学内容 B Lets learn Listen, match and say 三三教学重点教学重点 1. 掌握四会词汇和重点句子。 2. 能够运用一般现在时和一般过去时对比描述自己个性喜 好能力等方面的变化。 四四教学难点教学难点 1一般现在时和一般过去时的区分和灵活运用。 2比较和描述自己或他人以前和现在的变化。 五五教学准备教学准备 课本,课件,班班通,点读机,卡片 六六教学过程教学过程 一一 Warm-up/Revision Go over the words: dining hall grass gym ago 教师出 示这四个单词的图片词卡快速点学生说出对应的英文 设计意图设计意图:快速复习前一课所学词汇。 师生一起谈论我们城市的今昔对比。 T: Lets talk about the changes in our city.(教师可先说一个变 化作示范) S1: There was no library in our city before. Now there is a new one. S2: There was no science museum in our city before. Now there is a new one. S3: There were no tall buildings in our city before. Now there are so many tall buildings in our city. S4: T: Yes , you are right. How do you know that? S1: My parents told us. S2: I looked it up on the Internet. 设计意图设计意图:通过师生共同讨论让学生获得操练同时复习了 前节课所学的核心句型,为本课所学作准备。 教师播放教材配套的英文歌曲“Changes in me”,学生在 老师的引导下跟唱。 T: Lets listen to a song “Changes in me.” 设计意图设计意图:作为课前热身,引出自己今昔对比,让学生身 有感受,自然进入本课所学。 二二 Presentation / Practice T: You are all different now. You are tall now. Can you ride a bike now? You were short before. Could you ride a bike ten years ago? 接下来教师出示骑车的图片。T: What sport is it? 教师引导学生说 cycling 并板书教读。教师边 做骑车的动作边说:Go cycling. I can go cycling now .But I couldnt go cycling before. Could you go cycling ten years ago? Can you go cycling now? Do you love to go cycling? 设计意图:设计意图:通过大量提问既让学生巩固了刚学的词组又为 后面重点句型的学习作了铺垫。 再次出示骑车图片点学生说词句子。 设计意图:设计意图:检测掌握情况并再巩固。 教师出示羽毛球拍的图片,T: Do you like badminton? Ss: Yes, I do. /No, I dont. T: Can you play badminton? Ss: Yes, I can ./No, I cant. T: Could you play badminton eight years ago? Ss: No, I couldnt.板书并教读 badminton,play badminton I can play badminton. badminton 有点长教师可 分音节教读,这样学生易听清晰易掌握些。再次出示打 羽毛球的图片,点学生说。以检测掌握情况。 教师出示滑冰的图片板书并教读 ice-skate 教师边做动作 边说 Ice-skate, ice-skate, I can ice-skate. I love to ice-skate. Do love to ice-skate? 教师强调 ice-skate 中 sk 的读音发生 浊化。再次出示滑冰图片,点学生说。 让学生听录音跟读,PPT 出示本课三张图片,让学生看 图读出相应的词组。PPT 再出示本单元七个词组和单词, 先让学生熟悉几秒钟,再逐一消失,让学生回忆哪个单 词或词组消失了直至最后一个。 设计意图:设计意图:通过音形义再次巩固所学词汇,利用 PPT 吸引 学生的注意力,提高效率。 PPT 出示夏天图片 T: What season is it? Ss: It is summer. T: I didnt like summer before. I thought it was too hot and I couldnt go out to play. 同时屏显上述句子。板书 think- -thought 并带读,教师让学生联想 thought 和之前学过 的哪个动词的过去式相像 Ss: buy-bought. 设计意图设计意图:联想记忆,方便学生记住该词。 教师讲解 before 的用法,cant 过去式 couldnt。 T: Which season didnt you like before? S1: Winter. S2: Summer. S3: T: Why? S1: I thought it was too cold and I couldnt S2: I thought it was too hot and I couldnt S3:. T: How about now? (教师自问自答) PPT 出示游泳图片。T: Now I love to swim, so I like summer. 屏显相应的句子。教师再问学生现在的情况,让学生说出 现在的情况, (有了上面老师的铺垫这一环节学生进行的很 顺利) 设计意图设计意图:通过以上铺垫水到渠成地过度到本课重点内容, 吴亦凡今昔喜好对比。 T: I didnt like summer before but now I like summer. Does Wu Yifan like summer, too? Open your books to page37.Lets read.屏显课本内容,听录音,跟读。T: Does Wu Yifan like winter? Ss: Yes, but he didnt like it before.让学生两人一组 表演对话,让几组学生起来表演。老师及时给予评价。 三三 Extension/Consolidation 让学生模仿上述对话,创编新对话,同桌之间表演,并 请几对在班上表演,让学生自己给予评价.T: Lets imitate the dialogue and create a new one. Then Ill ask some of you to act it out and youll evaluate them by yourselves. 设计意图:设计意图:学以致用,从教材内容走向生活实际,在真实 交流中提升学生的语言运用能力,同时让学生自己评判既 引起他们的热情又锻炼了他们的听力。 Listen, match and say 部分教师组织学生观察图片,熟悉 相关词组,听录音,把人物与做的活动图片连起来,再 听录音,同桌共同完成:Before, Allen couldntNow 老师点三名学生分别说出图片中三人的变化,老师给予 评价。 Homework 1. Listen to and read the contents of this lesson some times. 2. Write the words of this lesson some times. 3. Imitate the dialogue and create a new one.
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