2019新人教版 高中英语 必修第三册 UNIT 1 单元素养评估卷(一)(含答案).doc

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1、单元素养评估卷(一) 时间:100 分钟分数:120 分 第一部分阅读(共两节,满分 50 分) 第一节(共 15 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 37.5 分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳 选项。 A Summer of Culture “What is your teen doing this summer?” Welcome a student from France or Spain into your family! Host a student from Spain or France and experience his/her life an

2、d culture. ExchangestudentsfromSpainandFrancearelookingfor welcoming, warm, fun and loving hosts who will share life and culture with them for a few weeks in June, July and August. Stays can be from 3 to 6 weeks. What to do with your exchange student: Movies/Museums/Beaches/Cooking/Baking/Community

3、projects/Volunteering/Hanging out/Shopping/ Disneyland/anything you can think of . Requirements to host: Loving, active, outgoing family One stay-at-home, or part-time host parent Teen in the home within 4 years of age of the exchange student Willing to take students to places of interest once a wee

4、k (maybe visiting them next summer in their home countries) If you are interested and would like more information, please contact: Shirley Wentzell9096715 1. Exchange students from France or Spain will possibly stay for in host families. A. 10 daysB. 5 weeks C. 2 monthsD. 1 year 解析:解析:细节理解题。根据文中细节理解

5、题。根据文中“StaysStays cancan bebe fromfrom 3 3 toto 6 6 weeks.weeks.” 可知可知, ,来自法国或西班牙的交换生可能停留在寄宿家庭的时间为三至来自法国或西班牙的交换生可能停留在寄宿家庭的时间为三至 六周。故选六周。故选 B B。 答案:答案:B 2.According to the passage, we can learn that. A. exchange students will come back next summer B. exchange students have to cook dinner by themselve

6、s C. parents in a host family should have full-time jobs D. teens in host families can experience different cultures 解析:解析:细节理解题。根据文中细节理解题。根据文中“ExchangeExchange studentsstudents fromfrom SpainSpain andand FranceFrance areare lookinglooking forfor welcoming,welcoming, warm,warm, funfun andand lovingl

7、oving hostshosts whowho willwill shareshare lifelife andand cultureculture withwith themthem .”可知可知, ,交换生正交换生正 在寻找可以与他们分享生活和文化的主人在寻找可以与他们分享生活和文化的主人, ,寄宿家庭的青少年可以体寄宿家庭的青少年可以体 验不同的文化。故选验不同的文化。故选 D D。 答案:答案:D 3. The text above is probably a. A. letterB. noticeC. posterD. diary 解析:解析:推理判断题。根据文中推理判断题。根据文中

8、“WelcomeWelcome a a studentstudent fromfrom FranceFrance oror SpainSpain intointo youryour family!family!”以及文末的联系方式可知以及文末的联系方式可知, ,本文在呼吁人本文在呼吁人 们欢迎来自法国或西班牙的学生加入自己的家庭们欢迎来自法国或西班牙的学生加入自己的家庭, ,可能是海报。故可能是海报。故选选 C C。 答案:答案:C B In the deadly wildfires that broke out in California this summer, an unusual fr

9、iendship was formed between a cat and a chicken that stayed together to survive the fire. According to their Facebook post, the Grass Valley firefighters found the pair on their second day of cleaning up during the wildfire in a neighbourhood near Redding. “The animals had survived one of the most s

10、erious fires in memory, finding comfort in each other in the doorway of a home,” Grass Valley Fire Chief Mark Buttron wrote on the departments Facebook page. The cat and the chicken were both burned and needed treatment for their injuries. Firefighters quickly found water and called the Society for

11、the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. The animals shared one animal carrier so they could wait together until being taken to receive medical treatment. Niko Kuyper, the owner of the chicken, didnt know what had happened until a neighbour saw his animal on the news and called him. Kuyper recognised t

12、he chicken as the most energetic of the six hens he owned. He was even more surprised to see his chicken lying close to Whiskers, another neighbours cat. Though Whiskers has to visit the hospital every day to deal with her injuries, and her whiskers(胡须) were burned by the fire, she has been sent to

13、her family. Kuyper took the chicken to his parents house where it is being introduced to a new group of hens. Both animals are expected to recover from their injuries. The pairs friendship provided small hope for those affected by the wildfires. “Everyone in our area lost their homes,” Kuyper told T

14、ODAY. “Its nice to see something good like this shining through.” 4. What happened to a cat and a chicken? A. They lived together peacefully. B. They caused a big fire together. C. They survived a big fire together. D. They hid together to avoid firefighters. 解析:解析:细节理解题。根据第一段中的细节理解题。根据第一段中的“thattha

15、t stayedstayed togethertogether toto survivesurvive thethe firefire”可知可知, ,这两只小动物聚在一起这两只小动物聚在一起, ,在火灾中生存下来在火灾中生存下来。 答案:答案:C 5. How did Kuyper know the news about the two animals? A. He was told by a neighbour. B. He read it in the newspaper. C. He met with them in the hospital. D. He got in touch wi

16、th the firefighter. 解析解析:细节理解题细节理解题。根据第四段首句根据第四段首句“NikoNiko Kuyper,Kuyper, thethe ownerowner ofof thethe chicken,chicken, didndidnt t knowknow whatwhat hadhad happenedhappened untiluntil a a neighbourneighbour sawsaw hishis animalanimal onon thethe newsnews andand calledcalled him.him.”可知可知, ,这只母鸡主人

17、的这只母鸡主人的 邻居看到了新闻邻居看到了新闻, ,并且联系了他。并且联系了他。 答案:答案:A 6. What is happening to the chicken? A. She is still in hospital. B. She lives with other hens. C. She has recovered completely. D. She lives together with her owner. 解析:解析:细节理解题。根据第五段第二句细节理解题。根据第五段第二句“KuyperKuyper tooktook thethe chickenchicken toto

18、hishis parentparents s househouse wherewhere itit isis beingbeing introducedintroduced toto a a newnew groupgroup ofof hens.hens.”可知可知, ,这只母鸡现在被主人带到他父亲这只母鸡现在被主人带到他父亲( (母亲母亲) )的家里的家里, ,与新与新 的母鸡群生活在一起。的母鸡群生活在一起。 答案:答案:B 7. How is the news according to Kuyper? A. It is encouraging.B. It is interesting.

19、 C. It is moving.D. It is lovely. 解析解析:推理判断题推理判断题。根据最后一段内容可知根据最后一段内容可知,Kuyper,Kuyper 认为在这场大火认为在这场大火 给人们带来巨大灾难的时候能有这样一个积极的新闻是振奋人心的给人们带来巨大灾难的时候能有这样一个积极的新闻是振奋人心的。 答案:答案:A C As a little girl, one of my favourite family traditions was held on the first day of May. Along with my sister, my mother and I wo

20、uld make simple flower baskets by making paper into cones(圆锥形). Then, we filled the bottom of the cone with small candies before putting some flowers into it. With our May Day baskets in hand, my sister and I became anonymous gift-givers. After hanging a basket on the front door of a neighbour or fr

21、iend, we rang the doorbell and ran away. The goal was to remain secret givers. Historically, the first day of May, often referred to as “May Day”, has been recognised as a celebration of spring, of life and growth. Parades(游行) and dances are ways that the day has beenand continues to becelebrated in

22、 many parts of the world. Although formal May Day celebrations may be less common now, it is always worth celebrating. Here are some simple and lovely ways to celebrate May Day in our homes and with those we love: Making a May Day basket is always a great choice. Although the May Day basket we made

23、as children was simple, the making of the basket was a joy in itself. Consider making or buying some flowers for friends. Fill the basket with a few sweets and write a note thanking your friend or neighbour for their kindness, their presence, and their love. On May Day, we also take flowers to a loc

24、al hospital or nursing home. Flowers are always welcome in places that are too often full of sadness. Stopping to have a conversation with a patient and thanking a nurse would be an additional giftto the receiver and to us! Besides, we always give friends small gifts to celebrate May Day. A small bo

25、ok or magazine with a note, an art print celebrating springthe choices are endless. When your friends are far away, an unexpected gift can reawaken friendship across the miles. 8. The underlined part “anonymous gift-givers” refers to people who . A. are serious about gift-giving B. dont know the val

26、ue of gifts C. are careful about every small detail D. give gifts but dont want their names to be known 解析:解析:词义猜测题。根据画线部分后的词义猜测题。根据画线部分后的“AfterAfter hanginghanging a a basketbasket . wewe rangrang thethe doorbelldoorbell andand ranran away.away.” 和和 “secretsecret giversgivers” 可可 知知,anonymous,anony

27、mous gift-giversgift-givers 的意思应该是的意思应该是“匿名的赠送礼物者匿名的赠送礼物者”。 答案:答案:D 9. What do we know about May Day from the passage? A. It is celebrated all over the world. B. The date of its celebration has changed. C. It traditionally celebrates the arrival of spring. D. There is an increase in formal May Day c

28、elebrations. 解 析 :解 析 : 细 节 理 解 题 。 根 据 第 三 段 首 句细 节 理 解 题 。 根 据 第 三 段 首 句 “HistoricallyHistorically . a a celebrationcelebration ofof spring,spring, ofof lifelife andand growth.growth.”可知可知, ,五朔节是庆五朔节是庆 祝春天到来的节日。祝春天到来的节日。 答案:答案:C 10. In the authors eyes, May Day is a great chance to. A. express tha

29、nks B. visit faraway friends C. read a book or magazine D. stay with family members 解析解析: 推理判断题推理判断题。 根据第四段中的根据第四段中的“. writewrite a a notenote thankingthanking youryour friendfriend oror neighbourneighbour forfor theirtheir kindness,kindness, theirtheir presence,presence, andand theirtheir love.love

30、.”和第五段中的和第五段中的“thankingthanking a a nursenurse”可知可知, ,在作者看来在作者看来, , 五朔节是一个很好的表达感谢的机会。五朔节是一个很好的表达感谢的机会。 答案:答案:A 11. What is the passage mainly about? A. The history of May Day.B. Great family traditions. C. Celebrating May Day.D. Flowers for festivals. 解析:解析:主旨大意题。通读全文可知主旨大意题。通读全文可知, ,本文主要介绍了庆祝五朔节的一本

31、文主要介绍了庆祝五朔节的一 些方式。故选些方式。故选 C C 项。项。 答案:答案:C D This spring, you may be fortunate enough to have good weather, a small piece of earth and the energy, enthusiasm and inspiration to plant a garden. There is nothing better to shake off the boredom and dullness of winter than to dig in the earth, plant so

32、me seeds and watch them grow. A small garden can produce something extra fresh for dinner, flowers for the table and a feeling of accomplishment. It is work, but it is ever so rewarding. What about your life garden? Just as a beautiful garden is a work in progress, so is the garden in your mind. It

33、takes effort, planning, nurturing(培育) and weeding(除草) to grow a garden. What have you plantedwhat have you allowed to take root? Is your life the picture of a well laid out garden or an untidy mixture of plants, trees and weeds whose seeds were blown way and took root? We have all heard phrases like

34、 “sowing seeds of doubt” or “sowing seeds of discontent”. We can make a careful choice whether to allow them to take root in our lives or throw them out of our garden. Negative energy and words, like weeds, will spread quickly if left unchecked. Find a good “weed killer”a book, an inspirational stor

35、y, or positive affirmations(肯定)to help you get rid of the thoughts that reduce the beauty of your garden. Plant as many seeds of joy and beauty as you can in your own life and in the lives of the people with whom you live and work every day. Grow a gratitude garden, a peace garden and a dream garden

36、. Look after them daily. If you give them time and energy, you will have a rich harvest of success, happiness and peace of mind. 12. Why does the author tell us the benefits of growing a garden? A. To lead to the life garden. B. To introduce rewarding work. C. To show his love for gardening. D. To s

37、uggest a way to kill boredom. 解析:解析:推理判断题。分析第一段可知推理判断题。分析第一段可知, ,作者通过描述花园带给人们的作者通过描述花园带给人们的 愉悦而引出愉悦而引出“生命的花园生命的花园”, ,即通过类比引出本文的主题。即通过类比引出本文的主题。 答案:答案:A 13. In what way is our life garden similar to a beautiful garden? A. It changes all the time. B. It needs our effort and nurturing. C. It can make u

38、s happy and grateful in life. D. It is full of both positive and negative energy. 解析:解析:细节理解题。由第二段中的细节理解题。由第二段中的“JustJust asas a a beautifulbeautiful gardengarden isis a a workwork inin progress,progress, soso isis thethe gardengarden inin youryour mind.mind. ItIt takestakes effort,effort, planning,

39、planning, nurturingnurturing andand weedingweeding toto growgrow a a garden.garden.” 可知可知, ,我们生命的花园也需要我们的努力和培育才能有好的结果我们生命的花园也需要我们的努力和培育才能有好的结果, ,这这 跟我们现实生活中的花园是一样的。跟我们现实生活中的花园是一样的。 答案:答案:B 14. Why does the author compare negative energy and words to weeds? A. They are a natural part of life. B. They

40、 are often left unchecked. C. They are difficult to be removed. D. They need to be removed before they spread. 解析解析: 推理判断题推理判断题。 由第三段中的由第三段中的“NegativeNegative energyenergy andand words,words, likelike weeds,weeds, willwill spreadspread quicklyquickly ifif leftleft unchecked.unchecked.”可知可知, ,负能量和负能量

41、和 充满负能量的语言就像杂草一样充满负能量的语言就像杂草一样, ,如果不及时清除就会迅速蔓延。如果不及时清除就会迅速蔓延。 答案:答案:D 15. Which of the following can be regarded as a weed killer? A. Reading a dull book.B. Expressing our discontent. C. Having positive self-talks.D. Pulling up weeds in the garden. 解析解析: 细节理解题细节理解题。 由第三段中的由第三段中的“a a book,book, anan

42、inspirationalinspirational story,story, oror positivepositive affirmationsaffirmations”可知可知, ,我们内心积极的自我交谈可以清除我们内心积极的自我交谈可以清除 我们的负能量我们的负能量, ,即为即为“杂草清理剂杂草清理剂”。 答案:答案:C 第二节(共 5 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 12.5 分) 根据下面短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最 佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。 First rains of the season always make everybody happy. H

43、owever, as it begins to rain often, you will possibly feel bored.16Well, you can do many fun things, which will make the day a truly enjoyable one. 17Take a little time out for yourself. Then take a long walk and watch everything. You can walk in your neighbourhood or even take the subway and discov

44、er new places in the town. If you like taking pictures, take your camera along with you to catch beautiful moments. Host a rain dance party!18It can also be in your backyard. Make sure that the dance floor is hard and even to avoid accidents. Place the stereo(立体声音响) under the roof in case it gets we

45、t. Call your friends and enjoy the party! Watch and listen to nature. For example, you can take your bike and ride in a green hilly area.19If you cant go outside your house, sit on the balcony(阳台) with a cup of tea and listen to the sound of water falling on different objects. There are many things

46、to do on a rainy day. But make sure you take a rain jacket or an umbrella while going out in the rains.20When it comes to preventing you catching a cold in the rains, you can eat a lot of vitamin C, and take a bath once you come backhome. A. Take a walk by yourself. B. You can stop to buy an ice cre

47、am. C. So how can you have fun on such a rainy day? D. You can sit on the top of a hill and enjoy the view. E. You wont get completely wet and then catch a cold. F. Have some coffee outside and enjoy the conversation. G. The dance floor can be near your homes swimming pool. 答案:答案:16.C17.A18.G19.D20.

48、E 第二部分语言运用(共两节,满分 30 分) 第一节(共 15 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 15 分) 阅读下面短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出可以 填入空白处的最佳选项。 A mother and daughter living in my community are two of the most unfriendly people I have ever come across in my life. They are totally separated, mixing with21. As they drive past neighbours they keep t

49、heir eyes looking away and make no sign of acknowledgement. The only fame they have is making a nuisance of themselves to the local police station by22music played too loud, dogs barking more than once a day and any other pretty23gripe(把柄). On moving into this neighbourhood, I was24of these two but

50、decided I would make up my own mind. This proved quite a25to me as more than once either the mother or the daughter would knock on my door and blast(猛烈抨击) me with some26or other. I always answered politely and made sure I27as they went past my place and also made the effort now and then to make a ki


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