人教pep版五年级下册英语Unit 2 My favourite season-A-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-省级优课-(编号:f02e7).zip

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Unit 2 My Favourite Season A Lets learn & Read and match How many seasons are there in a year? There are four seasons in a year. season 季节季节 spring 春天春天 summer 夏天夏天 autumn 秋天秋天 =fall fall(落下)(落下) from the tree. winter 冬 天 spring autumn summer winter Which season do you like best? I like .best. SpringSummerAutumnWinter. I can- There are four seasons in a year. _ is green with flowers and songs. _ is hot and the days are long. _ is golden and farmers are busy. _ is white and the year is gone. Spring Summer Autumn Winter A years plan starts with spring. 一年之计在于春。一年之计在于春。 No autumn fruit without spring blossoms blsmz. 春天不开花,哪来秋天果?春天不开花,哪来秋天果? (春华秋实)(春华秋实) Homework: 1、必抄:新词新句2英1中。 2、选抄:从课文中抄出3个你最 喜欢的句子。 3、选读:读自己最喜欢的句子 。 PEP小学英语五年级下册小学英语五年级下册 Unit 2 My favourite season Lesson 1 A Lets try Lets talk The grass is green, I can_ _ fly a kite Spring Spring,spring,I like sping. It is warm and windy. Summer Summer,summer,I like summer. It is hot and sunny. And the days are long. I can swim. Oh,Its_. summer What season is it ? autumn(fall ) windy cool What season is it ? windy cold make a snowman white snow Winter,winter,I like winter spring summer fall(autumn ) winter A: Which season do you like best? B: _. I like spring Its warm.I can _ warm hot cool cold Which season do you like best? 你最喜欢哪个季节?你最喜欢哪个季节? which 哪一个哪一个 best 最高程度的最高程度的 I like _ best. Make up a dialogue Lets talk fall Which season do you like best? _. I can - summary season springsummer winterautumn Homework 1,1,听录音并背诵对话。听录音并背诵对话。ListenListen andand reciterecite thethe dialogue.dialogue. 2 2,FinishFinish thethe relevantrelevant workbookworkbook . . 3 3, ,I In nt te er rv vi ie ew w y yo ou ur r p pa ar re en nt ts s a ab bo ou ut t w wh hi ic ch h s se ea as so on n y yo ou ur r p pa ar re en nt ts s likelike best.best. Unit 2 My Favourite Season第一课时 教学内容(Main scence Part A Lets try 2、能够正确听、说、朗读: “Which season do you like best? I like”。并会问答交流喜欢的季节。 3、能够听说读写Lets talk 的内容,并能够在真实场景中运用所学语言进行真实交流和运用 4、激发学生用英语表达自己所喜爱的季节的兴趣,热爱大自然 ,欣赏大自然的美。 教学重点教学重点: 1、听说认读五个单词:season, spring, summer, autumn, winter。 2、运用句型:Which season do you like best?进行问、答。 教学难点:教学难点: 1、能够理解并表演Lets talk 的交际内容。 教学准备:教学准备: 多媒体课件、教学挂图、播放录音软件、老师打印的练习题 教学过程:教学过程: Step1Step1: Warming up/revision 1. Greetings.Talk about the weather.Oh,its .today.Do you like tadays weather? 2. Enjoy a song Whats your favourite season?.学生随着优美的旋律跟唱,活跃气氛并通过歌曲熟 悉“season”为新课学习做好铺垫。Review the words of weather.如:cold, warm, hot, cool.windy,rainy,sunny等,为Lets try做预热铺垫。 3.Free talk T:Whats the weather like today? Ss:Its 。 T:Do you like taday”s weather ? S1,Yes,I do. T:What can you do,children? S2:can do exercises S3:can go to the park StepStep 2 2: Presentation /Practice (1)T: Whats the weather like today? S: Its warm and windy (结合课件,看图用所学过的天气方面的知识展开对话交流 ,引出不同的季节) T: What season is it? 引出单词spring,根据发音规则学生自己试着拼读单词 师生一起拍手说唱:spring,spring, I like spring. (2)T: In spring, I can fly kites. Its warm.教师拿着summer的词卡,遮挡好,学生根据老师的描 述猜猜是哪个季节. T: I can eat ice cream. I can swim . Its very hot. What season is it?教读单词summer (3)出示秋天的词卡,直接引出单词autumn,教读单词。教读 Do you like it?与学生进行问答。 (4)T: How many seasons are there in a year? 引出winter,教读单词。看幻灯片说“What season is it?”Do you like winter? (5)以拍手说唱的形式小结上述单词,教读season. (6)完成Lets try.让学生听录音选答案,老师校对答案。 (7)学习Lets talk. 感知学习句型Which season do you like best?。 看幻灯片,教师提问:Do you like spring? S1,Yes,I do. T: Me, too.In spring, I can fly kites. I like it. 在spring下画一个笑脸 (以此类推) T: In winter, I can skate and make a snowman. I like it better.在winter下画两个笑脸 T: In summer, I can swim and eat ice cream and wear beautiful dress.So I like it best.在summer下画三个笑脸,教读句型并板书;同桌操练句型。 T:And you?Which season do you like best? Ss:. (7) 教师播放A Lets talk课文录音,学生听录音观察课本14 页Lets talk内容,询问学生,Who are they?What are they tal king about?让学生两人一组展开合理想象并讨论。 (8)展示讨论结果。老师解答问题帮助学生理解对话内容(s now, best, winter, spring, which为新词,教师需要解释其意思 ,并注意学生的发音)。教师播放课文录音,学生逐句仿读。(提 醒学生在跟读的过程中注意模仿录音中的语音、语调)由粗读,细 读再到快读。 Step3Step3,Consolidation (1).Make up a dialogue.小组内分角色进行表演性朗读、小组表演,教师可挑学生 上台表演对话,师生共评。要求:对话内容必须要用到季节以及句型 “Which season do you like best?”.适当表达喜爱某一季节的原因。 (2). Make a survey.(小记者调查) 四人一组了解同学都喜欢什么季节。要求用“Which season do you like best? Namespringsummerfallwinter (通过分角色朗读表演整合课文,深化、内化知识,最后做到语言 的流利输出。) Step4Step4,Summing up&Homework Summing up:1:Words:season,spring,autumn,winter,which,best 2,Sencentences:Which season do you like best? 3,完成老师打印的练习题 Homework:1,听录音并背诵对话。Listen and recite the dialogue. 2,Finish the relevant workbook . 3,Interview your parents about which season your parents like best.
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