人教pep版五年级下册英语Unit 6 Work quietly!-C-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+素材)-省级优课-(编号:415e7).zip

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PEP五年级下册五年级下册 Unit6Workquietly C.Storytime Questions: 1.Whatsthefilmabout? 2.Whatsthegorillalike? 3.Whatsthegorilladoinginthe film? Questions: 1.Whoiseatingpopcorn? 2.Isthefilmexciting? 3.AreZipandZoom talkingquietly? 4.Whatsthemeaningofthe sign? Whatsignsshouldbeput(放放)inthe cinema? emergency exit Nosmoking. Talkquietly. Noswimming. Nofishing. Noeating. Read,tick()orcross(x). 1.Thegorillainthefilmispickingbananas.() 2.Zoomiseatingpopcorn.() 3.Thefilmisexciting.() 4.ZipandZoomaretalkingquietly.() 5.ZipandZoomkeeptheirchairsclean.() x x x Fillintheblanks. ZipandZoomare_a film.Thefilmisabouta_. Thegorillais_and_. Its_abanana.Thefilmis so_.Zoomis_ popcornand_withZip. Theyshould(应该应该)_ _. seeing gorilla eating eating exciting keep bigstrong talking quiet napkin tickets Whatwillyoutaketothecinema? cinemathings cantake canttake napkin ticket water fruits toy notice Talkquietly! Keepclean! Whatshould(应该应该)Inotice(注意注意)inthecinema? things seea film food drink napkin cola popcorn ticket water can take canttake things toy fruits notice Talkquietly! Keepclean! Homework: 1.根据完成填空的短文,复述今天根据完成填空的短文,复述今天 学习的故事(可加上自己的语言)。学习的故事(可加上自己的语言)。 2.以以“Whatshouldyoudointhe cinema?”为主题,完成一为主题,完成一 份思维导图的设计。份思维导图的设计。 Unit6 Work quietly! (PEP 英语五年级下册 C. Story time) 一、教学目标分析一、教学目标分析 知识目标:在图片、视频、思维导图的帮助下理解故事内容,复习 与巩固现在进行时。 能力目标:能按语音、语调、意群朗读、表演及复述故事。 情感目标:养成自觉遵守公共秩序、礼貌待人的好习惯。 二、教材分析二、教材分析 本单元学习的重点是能用现在进行时描述活动中人物的行为和 动作,合理使用标识语给他人提建议。本课时在导入和故事的教学 中,都渗透了对这两个重点内容的巩固和教学,教学紧紧围绕着单 元的主题。 三、教学重、难点分析三、教学重、难点分析 教学重点:能够理解故事内容、朗读、复述故事。 教学难点:1. 理解、会读新授词汇 gorilla, noise, popcorn, exciting, sign。 2. 能复述故事。 四、教具准备四、教具准备 课件、图片 五、教学过程分析与设计五、教学过程分析与设计 Step1 Pre-reading 1. Greeting 2. Lead-in T: May Day is coming. What do you want to do in May Day? S: I want to T: I want to see a film. Learn to read: film, see a film (Show the pictures of Zip and Zoom) T: They love to see films, too. 3. See a film: Kung Fu Panda 4. (过渡语)T: Zip and Zoom are seeing a film, too. Which film are they seeing? (设计意图:通过观看功夫熊猫的电影片段,提高学生的学习兴 趣,从而自然引出本课故事的教学。) Step2 While-reading 1. Watch the video of the story in part C. 2. Ask, answer and learn the new word. Whats the film about? Whats the gorilla like? Whats the gorilla doing in the film? Word: gorilla (设计意图:通过视频,初步理解故事内容,能回答一些比较简单、 不需要深入思考的问题。引出及教读新词 gorilla。同时板书以思维导 图的形式出现,引导学生进行故事情节的复述。) 3. Watch the video again. 4. Ask, answer and learn the new words. Who is eating popcorn? Is the film exciting? Are Zip and Zoom talking quietly? Whats the meaning of the sign? Words: popcorn, noise, exciting, sign (设计意图:再次观看视频,深入理解故事内容,培养学生养成自觉 遵守公共秩序、礼貌待人的意识。引出及教读新词 popcorn, noise, exciting, sign。同时板书以思维导图的形式出现,引导学生进行故事 情节的复述。) 5. Choose the signs put in the cinema. (设计意图:拓展学习更多的标识语,培养学生选择、判断、思考的 能力,引导学生通过图标理解标识语的含义及其该放置的场所。) 6. Read the story, tick or cross. Pair-work Check (设计意图:学生试读故事,通过练习再次加深对故事的理解。) 7. Watch the video, learn to read the story. (Twice) 8. Dub for the video. 9. Retell the story. Fill in the blanks. Read together (设计意图:整篇复述故事对于学生是有难度的。通过填词的形式, 引导学生提取故事信息,给学生进行复述故事作示范, 降低学生复 述的难度。前面板书采用思维导图的形式,也为此步骤打下伏笔。 达到循序渐进的效果。) Step3 Post-reading 1. Discuss: What will you take to the cinema? (设计意图:通过讨论帮助学生明白去电影院该带什么、做什么?培 养学生选择、判断、思考的能力,养成自觉遵守公共秩序、礼貌待 人的好习惯。) 2. Show the mind maps about “What should I notice in the cinema?”. Step4 Homework 1. 根据完成填空的短文,复述今天学习的故事(可加上自己的语言) 。 2. 以“What should you do in the cinema?”为主题,完成份思维导图的 设计。 板书设计: Unit6 Work quietly! film Zip 头 像 Zoom 头像 gorilla big and stronggreat exciting eating a banana eating popcornnoiseEat quietly! talkingTalk quietly! Keep quiet! Keep clean!
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