湘鲁版三年级下册英语Unit 4 What's your favourite food -Section A-ppt课件-(含教案+音频)-公开课-(编号:70251).zip

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XiongEr cant find anything to eat in the forest,so he is very hungry now. Im very hungry! XiongEr cant find anything to eat in the forest today, he is very hungry now.(熊二在森林里没有 找到吃的,现在特别饿。) So he and his brother,XiongDa,sneak into GuangTouqiangs house to find some food. ( 所以,他和他的哥哥熊大偷偷跑进光 头强的家,找些食物吃。) noodlesrice banana bread watermelon apple But they find that all the food is hidden and marked in English.Would you like to help them? (但他们发现所有的食物都被藏了起来并标注了英 文。 你愿意帮助他们吗?) orange rice noodles bread apple banana water melon orange Great ! XiongEr saysMy favourite food is bananas,Yummy (熊二“我最喜欢的食物是香蕉,好好吃呢!”) rice noodles bread applebanana watermelon orange Listen carefully,pay attention to the pronounciation and intonation.仔细听对话并注意发音和语调。 Listen again,and then read with your deskmate . 再听一遍,然后和同桌一起朗读 ,两分钟时间。 Now lets read it together,Im the mother,you are the child,lets begin.现在一起朗读,我是妈妈, 你是孩子,开始! Read in groups and make a new dialogue. -Whats your favourite food? -My favourite food is . Some food: rice noodles bread apple banana watermelon orange Sentence structure: 1.Whats your favourite food? My favourite food is. 2.Do you like .? Yes,I do./No,I dont . Our dinning hall wants to make the menu for next week.Please interview your friends about their favourite food. (我们的食堂想制定下周的菜单,请 采访你的朋友他们最喜欢的食物。) PeopleWhats your favourite food? Friend 1 Friend 2 Friend 3 Friend 4 Food is precious,dont waste it. (食物珍贵,不要浪费。) Unit 4 Whats your favourite food?( Section A )教学设计教学设计 1、教学目标教学目标 1、知识目标知识目标 (1)能听说读写食物的名称:rice、noodles、 bread 、apple、 banana、 watermelon、 orange (2)能听懂并会用所学句型: -Whats your favourite food? -My favourite food is. -Do you like rice or noodles? -I like rice. -Do you like noodles? -Yes,I do.I love it./No,I dont. 2、技能目标技能目标 会互相询问彼此最喜欢的食物,并表达对该食物的看法。 3、情感目标情感目标 (1)在情境创设中培养学生的小组合作的能力。 (2)通过多种游戏和活动,激发学生学习英语的兴趣。 (3)加强学生之间的相互了解,促进友谊。 2、学情分析学情分析 三年级学生年龄较小,生性活泼好动,喜欢直观形象思维,对游戏、歌曲、竞赛 画画特别感兴趣。三年级是小学英语学习基础阶段,重要任务在于激发并保持英语学 习的兴趣,因此,我在教学设计中采取多样教学方式吸引注意力,营造学中玩、玩中 学的教学情境。 3、教学重难点教学重难点 1、教学重点:教学重点: 词汇 rice noodles bread watermelon 拓展词汇 apple banana orange 句型: -Whats your favourite food? -My favourite food is. -Do you like rice or noodles? -I like rice. -Do you like noodles? -Yes,I do.I love it./No,I dont. 2、教学难点教学难点 单词 favourite rice love 的发音,掌握所学单词并能用句子 -Whats your favourite food?-My favourite food is.介绍自己最喜欢的食物,并能询问他人喜欢 的食物。 4、教学准备教学准备 教师自制多媒体课件,单词卡片,苹果树和苹果卡纸,磁铁,大米,面条,面包, 苹果,香蕉,橘子,西瓜。 5、教学过程教学过程 Step1.Warm up(热身)热身) 和学生进行简单英语问候,让学生快去进去英语学习环境中。 T:Andy,how are you today? S:I m fine,thank you. T:What about you,Lily? S:Im fine,too 全体起立,播放音频,一边跟唱英语歌曲“Apple tree”,一边做舞蹈动作。Boys and girls, Stand up please,lets sing a song together. Step2.Presentation(新课呈现)新课呈现) 1. Lead-in(导入导入) 创设情景:熊二饿了,森林里找不到东西吃,所以他和熊大一起偷偷去光头强家找 食物吃,发现食物都被盖住了,而且英语单词做了标记,他们不懂英语,我们是否愿 意帮助他们呢? Xionger cant find anything to eat in the forest,he is very hungry now.So he and his brother,Xiongda,sneak into GuangTouqiangs house to find some food,but they find that all the food is hidden and marked in English.Would you like to help them? 学生一起回答“Yes”,然后师生一边试读英文单词“rice noodles bread apple banana watermelon orange”,一边揭开盖子,出现食物图片。 现在熊大熊二非常开心,熊二说我最喜欢的食物是香蕉,那你们呢? Now they are very happy,Xionger says“My favourite food is bananas”,What about yours? 2.Learn new words(学习新单词学习新单词) 老师拿出提前准备好的小碗炒米问“Whats this?”,一起答“rice”, 随之把写有“rice”的单词卡片用磁铁挂在黑板上。 T:read after me,rice,rice Ss:rice,rice T:Do you like rice? Ss:Yes,I do.,I dont. (老师顺势指导如何回答) 用同样方式学习其它单词,遇到长单词 noodles watermelon,指出几名学生,边触摸 边跟读,老师同时纠正错误的发音。 3.Playing word-game.(单词游戏)(单词游戏) 老师讲解游戏规则,左手指向单词“noodles”,右手高高举起,当我右手伸出一根手指时, 学生应读一遍“noodles”,当我伸出两根手指时,学生应读两遍“noodles noodles”. 但当我伸出的是拳头时,学生应立刻“嘘”,不出声。 游戏开始,Lets begin! 老师指向“noodles”,伸出一根手指,学生读“noodles”,伸两根手指,学生读“noodles noodles”,伸出拳头,大部分学生“嘘”,只有 Lucy 读出,所以老师和其他学生双手一 起指向 lucy 说,one two three,bomb! (每个单词轮流做一遍该游戏) 4.Listening and reading(听读课文)听读课文) 看课文 look,listen and say 部分,放录音,听两遍, 第一遍注意发音和语调, 第二遍跟读,而后同桌之间分角色朗读。 Step3. Practice and consolidation(练习巩固)练习巩固) 1. Group work 小组合作小组合作 老师示范如何用句型造句,板书该句型。 (老师手拿香蕉)T:Whats your favourite food? Ss:My favourite food is bananas. 小组内练习用该句型造句,五分钟时间。上讲台展示,老师奖励相应的食物吃。 2.Competition(看谁做得快)(看谁做得快) 用备好的空白小卡纸遮住单词卡片的个别字母,让学生来填写遮住的单词,看谁做 得又快又对。 Step4. Summary(总结)总结) 出示 PPT,展示所学习的食物单词和重要句型: rice、noodles、 bread 、apple、 banana、 watermelon、 orange -Whats your favourite food? -My favourite food is. -Do you like rice or noodles? -I like rice. -Do you like noodles? -Yes,I do.I love it./No,I dont. 一边让学生朗读,一边总结所学知识。 6、Homework(作业)作业) 1. Make a survey(调查)(调查) 学校食堂想要制定下周的菜单,请调查询问你的朋友最喜欢的食物是什么,完 成调查表。 Our dinning hall wants to make the menu for the next week,so ask your friendsabout their favourite food. And finish the report table. PeoplePeopleWhats your favourite food? FriendFriend 1 1 FriendFriend 2 2 FriendFriend 3 3 FriendFriend 4 4 FriendFriend 5 5 2. Advice(忠告)(忠告) Food is precious,dont waste it. 食物珍贵,不要浪费。食物珍贵,不要浪费。 7、板书设计板书设计 Unit 4. Whats your favourite food? -Whats your favourite food? -My favourite food is rice、noodles、 bread 、apple、 banana、 watermelon、 orange
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