湘鲁版五下Unit 4 There is homework time.-Section A-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)--(编号:401e6).zip

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Review get upbrush my teethwash my face put on my clothes put on my shoes have my breakfast Look and say What time do you usually get up every morning? When do you have breakfast? What do you usually do at 7:00 am? Lead-in Free talk Presentation Lets learn boarding school Presentation Lets learn lunch time I have lunch at 12:00. What do you do at lunch time? Presentation Lets learn homewor k time I do my homework at 5:30 pm. What do you do at homework time? Presentation Lets learn dinner time I have dinner at 7:30 pm. What do you do at dinner time? Presentation Lets learn bed time I go to bed at 9:00 in the evening. Were usually tired at bed time. tire d Presentation Lets learn I play basketball or walk in my free time. free time Presentation Lets learn watch TV I watch TV in my free time. What do you do in your free time? Presentation Lets learn housewo rk I do housework in my free time. What do you do in your free time? Practice Game 1Words and numbers lunch timeboarding school watch TV dinner time bed time free time homework time housework tired 12 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Practice Magic eyes housework watch TV boarding school homework time dinner time lunch time bed time free time tired Game 1 Presentation Look, listen and act Look and say Who are they? What are they talking about? Presentation 1. Whats a boarding school? 2. What does Ben do after school? There is some free time. 3. Does Ben do any housework? Yes. He cleans the windows and the floor. Look, listen and act Listen and answer In a boarding school, students live in the school. They get up at 6:30 am. They have breakfast at 7:00. Presentation Look, listen and act Andys friend comes to visit him in China. His name is Ben. Li Xiao meets Ben. Andy: Ben studies in a boarding school in England. Li Xiao: Whats a boarding school? Ben: In a boarding school, students live in the school. We get up at 6:30 am. We have breakfast at 7:00. Do you have your breakfast at school? Li Xiao: No. I usually have breakfast at home. But I have lunch at school. Listen and imitate Presentation Look, listen and act Andy: Our lunch time is at 12:00. Li Xiao: What do you do after school? Ben: There is some free time. We can play or exercise. Then, dinner time. Li Xiao: What do you do after dinner? Ben: There is homework time, but we can watch TV. Then its bed time. Were usually tired in the evening. Li Xiao: Do you do any housework? Ben: Yes. We clean the windows and the floor. Listen and imitate Read it by yourselves for one minute. 自读课文一分钟。 Learning tip: 当你自己朗读时,遇到不会 读或不明白意思的单词或 句子,可以把它圈起来, 请教同学或老师! 50 40 60 30 20 10 Practice Practice 模仿录音中的语音语调, 有感情地朗读。 可以脱离课本,适当改动 其中部分,语音地道。 适当添加内容,意思完整 ,有创新,表演生动。 Good Great Excellent 小组合作,练习对话并表演,其他同学评价。 Listen and say Pupil A: What do you do after school? Pupil B: There is some free time. Presentation lunch time dinner time homework time watch TVhouseworktired Breakfast time Lunch time Study time Free time Have breakfast _ Talk to my friends _ Read books _ Play football _ Listen and write Ben and Li Xiao are talking about what they do at different times. Listen and complete the form. Practice brush my teeth have lunch, study do my homework play basketball, play music Look and talk Work in pairs. Take turns to ask each other questions. Practice Look and talk Work in pairs. Take turns to ask each other questions. What do you do at bed time? I always brush my teeth and wash my face. Then I go to bed. Practice Summary 本课所学的重点短语有: lunch time dinner time homework time watch TVhouseworktired Summary 如何询问一天不同时段的日常活动并 做相关回答呢? What do you do at lunch/dinner time? I . at lunch/dinner time. Unit4 There is homework time. 教学目标教学目标 1. 能用所学词语或句子谈论寄宿学校的日常生活。 2. 能听懂并会用 Our lunch time is at 12:00.What do you do after school? 和 Do you do any housework? 等句型进行问答对话和表述,掌握本节课出现的生词。 3. 培养学生独立生活能力,学会自己照顾自己。 教学内容教学内容 词汇: come boarding school after free time bed time tired lunch time dinner time homework time watch TV housework 句型: Our lunch time is at 12:00. What do you do after school? There is some free time. Do you do any housework? Yes. We clean the windows and the floor. 教学活动教学活动 让学生分组讨论,什么是寄宿学校,寄宿学校生活与走读学校(day school)生活有什么不 同?你自己喜欢寄宿学校生活还是走读学校生活?然后,小组汇总讨论结果,看喜欢寄宿 学校生活和走读学校生活的人数分别是多少。 课前准备课前准备 教师课前需要准备录音机、磁带、教学挂图和单词卡片。 教学过程教学过程 1Warm-up. 开始上课时,教师先让学生回忆和复习上节课内容,引导学生讨论自己一天的作息时间, 复习和巩固有关日常作息的词语和句型。比如:What time do you usually get up every morning? When do you have breakfast? What do you usually do at 7:00 am?通过这项活动,承 上启下,引导学生谈论寄宿学校的生活,将话题转移到本节课教学内容。 2. 任务 1 的教学: (1)在进行上述活动的基础上,教师让学生看 Look, listen and act 的教学内容,看对话中 出现了哪些人物,他们在谈论什么,提到了寄宿学校的哪些作息时间和活动安排。 (在学生 看的过程中,教师将有关生词和 Our lunch time is at 12:00. What do you do after school? There is some free time. Do you do any housework? Yes. We clean the windows and the floor. 等 句型写到黑板上,或用多媒体展示出来。 ) (2)教师简单讲解黑板上或多媒体展示出来的生词和句型。然后,教学生认读、跟读和记 忆。 (3)播放 Look, listen and act 的录音,先让学生听两遍。在听懂大意的基础上,给学生布 置“任务” ,比如:What s a boarding school? What does Ben do after school? Does Ben do any housework?等,让学生带着问题、带着目的去听录音。 (4)通过多种形式让学生朗读 Look, listen and act 的内容,比如:跟录音读,跟教师读, 角色扮演朗读(根据对话角色,让不同的学生扮演) 。也可以让学习成绩好的学生,将课文 内容换成自己的话来进行复述。 (注意,复述课文内容难度比较大,应根据学生实际情况选 择使用。而且,只要学生大致复述即可,不可在语法等上过度苛求学生,以免打击学生学 习英语的积极性。 ) (5)在学生听懂和熟读的基础上,组织学生以小组为单位,进行角色扮演,模仿 Look, listen andact 的内容进行对话表演。 (在学生进行对话表演时,教师可将 Look, listen and act 内容通过图片或多媒体等方式,向学生适当提供情景,以便学生模仿对话时参考。 ) 语言点解释语言点解释 比较下面两句话: In a boarding school, students live in the school. I usually have breakfast at home. But I have lunch at school. 第一句中的 school 前面用介词 in,强调“在里面” ,着重内部;第二句中的 school 前 面用介词 at,强调“在地方” ,着重地点,往往含有对比之意(这里的 at school 与前 面的 at home 对比) 。 (另参见本册教师用书Unit 1 中“第 3 学时”有关内容。 ) homework 意思是“家庭作业” ,而 housework 则意思是“家务劳动” ,两者不可混淆。 另外,homework 和 housework 都是不可数名词,没有复数形式(不可在词尾加 s) ,也不 可用 one, two, many 等修饰。 watch TV 意思是“看电视” ,这里的 watch(看)一般不可改为 see 或 look at。 3. 任务 2 的教学: (1)教师让学生看 Listen and say 的教学内容,带领学生朗读 lunch time, dinner time, homework time, watch TV, housework, tired 这几个单词或短语,或让学生齐声朗读这几个单 词或短语。 (2)播放 Listen and say 的录音,先让学生仔细听,注意录音中所提到的时间段和活动。 (3)根据 Listen and say 的内容,让学生两人一组,仿照图片上面的对话形式和所学句型 What do you do after school? There is some free time. 等,就本任务中学习的表时间段和活动 的单词进行对话练习(所用句型可以适当灵活变化,以体现活学活用之目的) 。 (4)让学生分组讨论,什么是寄宿学校,寄宿学校生活与走读学校(day school)生活有 什么不同?你自己喜欢寄宿学校生活还是走读学校生活?然后,小组汇总讨论结果,看喜 欢寄宿学校生活和走读学校生活的人数分别是多少。 教学评析教学评析 将语言学习置于一定的情景对话中,有利于培养学生的实际语言运用能力。本节课将学生 日常作息活动置于一定的情景中,侧重语言的交际功能,有利于培养和提高学生的听说能 力。 Unit4 单元测评卷单元测评卷 听力部分听力部分 一、听录音,选出你所听到的单词。 A. after B. come C. must D. canteen E. over F. free G. tired 1. _ 2. _ 3. _ 4._ 5._ 二、连线题。 (1) A. lunch time (2) B. homework time (3) C. housework (4) D. tired (5) E. watch TV 三、听录音,标序号。 ( ) I read books. ( ) What do you do at study time? ( ) Were usually tired in the evening. ( ) All students must have their breakfast in the canteen. ( ) Breakfast time is at 8:00 am. 笔试部分笔试部分 一、根据图片内容填写单词。 1. 2. 3. _ time _ time _ time 4. 5. _ time _ time 二、连线题。 (1) study timeA. have breakfast (2) breakfast timeB. do homework (3) homework timeC. read books (4) free timeD. go to bed (5) bed timeE. play or exercise 三、选词填空。 free time comes have breakfast must boarding school (1) Andys friend _ to visit him in China. (2) I usually _ at 7:00 am at home. (3) There is some _ after school. (4) In a _, students live in the school. (5) At 8:30 am, all students _ go to their classrooms. 四、选择题。 ( ) 1. All students must have their _ in the canteen. A. breakfastB. breakfasts ( ) 2. I usually have breakfast _. A. on homeB. at home ( ) 3. Free time is _ 4:30 pm to 6:30 pm. A. betweenB. from ( ) 4. Homework time is between 7:00 pm _ 8:00 pm. A. andB. to ( ) 5. Students may watch TV _ read in the library from 8:00pm to 9:00 pm. A. orB. and 五、根据图片内容补全句子。 1. What time is your _ time? 2. What do you do at _ time? 3. Do you do any _? 4. We can _ or do homework from 8:00 pm to 9:00 pm. 5. Im usually _ in the evening. 参考答案 听力材料 一、 1. must 2. canteen 3. come 4. after 5. free 二、 1. tired 2. watch TV 3. lunch time 4. homework time 5. housework 三、 1. What do you do at study time? 2. I read books. 3. Breakfast time is at 8:00 am. 4. All students must have their breakfast in the canteen. 5. Were usually tired in the evening. 听力答案 一、 1-5 CDBAF 二、 1-5 DEABC 三、 2 1 5 4 3 笔试答案 一、 1. free 2. study 3. lunch 4. bed 5. breakfast 二、 (1)-(5) CABED 三、 (1) comes (2) have breakfast (3) free time (4) boarding school (5) must 四、 1-5 ABBAA 五、 1. breakfast 2. homework 3. housework 4. watch TV 5. tired
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