湘鲁版五下Unit 8 I will study the moon.-Section A-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)--(编号:e20dc).zip

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  • 鲁教湘教2011课标版三年级起点_五年级下册(2014年12月第1版)_小学英语_Unit 8 I will study the moon._Section A_ppt课件_(含教案+素材)__(编号:e20dc)
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Unit 8 I will study the moon. the space station a moon car walk in space Review outer space astronautflyrocket stars the sun the moonMars Lets review What do you want to be? I want to be a/an Lets guess Do you know who is he? He is Yang Liwei. What does he do? He is an astronaut(宇航员宇航员). a spaceman(宇航员宇航员) Lets learn What do astronauts do? Rocket(火箭) They fly rockets(发射火箭发射火箭). Lets learn What else do astronauts do? outer space(外太空外太空)They fly to the Lets learn What will astronauts do in outer space? the moon(月球月球) stars(星星)(星星). They will study and see the Lets learn Please read the dialogue and answer the question.(读短文回答问题读短文回答问题) Page51 1.What does Zhou Lin want to be? 2.What do astronauts do? 3.What will Zhou Lin do in outer space? 4.Is the outer space dark? 我想成为一名宇航 员。 宇航员是做什么的 ?就是太空船上的飞行员。 宇航员都做些什么 ? 他们发射火箭,还做科学研究。 我想飞到外太空。 你会在那儿做什么 ? 我会研究月球,观察星星 。 但是外太空一片漆黑。 是的,但是我能看见太阳和其 他星球。他们是明亮的。 周林将成为一名伟大的科学家 。 Homework Make an interview (use the following sentence) Do you want to be an astronaut? Where do you want to go? What do you want to do? outer space astronaut fly rocket stars the sun the moon Mars 教学设计表教学设计表 教学片段标题:Unit 8 I will study the moon. (Section A) 学情分析:经过两年多的英语学习,学生已经具备了基础的听、说、 读、写习惯,作为老师应采用新颖活泼有趣的教学形式进行教学, 保持并提高孩子们学习英语的兴趣。 教学目标:1、掌握单词 space、astronaut、spaceman、fly、rocket、moon、 Mars and so on 2、能听懂并会用 What will you do ?和“ I will +动 词原形 ”等句型进行问答。 3、掌握将来时的结构 教学重难点:1、能听能听懂并会用 What will you do ? -I will + 动词原形 等句型进行问答。 2、将来时的结构 教学过程: Step :Warm up 1、Greetings.师生互相问候。 2、Sing a song. Step :Presentation 1、Lead in PPT 展示图片,用句子“What is this? 和 Who is he ?”进行询 问。 2、由图片引出单词: space、astronaut、spaceman、fly、rocket、moon、 Mars and so on 3、师带读单词。 4、Play games.-找朋友 将单词卡和图片随意发给学生,老师说一个单词,拿到该单词和图 片的同学立刻起立,跑到讲台,相互握手,并大声朗读该单词。 5、Section A Review “-What do you want to be ?” - I want to be . Give students two minutes to preview Section A, then answer the questions. 1.What does Zhou Lin want to be? 2.What do astronauts do? 3.What will Zhou Lin do in outer space? 4.Is the outer space dark? Invite students to answer the questions. Step Practice 根据 Listen and say 内容,让学生两人一组,仿照对话范例,就课 件中呈现的人物图片进行对话练习。例如: S1:Do you want to be an astronaut? S2: Yes,I do. S1: What will you do ? S2:I will . S1: Where do you want to go ? S2: I will go to . Step Summary 师生通过询问“What have you leaned today?”带领学生一起总结 本课所学的词汇和句型。 Step Homework Make an interview (use the following sentence) Do you want to be an astronaut? Where do you want to go? What do you want to do? Blackboard design UnitUnit 8 8 I I willwill studystudy thethe moon.moon. space astronaut spaceman fly rocket outer pace moon star Mars 句子: - What will you do ? - I will study the moon.
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