1、1 高一英语高一英语 Book3 Uuit1-Unit6 重点句子重点句子 B3U1 1. We played well, but I felt the team were let down by one member, our point guard. 我们打得不错,但我感觉整个团队都被一个队友拖累了,那就是我们的控球后卫。2.Disappointed by his behaviour, I said all this to my best friend. I was just letting off steam really, because I was so angry, but the
2、n my friend went and told everyone else what Id said. 我对他的行为感到失望,我把这些全部告诉了我最好的朋友。我其实只是发泄一下怒气,因为我 很生气,可我的朋友随后却把我的话告诉了所有人。 3.Embarrassed and ashamed, I cant concentrate on anything. 我既尴尬又羞愧,做什么事都无法集中精力。 4. Loose lips sink ships. 口风不紧船舰沉(祸从口出)。 5.Treated this way, you re sure to feel hurtwe should alwa
3、ys be able to trust those closest to us, and it hurts even more when we find we cant. 被这样对待,你一定会觉得受到了伤害我们应该总是能够信任最亲近的人,当我们发现他们 不能信赖时,就更伤心了。 6.If you feel one of your teammates isn t pulling their weight, then raise your concerns in a professional way with your team coach. 如果你觉得你的队友没有尽责,那你要以更专业的方式向教练
4、提出你的担心。 7.Written more than two hundred years ago, these lines by Walter Scott remain one of the most well-known excerpts of Scottish poetry: 两百多年前,沃尔特司各特写下的这几行文字,如今依然是苏格兰诗歌中最广为传诵的诗句之 一: 8.But to what extent can we justify telling white lies like these? 但是这些善意的谎言到底有多正当呢? B3U2 1.As a six-year-old Can
5、adian schoolboy, Ryan had trouble believing the words spoken by his teacher that many people in developing African countries couldnt get enough clean water. He looked across the classroom at the drinking fountain. 年仅六岁的加拿大小学生瑞安难以相信老师所说的话:在欠发达的非洲国家,许多人都喝不到足 够的干净的水。他的目光掠过教室,望向对面的喷泉式饮水器。 2. In Uganda,
6、Ryan at last saw the finished well with his own eyes. But that was not all. He also saw hundreds of delighted students who had turned out to welcome him. 在乌干达, 瑞安终于亲眼看到了打好的井。 不仅如此, 他还看到了几百名学生兴高采烈地欢迎他。 3.Ryans foundation continues to attract support from more and more people, so the work of building
7、more wells can go on. Today, over 800,000 people in 16 countries across Africa have benefited from the life-changing gift of clean, safe water. 瑞安的基金会不断吸引着越来越多的人给予帮助,从而使打井事业能够继续。如今,这份能改变 人一生的礼物干净卫生的水已经惠及了非洲 16 个国家的 80 多万人。 4.Now, as an adult, Ryan says that the question to ask is not “Why dont I hel
8、p?”, but “How can I help today?”. This insight grew from the determined attitude of a six-year-old boy who had the courage and perseverance to make his dream a reality. 如今,瑞安已长大成人,他不再问“我为什么不去帮助他们?”,而是“如今我该如何去帮助他 们?”。这份领悟,始于一个有勇气和毅力实现梦想的六岁男孩那颗坚定不移的心。 5.These are among the 669 children, most of them J
9、ewish, that Nicholas Winton will go on to save from death at the hands of the Nazis. 这些孩子大都是犹太人,他们是尼古拉斯温顿即将从纳粹手里解救的 669 名儿童中的一部分。 6.He established an office to keep records of the children, and then returned to Britain to find temporary homes for them. He used donated funds and his own money to pay
10、the 50 pounds per child that the British government required. 他开设了一个办事处来记录孩子们的信息,然后回到英国为孩子们寻找寄养家庭。他用捐款和自 己的钱来支付英国政府向每个孩子征收的 50 英镑的费用。 7. .At one point, the host asked people in the audience to stand up if Nicholas Winton had saved their lives.A shocked Winton watched as the majority of people rose t
11、o their feet. 节目中, 主持人问在场有 没有被温顿救过的人,如果有请起立。温顿震惊地看到在场的大多数人都站了起来。 8. Later, Winton received various honours for his achievement, including a knighthood in 2003, and the Czech governments highest honour, the Order of the White Lion, in 2014. 此后,温顿因其成就而获得了各种荣誉,其中包括 2003 年获得爵士称号,以及 2014 年获得捷克 政府的最高荣誉“白狮
12、勋章”。 B3U3 1.I guess you have been asked about the title of your book before. It suggests that the present day is a new age for inventions, but many people might think that the great age of invention is over. 我猜已经有人就书名向您提问了。书名提示现在是发明创造的新时代,但可能很多人都认为辉煌 的发明时代已经结束了。 2.So are most of the new great invent
13、ions tech-based? 所以大多数伟大的新发明都是科技产品吗? 3. For example, advances in virtual reality and wearable tech, as well as the flexible battery, mean we should soon be seeing further developments. 比如说,虚拟现实、可穿戴科技设备以及柔性电池技术的进步,这意味着我们很快会看到更多相 关领域的产品研发。 4. New inventions like 3D printers have been used to make repl
14、acement hearts and bone parts. 3D 打印机之类的新发明已经应用于制作移植心脏与部分骨骼。 5.It is capable of using GPS technology to travel to different places, with computing technology controlling its “legs”. Whats more, huge advances in solar technology mean it can be eco-friendly, too. 它能依靠全球定位系统技术四处移动,计算机技术则控制着它的“双腿”。此外,太阳
15、能技术的 巨大进步也意味着它可以很环保。 6.Most inventions start with recognising a problem that needs a solution. This was no doubt the reason behind the invention of the wheel in ancient times, which much later developed into the car. 绝大多数发明都是从发现某个需要解决的问题开始的。古代轮子的发明无疑也是如此,后来演变 为汽车。 7.More than one generation of schoo
16、lchildren has been amazed by his bravery and his scientific approach to looking for the truth. Franklin, along with many other scientists, has inspired us and taught us that scientific experiments are important in order to establish the truth and to contribute towards later scientific discoveries an
17、d inventions. 数代学生都叹服于富兰克林的勇气与追寻真理时采用的科学手段。富兰克林与许多其他科学 家激励并教导我们,科学实验对于推定真理与推动科学发现及发明而言都至关重要。 8.Some have even questioned the story about the apple that fell on Newtons head and led him to come up with his theory of gravity. In fact, more than one account suggests that while Newton was certainly insp
18、ired by a falling apple, there is no proof that it hit him on the head. 一些科学家甚至质疑关于苹果砸中了牛顿的脑袋促使他提出了万有引力定律的故事。事实上,多 处资料显示,虽然牛顿的灵感确实来源于掉落的苹果,但没有证据表明这个苹果恰巧砸在了他的 脑袋上。 9. Admittedly, fiction is often more interesting than the truth. People have been more inspired by Franklins spirit of scientific explora
19、tion than by the facts themselves. 诚然,虚构往往比真相更有趣。富兰克林科学探索精神比事实本身更能激励人们。 B3U4 1. This broadcast is being brought to you from the largest museum on Earththe Louvre! Today we re going to find out about some of the Louvres most amazing treasures.本次直播地点是地球上最大 的博物馆卢浮宫!今天我们将一起探索卢浮宫最神奇的宝藏。 2. Now, at the to
20、p of these stone stairs. get a load of that! That huge sculpture you can see is the Winged Victory of Samothrace, or Nike of Samothrace! 现在,我们到了这段石头阶梯的顶端台阶实在是太多了!你们看到的这尊巨大雕塑是萨莫 2 色雷斯的胜利女神,又名萨莫色雷斯的奈基! 3.Her head and arms are missing, but you can imagine her holding her arms up high, celebrating the r
21、esult of an ancient battle. And just look at how her dress is being folded by the wind! I really cant believe shes made of stone. 虽然她的头部和胳膊都已经不见了,但你们仍然可以想象她正高举双臂,庆祝着一场古代战争的 胜利。看她裙子上被风吹出的皱褶!我简直不敢相信她是石头做的。 4.When I look into her eyes it seems she has a mind of her own! One moment she seems to be laugh
22、ing at me, but then again I catch a sense of sadness in her smile. I guess thats why she attracts so many visitors every day. 当我与她对视的时候,她似乎有自己的思想!上一刻她仿佛还在取笑我,而下一刻我却能从她的 微笑中捕捉到一丝悲伤。我想这就是为什么她每天都吸引这么多游客前来吧。 5.Ill say bye for now, and hope you can all visit this fantastic place one day to feel the power
23、 of these great works of art for yourselves. They really do reach out to us across the centuries as if time itself were nothing. By the way, if you have enjoyed this live broadcast, subscribe to find out where Im visiting next! 此刻我要说再见了,希望有一天你们都能来参观这个美妙之地,亲身感受这些伟大艺术作品的魅 力。 这些作品穿越几个世纪, 出现在我们面前, 仿佛时间没
24、有流逝一般。 6.Night-Shining White, now kept in New Yorks Metropolitan Museum of Art, is regarded as one of the most significant horse paintings in the history of Chinese art. 现收藏于纽约大都会艺术博物馆的照夜白图被认为是中国艺术史上最重要的骏马图之一。它 的创作者画家韩干以其神形兼备的画马技艺闻名于世。 7. Those who saw Han Gans horse paintings all sang high praises
25、for his unique skill, saying that his horses “could gallop off the paper”. 那些看过韩干的骏马图的人都对他独特的技艺赞不绝口,称他的马“跃然纸上”。B3U5 1. Last year, hundreds of people spent good money on an experience that they knew would include crowds, discomfort and danger. 明知道会是一次拥挤、不舒适而又危险的体验,去年仍有数百人愿意为此花费大价钱。 2. For these peopl
26、e, climbing Qomolangma is an experience like no other, making some feel weak and others, powerful. 对于这些人而言,攀登珠穆朗玛峰是一次独一无二的体验,它让一些人感受到脆弱的同时也让另 一些人感受到强大。 3.Sadly, Mallory would die on the mountain in 1924, although his body would not be found until many years later. It is still not known if he succeed
27、ed in reaching the top of Qomolangma before it took his life. 不幸的是,1924 年马洛里在登山过程中身亡,他的遗体在多年后才被发现。至今人们也不知道 他生前是否成功登顶了珠峰。 4.It brings into focus whats important to you. 登山让你聚焦于对你而言重要的事。 5. There are a thousand reasons to turn around and only one to keep going. You really have to focus on the one reas
28、on thats most important and unique to you. It forces you to look deep inside yourself and figure out if you really have the physical, as well as mental, toughness to push when you want to stop. 纵使有一千个理由让你回头,但总有一个让你继续前行。你必须专注于一个对你而言最重要也最 独特的理由。当你想放弃的时候,它会迫使你深入审视自己的内心,并思考自己的身体和心灵是 否足够坚强继续向前。 6. With t
29、he majority of attempts to climb Qomolangma resulting either in total success or failure, is there also a scientific reason behind this risk-taking? 攀登珠穆朗玛峰的大多数尝试要么大获全胜,要么彻底失败,这一冒险行为的背后是否有科学解 释? 7. And now, how can I look back upon the impression left upon me by that walk under the waters? Words are
30、 not enough to relate such wonders! 现在,我该如何追述在水下漫步给我留下的印象呢?那种奇遇是言语无法描述的!8.We were walking on fine, evens and, not wrinkled, as on a flat shore, which keeps the impression of the waves. This dazzling carpet, really a reflector, drove away the rays of the sun with wonderful intensity, which accounted
31、for the vibration which passed through every atom of liquid. Shall I be believed when I say that, at the depth of thirty feet, I could see as if I was in broad daylight? 头顶上是平静的海面,脚下的沙地又细又平,并不像平坦的海滩会随着海浪而褶皱。这种炫人眼 目的地毯简直是一个反射器,把太阳光强烈地反射出去,光线所经之处的每个水分子都因此而振 动。如果说在海面以下 30 英尺的地方,我能像在明亮的日光下一样看得清清楚楚,会有人相信
32、 吗? B3U6 1.Its just typical that my journey is on one of the oldest lines, as well as one of the deepest. Its the hottest on the whole Tube system. 我通常上班所走的路线刚好是地铁里最老、 最深的一条线。 那也是整个地铁系统里最热的一条线。 2. Sure enough, going down the stairs and onto the platform is like jumping into a volcano thats erupting.
33、 This, however, is nothing compared to the train. 果不其然,走下楼梯,来到站台上就像跳进一座正在喷发的火山一样。但是,这与在火车厢里相 比算不了什么。 3. My office is only on the third floor of the building, so quite low. Ill speak with my manager about moving to the top floor. 我的办公室就在四楼,太低了。我得和经理谈谈搬到顶楼去。 4. Looking through my newspaper, Im shocked
34、 by photos showing that a hurricane in Asia has destroyed a town. 翻阅着手里的报纸,我震惊地看到亚洲的飓风摧毁了一个城镇的照片。 5.I was sitting in my room with my cat, Smartie, on my lap, when the roof just flew off. All of a sudden, there was sky where the roof had been. I was so frightened that I just froze. 当时我正坐在房间里,我的猫咪斯玛蒂趴
35、在我的腿上,突然屋顶就飞走了。突然之间,屋顶变成 了天空。我吓呆了。 6.Our street turned into a river in seconds. We were going nowhere. 瞬间道路淹没成了河流。我们无处可去了。 7.I remember us all lying under the midnight sky and looking up at the stars. Because there were no lights, we could see the Big Dipper, the Little Dipper and the Milky Way. 我还记
36、得那时我们躺在午夜的苍穹之下,仰望星空。因为没有灯光,我们能看到北平七星、小北 斗七星和银河。 8. Some families have yet to return, but many others have come back. Although we are surrounded by reminders of the disaster, we are working together to rebuild our homes and our lives. 有的人家仍然流落在外,但也有许多人已经回来了。虽然我们周围的一切都提醒着我们这里曾发 生的灾难,但大家都在为重建家园和生活而一同努力着。