(2019新教材)外研版高中英语必修三Unit 3 Developing ideas(2) ppt课件.ppt

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1、(Developing ideas and listening ) Unit 3 The world of science 5.He raisedthekitewithapieceof string tiedtoit.A metalkeywasattached tothestring. 句意:句意:他用一根绳子把风筝系起来,一把金属钥他用一根绳子把风筝系起来,一把金属钥 匙挂在绳子上。匙挂在绳子上。 raise vt. 常见搭配有:常见搭配有: raise ones hand (举手)(举手) raise ones voice(提高嗓音)(提高嗓音) raise pigs (养猪)(养猪) r

2、aise a child(养孩子)(养孩子) raise money (筹钱)(筹钱) raise wheat (种植小麦)(种植小麦) 6.tie to 把把系在系在上上 tie n. n. 领带(领带(tie a tie 打领带)打领带) tie相关短语相关短语 tie in 结合成一体, 相配, 有联系; tie into 猛击 tie on 保护系绳; 连接上 tie to 依靠, 依赖 例例1 The weather tied him to the house. 天气将他困在家里天气将他困在家里, 不能出去。不能出去。 例例2 Im sorry; Im tied to working

3、 in the office. 对不起对不起, 今晚我被拴在办公室工作。今晚我被拴在办公室工作。 例例3 Tie the horse to the tree. 把马拴在那棵树上。把马拴在那棵树上。 7.attach vt.系;贴;连接 A metal key was attached to the string. 一个金属钥匙被拴在了绳子上。 He attached a stamp to the envelope. 他在信封上贴了张邮票。 Theyve attached a number of conditions to the agreement. 他们在协议上附加了一些条件。 他把马拴在了

4、树上小睡了一会儿。 He attached his horse to a tree and took a nap. 知识拓展 attachment n 附件,依恋 be attached to 固定在;依恋;附属于 attach importance to 重视 8. conduct v. 传导传导(热、电热、电) *A flash of lightning hit the kite, and electricity was conducted through the string to the key. 一道闪电击中了风筝一道闪电击中了风筝, 电流通过绳子电流通过绳子传到传到钥匙上。钥匙上。

5、 *Most metals can conduct electricity. 大多数金属能大多数金属能导电导电。 *The guide conducted us around the ruins of the ancient city. 导游导游引导引导我们游览了古城废墟。我们游览了古城废墟。 *Who is conducting the orchestra tonight? 谁谁指挥指挥今晚的管弦乐队呢今晚的管弦乐队呢? 【即学活用】【即学活用】 (1)语法填空语法填空 Conduct me _your teacher. Heat losses from the reservoir by h

6、eat _ (conduct) cannot be prevented. She knows why the metal is the good _ (conduct). (2)Metal _ _ _than wood. 金属传热性能比木头好。金属传热性能比木头好。 (3)He conducted himself far better than expected. 译译: _。 to conduction conductor conducts heat better 他表现得比预料得要好得多他表现得比预料得要好得多 9.由“more than one + 单数名词”或“many a + 单数名

7、词作主语”形式作主语时, 谓语动 词要用单数形式。 More than one student _(pass) the examination up to now. has passed 10. But scientists all agree that if Franklin had actually touched the key, he would certainly have died from the electric shock. 但是科学家们 一致认为如果富兰克林确实接触过钥匙的话, 他 肯定就被电击致死了。 【句式解构】 本句是主从复合句。其中that. . . the ele

8、ctric shock是that引导的宾语从句; 该从句也是主从复 合句, 其中if Franklin. . . the key是条件状语从句, 该从句及其主句he would certainly have died from the electric shock都使用了虚拟语气。 *If I had got there earlier, I would have met her. 如果我早到那儿, 我就会见到她。 *If I were a bird, I would be able to fly in the air. 如果我是一只小鸟, 我就能在空中飞行。 *If he should co

9、me here tomorrow, I would talk to him. 如果他明天来这儿的话, 我就跟他谈谈。 【拓展延伸】【拓展延伸】虚拟语气虚拟语气 虚拟语气表示说话者做出的假设而非事实虚拟语气表示说话者做出的假设而非事实, 或难以实现的情况或难以实现的情况, 甚至表达彻底相反的概念。甚至表达彻底相反的概念。 此外如需表达主观愿望或某种强烈的感情时此外如需表达主观愿望或某种强烈的感情时, 也可用虚拟语气。虚拟语气由句中谓语动词的也可用虚拟语气。虚拟语气由句中谓语动词的 特殊形式表示。特殊形式表示。 (1)表示与现在事实相反的情况表示与现在事实相反的情况: 从句从句: If+ 主语主语

10、+ did/ were 主句主句: 主语主语+ should/ would/ might/ could do *If I were you, I would take an umbrella. 如果我是你如果我是你, 我会带把伞。我会带把伞。 (事实事实: 我不可能是你我不可能是你) (2)表示与过去事实相反的情况表示与过去事实相反的情况: 从句从句: If+ 主语主语+ had done 主句主句: 主语主语+ should/would/ might/ could have done *If he had taken my advice, he would not have made suc

11、h a mistake. 如果他听我的建议的话如果他听我的建议的话, 就不会犯这样的错误了。就不会犯这样的错误了。 (事实事实: 没有听我的建议没有听我的建议) (3)表示与将来事实相反表示与将来事实相反: 从句从句: if+ 主语主语+ were to do if+ 主语主语+ should do if+ 主语主语+did/ were 主句主句: 主语主语+ should/ would/ might/ could do *If she were to be here next Monday, I would tell her about the matter. 如果她下周一来这儿的话如果她下

12、周一来这儿的话, 我就会告诉她这件事的始末。我就会告诉她这件事的始末。 *If it should rain tomorrow, we would stay at home. 如果明天下雨如果明天下雨, 我们就待在家里。我们就待在家里。 *If there were a heavy snow next Sunday, we would go skating. 如果下周日下大雪如果下周日下大雪, 我们就去滑冰。我们就去滑冰。 【即学活用】【即学活用】 (1) She _if she hadnt allowed herself some fun. 她若是没给自己找点乐趣的话她若是没给自己找点乐趣的

13、话, 早就崩溃了。早就崩溃了。 (2)_, I would start looking for another job. 我要是你我要是你, 就会去另找工作了。就会去另找工作了。 would have broken down If I were you 11. In fact, more than one account suggests that while Newton was certainly inspired by a falling apple, there is no proof that it hit him on the head. 事实上事实上, 不止一个记载表明不止一个记

14、载表明, 尽管牛顿肯定是受尽管牛顿肯定是受 到一个落下的苹果的启发到一个落下的苹果的启发, 但没有证据表明苹果打中但没有证据表明苹果打中 了他的头部。了他的头部。 【句式解构】【句式解构】 本句是主从复合句。其中本句是主从复合句。其中that while Newton. . . on the head是是that引导的引导的宾语从句宾语从句; 该从句也是主从复该从句也是主从复 合句合句, 其中其中while Newton. . . a falling apple是是while 引导的引导的让步状语从句让步状语从句; that it hit him on the head是是 that引导的引导

15、的同位语从句。同位语从句。 【即学活用】【即学活用】 (1)语法填空语法填空 She read the _(declare) aloud for everyone to hear it clearly. The students declared _cheating. (2)He had a third examination and _unfit for duty. 他接受了第三次检查他接受了第三次检查, 被告知不宜上班。被告知不宜上班。 declaration against was declared 即学即练即学即练单句语法填空单句语法填空 We should attach import

16、ance to_(learn) basic skills. People with disabilities can go anywhere using hightech cameras _ (attach) to their head. The young boy is studying in the Senior high that is to Shandong University. He_ great importance to learning biology and becomes a scientist as Tu Youyou. Everyday he _ some small

17、 pieces of paper to his desk where there are many key points from the textbook. learning attached attached attaches attaches 翻译下列句子,并总结翻译下列句子,并总结raise的用法。的用法。 1. He raised his hand to wave. 2. At midnight, the German flag will be raised over the Reichstag. 3. He raised himself into a sitting positio

18、n. 4. The Republic of Ireland is expected to raise interest rates. 5. They raised the money to buy the house and two hundred acres of grounds. 6. He had been consulted and had raised no objections. 7. My mother raised four of us kids virtually singlehandedly. (举起举起) (升起)(升起) (起身,站立)(起身,站立) (增加,提高)(增

19、加,提高) (筹集(筹集 ,募捐,募捐 ) (提出)提出) (养育;抚养(养育;抚养 ) Careers in science(p30) Activity4.Look at the pictures and answer the questions. What do you know about these careers? What famous scientists can you name in these fields? Guo Shoujing (12311316) was a famous Chinese _ of the Yuan Dynasty. He invented twe

20、lve new instruments to study stars and planets. He also developed a calendar which is as accurate as the Gregorian calendar. A mountain on the Moon and a minor planet are named after him. British 2 _ Charles Darwin Charles Darwin (18091882) is best known for his work On the Origin of Species, in whi

21、ch he explains changes in species due to natural selection. His ideas deeply influenced our understanding of the relationship between humans and nature. astronomer biologist LiDaoyuan (ca 466527) was a famous writer and _ of the Northern Wei Dynasty. He did field research across China and studied mo

22、re than a thousand rivers and streams, along with the landscape, history and culture of the surrounding areas. Marie Curie (18671934) was a world-famous 4 _, and was first awarded the Nobel Prize in 1903 for her extraordinary work on radioactivity. She was also regarded as a brilliant 5_, and was ag

23、ain awarded the Nobel Prize in 1911 for the isolation of pure radium. Chen Jingrun (19331996) was one of the worlds leading 6 _. His work on Chens Theorem made an important advance towards proving Goldbachs Conjecture, the greatest unsolved problem in number theory. geographer physicist chemist mathematician Activity 7 Listen to the conversation and number the pictures in the correct order. a b c d e 4 3 5 1 2 Activity 8 Listen again and complete the notes What is it? Summary Grasp the words and useful sentence structures. Homework 1. Finish the test paper. 2. review unit 3.


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