(2019新教材)外研版高中英语必修三Unit 3 Grammarppt课件.ppt

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1、 Book 3 Unit 3 Grammar the Present Perfect Passive Revision on some key words welcome to sw. 2. in addition 3. work as4. lead to 5. be capable of6. have been doing 7. With的复合结构8. in terms of 9. have a desire to do10. as well as Its a pleasure to do sth. It is /was +that /who. Never say never! I gues

2、s you have been asked about the title of your book before. (P 26) New inventions like 3D printers have been used to make replacement hearts and bone parts. (P27) Task 1 A Review of Knowledge I guess someone has asked you about the title of your book before. 2. People have used new inventions like 3D

3、 printers to make replacement hearts and bone parts. Whats the difference between them? 3. Ive also been told that youre an inventor yourself. (P27) 4. Nothing like this has been invented yet (P27) Why does the author use the passive form instead of the active form in the reading passage? To emphasi

4、ze the subject of a sentence. Can you find more such sentences in the reading passage? 一、现在完成时的基本用法:、现在完成时的基本用法: 1. 表示过去发生的动作对现在的结果和影响。表示过去发生的动作对现在的结果和影响。 例如:例如: 这电影我看过多次了。这电影我看过多次了。 他去过香港几次。他去过香港几次。 I have seen the film many times. He has been to Hong Kong several times. Task 2 the use of the prese

5、nt perfect tense 2. 表示过去发生的动作到现在为止已经完成或刚完成表示过去发生的动作到现在为止已经完成或刚完成。 我们已经学完了两个模块。 现在我们把树都种完了。 We have finished two modules. Now we have planted all the trees. 3. 现在完成时可以表示过去某一时刻发生的动作一直 延续到现在,也可能还要继续延续下去。 她病了三天了。 She has been ill for three days. 我们从小就认识。 We have known each other since we were children.

6、Task 3 time marker in the present perfect tense 由由since引导的状语时,主要谓语通常要现在完成时引导的状语时,主要谓语通常要现在完成时 态:态:since引起的状语从句中,通常用一般过去时)引起的状语从句中,通常用一般过去时) 自从2月份我们就不得不在家学习。 We have had to study at home since February. 自从毕业我就没见过他。 I havent seen him since graduation. I havent seem him since we graduated. 2. now, alre

7、ady, yet, just, so far, up to now, ever, never, in (during/over) the past/ last + some time, Do you know more time markers? In the past ten years great changes have taken place in China. We havent received the news that we can go back to school to study. 3. This is the first time that I have donated

8、 money to the charity. Do you think they are correct? The old man has died for ten years. They have got married for 2o years. I have bought the car for ten years. e The old man has been dead for ten years. They have been married for 20 years. I have had the car for ten years. I bought the car ten ye

9、ars ago. Eg: How to change the present perfect into the passive sentences? 1. We have learned many useful words so far. Many useful wordshave been learned (by us) 主语 主语主语 so far Summary: 主动态句子变为被动态时,宾语变为主语,谓语动词主动态句子变为被动态时,宾语变为主语,谓语动词 由主动变为被动,其他成分不变,主动态的主语由由主动变为被动,其他成分不变,主动态的主语由 by引导放在句后,可以省略。引导放在句后,

10、可以省略。 谓语谓语 Eg: 2.The company has given him a chance to work abroad recently. 主语 谓语间宾直宾定语 He has been given a chance to work abroad recently (by the company) Summary: 带双宾语的句子,如send, give, bring, teach, show, tell, buy, lend, pass等,变为被动态时,一般将间接宾语变为被动态的主 语,若将直接宾语变为被动态主语,间接宾语前要用相应的介词。 A chance to work a

11、broad has been given to him recently (by the company.) Task 4 Change the following sentences into passive voice. They have resolved conflicts so far. Professor Li has persuaded him to quit smoking. He has found a temporary job to support his study . 4. Volunteers have made ten wells up to now to hel

12、p the African people. Conflicts have been resolved so far. He has been persuaded to quit smoking by professor Li. A temporary job has been found by him to support Ten wells have been made up to now to help 5. I have asked her to help you. 6. Tom has taught us English for 10 years. 7. He has sent me

13、an e-mail. She has been asked to help you (by me) We have been taught English for 10 years (by Tom.) I have been sent an e-mail (by him.) Task 4 Change the following sentences into passive voice. Task 5 learn more about the present perfect passive 肯定式 否定式 一般疑问句 特殊疑问句 主语+ have/has been done 主语+have/h

14、as not been done Have/ Has+ 主语+ been done? 疑问词+ have / has+ 主语+been done? The children have already been told the good news. 改成否定句: 改为一般疑问句; 就the children进行提问; Do more exercises The children have not been told the good news yet. Have the children been told the good news yet? Who has already been tol

15、d the good news? 1Is this the first time you _ Chonqing? No. The first time I _ here, the city wasnt so fascinating. Avisited; cameBvisited; have come Chave visited; have come Dhave visited; came 2With the rapid growth of population, the city _ in all directions in the past five years. ASpreads Bhas

16、 spread CSpread DHad spread 3The room is dirty. Sorry, It _ for weeks and I will do it now. Ahasnt cleanedBhasnt been cleaned Cwasnt cleanedDdidnt clean Have a try! D B B 4. We admire Susan for her persistence, who _ in the rock band for 3 years so far. AplayedBPlay Chave playedDhas played 5Why are

17、you buying a new refrigerator? The old one _ so many times that its not worth it any more. Ahas repaired Bis repaired Chas been repaired Dhas been repairing 6Great changes _ in our school since 2016. A lot of progress _. Ahave taken the place; have been made Bhad taken place; have been made Cwere ta

18、ken place; has made Dhave taken place; has been made D C D 7How long _ you _? For five years. We _ in 2001. Ahave; been married; got married. Bdid; marry; got married. Chave; got married; married. Dwere; married; married. 8The father, along with his four children, _Hangzhou. When they will be back _

19、 fixed. Ahave gone to; isnt Bhad gone to; is not C. went to; are not Dhas gone to; has not been A D Task 5 Finish activity 2 on P29. 1. Many things have already been affected in our lives. 2. 3D-printed hamburgers have been served to customers in some restaurants in London. 3. The most significant s

20、uccess have been achieved to date is in medicine. 4. Human body parts , including a beating heart have been made with 3D printing technology. 5. A new 3D-printed shell has been given to a turtle injured in a forest fire. Task 6 Look at the other passive voice 一般现在时的被动态: 一般过去时的被动态: 现在进行时的被动态: 过去进行时的被

21、动态: 一般将来时的被动态: 过去将来时的被动态: 过去完成时的被动态; am/is/are+ done was/were+ done am/is/are being done was/were+ being done will be done would be done had been done Task 7 Are you ready for more exercises? 用被动态完成下面的句子用被动态完成下面的句子 He crticised me for not handing in the homework. 2. Mr li always tells us to be indep

22、endent on ourselves. 3. This organization will donate money to the charity. 4. He had earned enough money before he went to college. I was criticised for not handing in the homework. We are always told to be independent on ourselves. Money will be donated to the charity . Enough money had been earned before he went to college. Summary Grasp the present perfect passive. Remember some time markers. Other forms of passive. Homework 1. Finish the paper 2. Recite the key words of unit 3. 3. Prepare for invention stories on P31.


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