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1、Book3unit5 (reading ) 1.Last year,hundreds of people spent good money on an experience that they knew would include crowds,discomfort and danger. 去年,许多人把大笔的钱花在一次经历上,他去年,许多人把大笔的钱花在一次经历上,他 们知道该经历中有拥挤、不舒适和危险。们知道该经历中有拥挤、不舒适和危险。 1)spend money on sth.在在上花钱上花钱 2)that引导定语从句,在从句中作主语引导定语从句,在从句中作主语 3)crowd n人群

2、人群v.拥挤拥挤 4)discomfort n不舒服,不安不舒服,不安 2.Many would become sick,due to the extreme cold and low air pressure,and a few would even lose their lives. 许多人会生病,由于极端寒冷和低气压,一些 人甚至会失去他们的生命。 1)would become sick将会生病,将会生病,would do表表 示过去将来时;示过去将来时;become sick生病生病 become是系是系 动词,动词,sick是形容词作表语是形容词作表语 due to 由于由于 2)l

3、ose ones life 失去某人的生命失去某人的生命 3. Yet,despite all this,by the end of the trip many were already planning to return. 然而,尽管如此,到旅行结束时,许多人 已经计划返回。 1)despite prep.尽管,不管尽管,不管 2)by the end of到到为止为止 3)were planning to 正在打算做正在打算做,该句,该句 时态是过去进行时。时态是过去进行时。 4. For these people, climbing Qomolangma is an experienc

4、e like no other, making some feel weak and others,powerful. 对于这些人来说,攀登珠穆朗玛峰是一种与众不同 的体验,能让一些人感到软弱,让另一些人感到强 大。 1)climbing Qomolangma是动名词作主语是动名词作主语 2)making some feel weak 让一些人感到虚弱,让一些人感到虚弱, making 是动词是动词ing形式作定语修饰前面的形式作定语修饰前面的experience, make后面复合宾语后面复合宾语 make sb.do sth.让某人做某事让某人做某事 3)others,powerful是省

5、略成分,原句应该为是省略成分,原句应该为 making others powerful 5. British mountain climber George Mallory wrote of climbing Qomolangma,“What we get from this adventure is just sheer joy.We do not live to eat and make money.We eat and make money to be able to enjoy life.That is what life means and what life is for.” 英国

6、登山家乔治马洛里在谈到攀登珠穆朗玛峰 时写道:“我们从这次冒险中得到的只是纯粹的 快乐我们活着不是为了吃饭和赚钱。我们吃 饭赚钱是为了享受生活。这就是生命的意义和目 的所在。 1)write of 写到;文章中提及写到;文章中提及 2)what引导主语从句,并且在从句中作引导主语从句,并且在从句中作get的的 宾语宾语 3)sheer adj.纯粹的,十足的纯粹的,十足的 4)to eat and make money是并列状语,是并列状语,make 前面省略掉了前面省略掉了to 5)make money 赚钱赚钱 6)be able to do 有能力做某事有能力做某事 7)what lif

7、e means and what life is for 两个两个 what都引导表语从句都引导表语从句 6. Sadly,Mallory would die on the mountain in 1924, although his body would not be found until many years later. It is still not known if he succeeded in reaching the top of Qomolangma before it took his life. 遗憾的是,马洛里于1924年死在了山上,虽然他的尸体直 到许多年后才被找到

8、。目前还不清楚他是否在丢掉性命之 前成功登上珠峰峰顶。 1)would do表示过去将来时表示过去将来时 2)although引导让步状语从句,通常不和引导让步状语从句,通常不和and,but,so 连用连用 3)It is still not known if.该句中该句中it是形式主语,是形式主语,if从句是从句是 真正的宾语真正的宾语 4)succeed in doing sth.成功地做某事成功地做某事 5)take his life 夺走他的生命夺走他的生命 7. In 2011,words similar to those of Mallory were spoken by Ame

9、rican mountain climber Alan Arnette, who climbed Qomolangma in that year and was going to climb other high mountains around the world. 2011年,美国登山运动员艾伦阿内特(Alan Arnette) 说了类似于马洛里的一些话。当年,阿内特登上了 珠穆朗玛峰,并打算登上世界各地的其他高山。 1) (be)similar to 作定语修饰作定语修饰words 2)those是代词,代指前面提到的是代词,代指前面提到的words 3)who引导非限制性定语从句,修饰

10、前面的引导非限制性定语从句,修饰前面的Alan Arnette,补充说明这个人的情况,补充说明这个人的情况 4)was going to do 是过去将来时的常见形式是过去将来时的常见形式 5)around the world全世界全世界 8. “It brings into focus whats important to you.”He added, “There are a thousand reasons to turn around and only one to keep going.You really have to focus on the one reason thats

11、most important and unique to you. “它会让你关注对你来说重要的事情。”他补充道。“停 下脚步,原路返回的理由成千上万;继续前行的理由只有 一个。”你必须专注于一个对你来说最重要、最独特的原 因。 1)bring into focus使使成为焦点成为焦点 2)what引导宾语从句,并在从句中作主语,宾语从句的引导宾语从句,并在从句中作主语,宾语从句的 位置应该在位置应该在brings的后面的后面 3)turn around 转身转身 4)focus on 集中精力于集中精力于 5)that引导定语从句,且在从句中作主语,不可省略引导定语从句,且在从句中作主语,不

12、可省略 9.It forces you to look deep inside yourself and figure out if you really have the physical, as well as mental,toughness to push when you want to stop.” 它迫使你审视自己的内心深处,弄清楚自 己是否真的有足够的体力和脑力,当你想 停下来的时候去推动它。” 1)figure out 弄明白,搞清楚 2)as well as 和 10.With the majority of attempts to climb Qomolangma res

13、ulting either in total success or failure,is there also ascientific reason behind this risktaking?Recent studies indicate that risktaking may be part of human nature,with some of us more likely to take risks than others. 大多数攀登珠穆朗玛峰的尝试要么完全成功,要么彻底失败,那么 在这种冒险行为背后是否也有科学依据呢?最近的研究表明冒险是 人类天性的一部分,我们中的一些人比其他

14、人更有可能去冒险。 1)with的复合结构,宾语是的复合结构,宾语是the majority of attempts to climb Qomolangma,resulting either in total success or failure是补语是补语 2)attempt n努力,尝试努力,尝试 3)either.or.要么要么要么要么 4)failure n失败,失败的人或事失败,失败的人或事 5)scientific adj.科学上的,与科学有关的科学上的,与科学有关的 6)(be)more likely to take risks更有可能去冒险,更有可能去冒险,be likely

15、to do有可有可 能做某事;能做某事;take risks冒险冒险 11. Psychologist Frank Farley has spent years studying people who jump out of planes and drive fast cars,as well as those who climb Qomolangma.He refers to the personalities of these people as “Type T”,with the “T” standing for“thrill” 心理学家弗兰克法利(Frank Farley)多年来一直在

16、研 究那些跳出飞机、开快车和爬珠穆朗玛峰的人。他 把这些人的性格称为“T型”,“T”代表“激动”。 1)psychologist n心理学家心理学家 2)refer to.as.把把称之为称之为 3)stand for 代表;代表; 4)thrill n惊险刺激惊险刺激 12. Speaking to the LA Times about the “Type T”personalities, Farley said,“Theyll say, Im not taking risks,Im an expert.They dont want to die and they dont expect t

17、o die.” 法利在接受洛杉矶时报采访时谈到了“T 型”人格,他说:“他们会说,我不是在冒 险,我是专家他们不想死,也不期待 死。” 13. Research also suggests that our desire to seek risks can be connected to how much we expect to benefit from the result. 研究还表明,我们寻求风险的欲望与我们 期望从结果中获益的程度有关。 1)suggest此处意思是此处意思是“表明表明”,that引导宾引导宾 语从句语从句 2)be connected to 与与相关相关 3)ben

18、efit from 从从中获益中获益 14. With this in mind,are the benefits of climbing Qomolangma worth the risks? Its totally up to you. 考虑到这一点,攀登珠穆朗玛峰的好处值 得冒险吗?这完全取决于你。 1)with this in mind,with的复合结构,的复合结构,this 是宾语,是宾语,in mind作补语作补语 2)It is up to you取决于你取决于你 1up to达到(某数量、程度等);直到;能胜任;正 在干,由决定 I can take up to four p

19、eople in my car.多达 I dont feel up to the task.胜任 Up to yesterday,I thought he was single.直到 Its up to you to decide whether to go or to stay. 由决定 Have you any idea of what he is up to? 你知道他在干什么吗? 2figure out 想出, 理解; 弄明白, 看透;计算 出 I cant figure out what he was hinting at.看透 Please figure out the total

20、 cost.计算出 Could you help me figure out this problem? 解决 I didnt figure out how to do it.想出 I simply couldnt figure out his intention.弄明白 知识拓展 figure n数字;图形;人物;身材;体形;数字;图形;人物;身材;体形; 人影人影v计算;想;估计;认为计算;想;估计;认为 keep ones figure 保持(优美的)身材 figure on 期待, 指望, 依赖 figure that 认为, 认定 3. similar adj 类似的 similar

21、ly adv. 相似地; 类似地 similarity n. 相似;类似 (be)similar to 与与相似相似 be similar in在在方面相似,和方面相似,和差不多差不多 My opinions are similar to his. 我的看法跟他的相似。 She has a dictionary similar to mine. 她有一本和我的类似的词典。 玛丽的帽子和简的差不多。 Marys hat is similar to Janes. 4.stand for代表;主张 stand by 站在旁边;袖手旁观;支持站在旁边;袖手旁观;支持 stand out 显著;突出显著

22、;突出 stand up 站立;站起来站立;站起来 cant stand sth./doing sth. 不能忍受不能忍受(做做)某事某事 summary 1.spend money on sth. 2.crowd n 3.discomfort 4.despite prep.尽管,不尽管,不 管管 5.what引导主语从句引导主语从句 6.would do过去将来时过去将来时 7.take his life 8.(be)similar to 9.around the world10.bring into focus 11.figure out 12.attempt 13.refer to.as.14.stand for 15.up to Homework 1. Read the passage again and again and try to under the meaning and useful structures. 2. Finish the test paper.


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