川教版四下Unit 3 Visiting a Zoo-Lesson 3 There Are Many Animals.-ppt课件-(含教案)--(编号:7132a).zip

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  • 川教2011课标版三年级起点_四年级下册(2013年12月第1版)_小学英语_Unit 3 Visiting a Zoo_Lesson 3 There Are Many Animals._ppt课件_(含教案)__(编号:7132a)
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Lesson3 There are many animals. Today is_. Its_. Tingting,Lele and peter are going to the _. Look! There is a fish,its _the small tortoise . Look! There is a green parrot. its _the big panda.Now look! They are here,there are many animals .They are talking about _ Childrens Day zoo next to next to June 1st animals They are in front of the monkeys. There are some tortoises. There are many animals in the zoo. really Where are they? There are many animals. What animals are they talking about? Where are they? Have you seen them? Between the bears and the elephants. Oh, yes. There are three giraffes work in groups . 1.Work in three or four,underline the words or sentences you cant understand (三个人或四个人一个小组 ,合作学习找出不懂或不理解的地方。) 2.Read in roles,and act with your partners(小组内分角色朗读,然后表演。 ) 教材 分析 本文通过介绍孩子们在动物园参观的过程,学习表示存在的句型 there are 和介词,介词短语 in front of, between, beside ,同时复习前面已学过介 词 in, on, under, behind, next to, 教学 目标 预设 1 知识技能目标:能够听懂会说本课单词和词组 many animals, between,beside,及 infront of.。 2 能力目标:在相应的情景中能正确使用句型 there are以及 between,in front of, beside.一类的方位词进行表达。 3 情感态度目标: 通过模仿练习,培养学生的创新能力 教学 重点、 难点 1. 能正确认读以及应用本课单词 2. There is /are应用于单数和复 数时的差异。以及表示方位的描 述 突破重难 点的方法 运用本课重点句型,图片 练习描绘方位词 集体备课个性修改 教 学 主 要 流 程 流 程 课前: 预习,发音频,学生跟读,初步理解课文。 课中: 一 导入 1Greeting 2. 用短文的形式复习本单元前面两课的内容, 引出本课要学的内容 3. 看图,分解图片讲解 第一幅图: Look! There are mang animal in the zoo.并板书本 课标题 引导学生看图片,回答问题。What animals can you see? There is a monkey. How many monkeys can you see? There are seven monkeys.(教读教读) 学生区别 there is /there are. There is a tortoise. How many tortoises can you see? There are 4 tortoises.(ppt 呈现)呈现) 教读过程中比较单数和复数的区别教读过程中比较单数和复数的区别 Where are they?(ppt 呈现)listen and answer 学生听录音并回答 第二幅图 There are many animals here. What animals can you see?学生回答 There are three/some giraffes/elephants/bears. Where are the giraffes? 学生听并回答(ppt 呈现) They are between the bears and elephants. (ppt 呈现并板书。教读) 教 学 主 要 流 程 4.listen and repeat(两遍) 二、自学 1.学生自己自学,勾画不理解的句子和不会读的 句子 2.小组内自学,合作讨论,理解对话内容,勾画 不理解的句子 三、点拨 1.学生提出问题,师生共同解决 2.教师提出问题,引导学生回答,检测学生掌握 重点句型情况 四、合作 1.小组内合作互相教读不会的单词。请教老师。 2.分组合作熟读,并表演 五、延展 1.复习介词短语 on,in , under, behind, beside, next to, between.and ,in front of, 呈现图片,学生小组讨论并用对话超练方位的 描述 2. 教师呈现对话 There are some/three Where are they? They are in front of/. 课后: Homework 朗读课文和教师编写的对话。编写的对话发在 群里。 板 书 设 计 Lesson3There are many animals. There are some tortoises. In on in front of ,under ,beside, next to, Where are they? Behind, beween .and. They are in front of the monkeys. 反思 学生自学时间和合作时间太少,学生还没有吃透课文。单复数区别还不够巩固。 学生表演还不够大胆,课堂多给孩子表演的机会。
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