沪教版(三起)五年级下册Module 2 Work and play-5 At the weekend-ppt课件-(含教案)-公开课-(编号:c2df6).zip

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Period 1 Plans for the weekend Oxford English Module 2 Work and play 5 At the weekend weekend What do you usually do at the weekend? I usually _ this weekend What are you going to do this weekend? Im going to this weekend . My plan for the weekend Spring is coming. Its warm and sunny . There are a lot of beautiful flowers in the park. The leaves are green. Its very beautiful. There is a park near my home. Im going to fly a kite with my family in the park. It will be wonderful. My plan for the weekend Spring is coming. Its warm and sunny. There are a lot of beautiful flowers in the park. The leaves are green. Its very beautiful. There is a park near my home. Im going to fly a kite with my family in the park. It will be wonderful. 1.Im going to _ . 2.Im going to _ with _ . 3.Im going to _ with _ in _ . fly a kite fly a kite fly a kite my family my familythe park S1: What are you going to do this weekend? S2: Im going to in/ at . read booksplay football play the piano play basketball fly a kiteride a bike What is Joe going to do this weekend? 插入课文视频插入课文视频Listen and say What is Joe going to do this weekend? At the weekend film milk see a At the weekend rowsee a film snow window a boat Joe Peter Jill Kitty Alice watch TV play football row a boat stay at home see a film fly a kite NamePlans for the weekend Joestay _ and watch TV with _ Peterplay football on _ Jillsee a film with _ on _ Kittyrow a boat and fly a kite in _ on_ Alicerow a boat and fly a kite with _ is going to . at homemy grandparents Sunday my parentsSaturday afternoon the parkSunday Kitty Hello, Im Moana. I live near the sea. I like swimming very much. Sunyang is my favourite athlete(运动员运动员). Im going to swim with my friends on Saturday afternoon. Sometimes I play chess with my friends. Im going to visit my grandparents and play chess with my grandpa on Sunday. It will be a wonderful weekend. Hello, Im Moana. I live near the sea. I like swimming very much. Sunyang is my favourite athlete( 运动员). Im going to swim with my friends on Saturday afternoon. Sometimes I play chess with my friends. Im going to visit my grandparents and play chess with my grandpa on Sunday. It will be a wonderful weekend. ( ) 1. Moana is going to _with her friends on Saturday afternoon. A. swim B. play chess ( ) 2. Moana is going to play chess with her _ on Sunday. A. parents B. grandpa A B NamePlans for the weekend 1. Where are you going this weekend? 2. What are you going to do? 3. Who are you going to do with? NamePlans for the weekend NamePlans for the weekend Plans for the weekend At the weekend, I usually _. This weekend, Im going to _ . My friend _(name) is going to _ . My friend _(name) _. My friends _ . It will be a _ weekend. play on the seesaw play on the swing have a picnic At th he weekend d At th he weekend d wash clothes water flowers read books 1.Copy the key words. 2.Qing Ming Festival is coming. Make plans with your parents for the holiday and write them down. Module2 Unit5 At the weekend Period 1 Plans for the weekend 教学设计 一、教材分析: 本课是牛津英语 5B Module2 Work and play Unit5 At the weekend 的第一课 时,以 weekend 为话题,内容贴近学生生活,学生易于理解、乐于接受;学生 在学习 5B Uint4 时已经能够准确运用句型 What are you going to do ? be going to 来询问和表达自己的打算计划,为本课的深入学习进行了良好的铺垫。 本课文本相对来说比较容易,孩子们学习起来应该是学有余力,所以在文本学 习之后,让孩子们更好地进行表达自己的计划打算,这样大量的语言输出给部 分后进生造成了学习的压力。为了多让孩子们进行有效的语言输出,我会通过 句子的逐渐叠加使用来创设轻松的学习氛围,鼓励孩子们更多地展示自己。 二、教学目标: 1、知识与技能 能听、说、读、写单词 weekend, stay, plan, film 及短语 row a boat, see a film;能在与他人谈论周末活动的语境中,正确运用本单元的 weekend, stay, row a boat, see a film 等核心词汇和短语 。 2、过程与方法 能在与他人谈论周末活动的语境中,熟练运用句子 What are you going to do this weekend? 询问他人的周末计划,并用句子 be going to 介绍自己或他 人的周末计划。 3、情感态度与价值观 在教师创设的语境中,听读课文、问答练习学习目标语句,并在学习过程 中,学会合理制定计划,合理安排周末,享受与家人在一起的每一刻。 教学重点、难点:能熟练运用句子 What are you going to do this weekend? 询问 他人的周末计划,并用句子 be going to 介绍自己或他人的周末计划。 三、教学准备: word cards, CAI, 导学单 四、教学过程 I. Warm up 1. Greetings . 2. Free talk T: What do you like doing? Do you like playing basketball? Ss: Yes, I do. /No, I like . 3. Look at the calendar of March. T: Now its in March. This is Saturday and Sunday. Theyre weekend. 【设计意图】师生问候,相互问答。呈现三月份的日历,引出新授词汇 weekend II. Presentation 1. T: What do you usually do at the weekend? Ss: I usually go swimming /read books . 2. T: Today is 22nd, Wednesday. 25th and 26th are this weekend. What are you going to do this weekend? Ss: Im going to 【设计意图】复习导入,呈现新知。谈论自己周末经常做的活动,复习 read books 等动宾短语。 3.T: You are going to do so many things this weekend. So do I. Miss Wang is going to something this weekend. So I make a plan for the weekend. Lets have a look. 4. Ss read and finish the sentences, then check answers. Im going to _. Im going to _ with _. Im going to _ with _ in _. 5. T: This is my plan for the weekend. What about your plans for the weekend? Talk in pairs. S1: What are you going to do this weekend? S2: Im going to in/ at . 【设计意图】日历直接呈现 this weekend, 引出本课核心句型 What are you going to do this weekend? Im going to .并通过教师自己的周末计划,引导学生相互 练习。 6. T: Your plans are wonderful. What are Peter and his friends plans for the weekend? What are they going to do this weekend? Lets listen and answer the question: What is Joe going to do this weekend? Ss listen to the text and answer the question. 7. Then check answers and circle the other childrens plans foe the weekend. Learn: row a boat, see a film. My plan for the weekend Spring is coming. Its warm and sunny. There are a lot of beautiful flowers in the park. The leaves are green. Its very beautiful. There is a park near my home. Im going to fly a kite with my family in the park. It will be wonderful. 8. T: You are great. Now according to the text, think and match. Joe watch TV Peter play football Jill row a boat Kitty stay at home Alice see a film fly a kite 【设计意图】随学随练,语言逐步叠加充分注重学生的语用体验。且分散难点 逐个突破 9. Ss read the text together. Then complete the table. (Ss talk in groups). NamePlans for the weekend Joestay _ and watch TV with _ Peterplay football on _ Jillsee a film with _ on _ Kittyrow a boat and fly a kite in _ on_ Alicerow a boat and fly a kite with _ 10. Ss read the table with the sentence: is going to . E.g.: Joe is going to stay at home and watch TV with his grandparents. 【设计意图】第一人称向第三人称的转述,复述文本。 . Extension Read and choose Hello, Im Moana. I live near the sea. I like swimming very much. Sunyang is my favourite athlete(运动员). Im going to swim with my friends on Saturday afternoon. Sometimes I play chess with my friends. Im going to visit my grandparents and play chess with my grandpa on Sunday. It will be a wonderful weekend. ( ) 1. Moana is going to _with her friends on Saturday afternoon. A. swim B. play chess ( ) 2. Moana is going to play chess with her _ on Sunday。 A. parents B. grandpa 【设计意图】文本再构,培养五年级学生阅读习惯和阅读策略,形成一定的 阅读技巧。 IV. Summary At the weekend, someone is going to play on the seesaw, play on the swing and have a picnic in the park. Someone is going to water flowers, wash clothes and read books at home. No matter wherever you are going to, whatever you are going to do. The happiness is to be with your family and friends. Make good plans for the weekend and holidays. Enjoy the time with your family. Enjoy your wonderful life. . 课末检测课末检测 Do a survey NamePlans for the weekend Writing . Home work 必做:1.Read the text on page30 for three times. Plans for the weekend At the weekend, I usually _. This weekend, Im going to _. My friend _ (name) is going to _. My friend _ (name) _. My friends _. It will be a _ weekend. 2. Copy the key words 4+1. 选做:Qing Ming Festival is coming. Make plans with your parents for the holiday and write them down. 五、板书设计 Module2 Unit5 At the weekend Period 1 Plans for the weekend What are you going to do this weekend? in the library at home Im going to in the park in the cinema 六、教学反思: 教师由自己的周末计划做铺垫,再引入文本的学习,学生已经对本节课所 学习和运用的核心词汇和句型已非常熟悉,最后通过同桌交流、小组讨论等活 动,学生能熟练运用本课句型讨论周末计划。但是由于在短语学习、文本练习 和黑板板书都没有呈现出 with和 It will be a _ weekend. 所以造成了在 最后的语言输出和文本生成学生的句子中这两项的缺乏。将单词变成词组,词 组相互组合,然后运用在一个完整的句子中,最后生成完整的文本,需要在每 个教学环节中不断渗透,如可以在学生同桌交流周末计划后,教师加一句 It will be a _ weekend. 这样就会激发学生更多的智慧。 七、本节课使用的导学单: Read and finish the sentences Im going to _. My plan for the weekend Spring is coming. Its warm and sunny. There are a lot of beautiful flowers in the park. The leaves are green. Its very beautiful. There is a park near my home. Im going to fly a kite with my family in the park. It will be wonderful. read books fly a kite row a boat see a film watch TV play the piano Im going to _ with _. Im going to _ with _ in _. Think and match Joe watch TV Peter play football Jill row a boat Kitty stay at home Alice see a film fly a kite Think and complete the table NamePlans for the weekend Joestay _ and watch TV with _ Peterplay football on _ Jillsee a film with _ on _ Kittyrow a boat and fly a kite in _ on_ Alicerow a boat and fly a kite with _ Read and choose Hello, Im Moana. I live near the sea. I like swimming very much. Sunyang is my favourite athlete(运动员). Im going to swim with my friends on Saturday afternoon. Sometimes I play chess with my friends. Im going to visit my grandparents and play chess with my grandpa on Sunday. It will be a wonderful weekend. ( ) 1. Moana is going to _with her friends on Saturday afternoon. A. swim B. play chess ( ) 2. Moana is going to play chess with her _ on Sunday. A. parents B. grandpa Do a survey NamePlans for the weekend Think and write Plans for the weekend At the weekend, I usually _. This weekend, Im going to _. My friend _ (name) is going to _. My friend _ (name) _. My friends _. It will be a _ weekend.
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