沪教版(三起)五年级下册Module 4 Things we enjoy-10 Great inventions-ppt课件-(含教案)-市级优课-(编号:b0423).zip

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Do you know these inventors? Steve Jobs Edison Wright Brothers Can you match? Inventors发明家n.-invent发明v.-invention发明物n. paper watch / w t/ two watches carflying bike What should I invent today? A flying car? A game to play? What should I invent for you? A special toy? A funny tool? What should we invent together? A hat to wear in any weather? people can tell the time anywhere Listen and completeListen and complete people can go anywhere with it Listen and completeListen and complete people can travel from one place to another very fast Listen and completeListen and complete people can write on it Do you know any great inventions in the world? people can tell the time anywhere people can go anywhere with it people can write on it people can travel from one place to another very fast Practice the dialogue in pairs . Ms Guo: Do you know any great inventions in the world? Kitty: I think _ is a great invention. People can _. Alice: I think _ is a great invention. People can _. Peter: I think _ is a great invention.People can _ _. paper write on it the watch tell the time anywhere the car travel from one place to another very fast I can take pictures with it. It is small. We can take it with us on holiday. What is it? It is _.camera It is _. I can fly like a bird in the sky. I can go to places far away in it. What is it? plane _. _ _. What is it? I think(_)can change peoples life, it is a great (_). We can(_)(_)with it. I think(_)can change peoples life,it is a great (_). We can(_)(_)with it. I think(_)can change peoples life,it is a great (_). We can(_)with it. Team 1 Team 2 Team 3 I think_can change peoples life,it is a great invention. We can_with it. I think_can change peoples life,it is a great invention. We can_with it. Great inventions A:Do you know any great inventions in the world? B:I thinkis a great invention. People can I think camera is a great invention. People can take photos with it. It is _. I can draw pictures and write words on it. What is it? paper It is _. I can go to places far away in it. What is it? car Please make an invention by yourself carefully , then write a short passage to introduce why do you want to invent it, using “ is great invention, people can” I am a little inventor. 教学基本信息教学基本信息 单元名称:单元名称:Module 4 Things we enjoy 课题课题:Unit10 Great invention 教材版本:教材版本:沪教版牛津英语(三年级起点)五年级下册 授课年级:授课年级:五年级 出版社:出版社:上海教育出版社 课型:课型:听说课 教学内容分析教学内容分析 通过对主题的探讨,提升语言能力、渗透学习策略、深化思维品 格、形成文化意识,最终达到对主题认识的深化。本课强调内涵和主 题探讨。本课的主题探讨的话题是 inventions,通过对 Great inventions 的讨论,特别是 Why is it great?的讨论,达到对 inventions 的深度认知, 并渗透民族自豪感。课的设计深化了学生的认知过程:学生原来的认 知如何?(学生知道一些发明的名称,知道有用,但是说不上 great)别人的认知如何?(教材中的语言输入,明白怎么谈论 great inventions。 )应当具备怎样的认知?还可以怎样认知?(不断创新, 为人类做贡献,引出现代四种发明。 )我应当如何做?(我准备发明 创造什么?) 学情分析学情分析 五年级的学生有一定的英语语言基础及表达能力,通过第一课时 的学习他们对水的来源及用途有一定的了解和积累,就阅读能力而言, 学生已经初步具备了独立阅读的能力并积累了一定的阅读技巧,因此 基本不会造成阅读理解上的困难。 教学目标预设教学目标预设 知识与技能:知识与技能: 能在语境中正确运用本单元的核心句型: People can tell the time anywhere. What are you going to invent? Im going to invent a flying bike. 能用已学句型介绍某项发明的特点和作用。 过程与方法:过程与方法:运用 intensive listening 和 extensive listening 等听力技巧, 找出文中人物对各种发明的不同想法及观点。 情感态度与价值观:情感态度与价值观:积极思考,合作交流,展现想象力。 了解中国古代四大发明,增强民族自豪感。 教学重点及难点教学重点及难点 重点:重点:对课文关键信息的提取、整理和归纳。 词汇: invention, watch, anywhere, travel, invent, myself, camera 句型: People can tell the time anywhere. What are you going to invent? Im going to invent a flying bike. 难点:难点:在有限的时间内不仅能对他人的想法提出自己的观点,还能表 达自己对重大发明的看法。 设计理念设计理念 教学中教师采用问题链等方式引导学生观察图片、运用已有的知 识对本课内容进行预测、讨论,在阅读过程中自主构建语言从而理解 故事大意,并结合自己的常识发表自己的观点。通过各种阅读活动的 设计推进,达成教学目标。 教学辅助教学辅助 教师:教学 PPT,单词卡片,教学图片。 学生: 教学方法教学方法 情景教学法,任务型教学法等。 教学过程 教学步骤教学活动设计意图时间 Step1 引出话题 教师利用机器人的视频,将学生 带入到关于发明的话题中,激活 已有的经验,导入课本主题 T: I know this is your last class of today. Maybe you are a little bit tired,right? So lets do something fun and relaxing. Lets dance with robots. Do you like robots? What can robots do? Do you know? (两个人) Nowadays robots can do a lot of things for people. So I think the robot is a great invention. (板书标题)操练 学生在轻松的谈话气氛中进入 本课学习,通过交代任务“谈 谈身边的伟大发明”,给学生 指出本节课努力的方向,以此 激发学生学习动机。 Step2 激活经验 Stage1 启发思维 激发想象 【设计意 图:呈现 任务,激 发学生学 习动机, 从情绪和 知识上做 好准备】 Lead-in: And today we are going to talk about great inventions. Well, do you know any great inventions in the world? 预设学 生不会引导:Is the book a great invention? 引导学生说 I think is a great invention. What else do you think is a great invention? (brainstorming: 提问 3 个人,把 学生的答案贴在黑板上) Great 从话题导入开始,通过信息结 构中心词“Great invention”,激 发学生想象,培养发散思维。 (2 ) job, boy. I like your idea. Step1 提取信息 在视频展示四大发明贴出结构核 心词“Great inventions” T: Now look. Do you know the four great inventions of ancient China? Lets enjoy the video about them. (视频变短 1 分钟内,边播 边说) Who invented these great inventions? Do you have any ideas? 教师展示出多种发明,让学生能 够尝试说出它们。并会运用到以 下句型: The . is a great invention. 预设:gunpowder, papermaking 机动:让学生充分用已知单词说 出相关句型。 教师根据学生反馈板书关键信 息,对学生的思维轨迹进行记 录,引导构建话题词汇网,为 后续表达铺垫。 Stage2 获取信息, 整理归纳 【设计意 图: 初步感知, 理解新知, 策略性地 训练学生 的快速范 听方法, 精听能力, 处理教学 重难点。 】 展示 inventors and inventions T: There are some great inventors and inventions. Try to tell me their names T: Discuss in groups and then match? Who invented the great 在构建信息图表的过程中,帮 助学生梳理信息,培养学生逻 辑思维能力,同时给学生提供 话题的内容框架。 (18 ) inventions? 引导学生说 invented who invented the inventions? What did the inventors invent? ? The inventors invented the inventions. (板书) Step2 获取信息 Activity 1 听音 教师介绍文本主要人物,请学生 们快速泛听课文,捕捉文中信息。 T:Please open your book, watch the video and circle the inventions they are talking about. Well, what great inventions are they talking about?引导学生说出: I think paper is a great invention. I think the car is a great invention. (板书) 教师示范如何利用精听策略获 取信息,为接下来的学生自主 活动提供支持。同时培养学生 在听力中找出重点信息的习惯。 7Activity 2 学生小组活动 表格 T: 1)Listen. 1)Listen and repeat. 向学生介绍小组活动的步骤,指 导学生逐步完成。 教师采取小步子的方式,对小 组任务进行合作完成,提高小 组合作的有效性。在此过程中, 既为学生提供运用听力策略独 立完成 worksheet 的空间,又 通过组内信息分享强化合作意 识。 Stages2 获取信息, 整理归纳 【设计意 图: 初步感知, 理解新知, 策略性地 训练学生 的快速听 音,凡听 和归纳能 力,处理 教学重难 点。 】 Step3 反馈归纳 2)role-play in in groups. Step1 初步构建信息结构图(7 ) Step3 真实情境下的综合语用 Stage4 综合运用 输出语言 【设计意 图: 通过创设 真实情景, 培养综合 语言运用 能力;给 学生选择 空间,充 分尊重学 生主体】 1)Chant together. 2)Practice and share your pictures in groups. 3)Share the video of my students, 综合运用语言完成任务。通过 现场互动的方式为学生初步运 用所学语言进行交流提供语境, 同时为学生创设体验成功、分 享学生学习成果的机会,强化 学习兴趣。 (6 ) Step1 总结 We have talked so much about the inventions today. From todays lesson, we know is a great invention. People can 站在板书 旁。 整体回顾文本中任务的观点, 给学生沉淀的空间。 Step2 关注情感体验 Stage5 总结 【设计意 图: 对学生渗 透情感态 度价值观 的教育】 T: No , noDream big, work hard. 学生根据自己的感受给出反馈。 通过精心设计的板书,引导学 生思考、体会和感受发明给人 们生活带来的便利,并且要好 好学习并发挥自己的想象力才 能成为一个优秀的“创客”。 (2 ) Homework: As for todays homework, Xiaodu, do you have any suggestions? Finish the picture of your invention. Introduce it to your parents; let them be proud of you. 批判性思维:判断发明 great/ bad/ 课上内容的延续。
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