(精)人教版(新起点)五年级上册Unit 5 TV shows lesson3ppt课件(含教案+练习).zip

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Unit5TVshows(3) 人教新起人教新起点点 五年级上五年级上 WatchWatch a a videovideo nature wonderful TV sportsshowsgreat cool newsshows cartoons Whichoneismissing? interesting GameGame timetime ReviewReview WhatsyourfavoriteTVshows? MyfavoriteTVshowsare. newsshows natureshows sportsshows ReviewReview Lookatthe picture,whatsTV showscanyousee? MynameisJane.IlikewatchingtheseTVshowsverymuch. IusuallywatchthemonTuesday.Icanlearnaboutanimals fromdifferentcountries.Theyreveryinteresting. ImMack.Iwatchtheseshowseveryevening.Therearemany differentactivitiesontheseshows,suchasfootball,basketball andtabletennis.Theyreallfantastic. Hi,ImCoco.Iwatchtheseshows everyFridayat7:30pm.Theyarereally fun.Icanhearmanynewsongsandsee famoussingers.SometimesIsinganddancewiththem. Letsread Read and match. Letsread MynameisJane.Ilikewatching theseTVshowsverymuch. Iusually watchthemonTuesday.Icanlear n aboutanimalsfromdifferentcoun tries.Theyreveryinteresting. ImMack.Iwatchtheseshowse veryevening.Therearemany differentactivities ontheseshows,suchas football,basketball andtabletennis. Theyreallfantastic. Hi,ImCoco.Iwatchtheseshows everyFridayat7:30pm.Theyarere ally fun.Icanhearmanynewsongsan dsee famoussingers.SometimesIsinga nddancewiththem. 1.WhatTVshowsdoesJanelike? 2.Whendoesshewatchthem? Shelikesnatureshows. SheusuallywatchesthemonTuesday. Shecanlearnaboutanimalsfromdifferent countries. AnswerAnswer thethe questionsquestions 3.WhendoesshelearnfromtheseTVshows? LanguageLanguage pointspoints IlikewatchingtheseTVshowsverymuch. like+动词动词ing/名词名词 例子:例子:Helikesreading books. Therearemanydifferentactivitiesonthese shows,suchasfootball,basketballandtable tennis. suchas例如例如(用来列举同类人或事物中的(用来列举同类人或事物中的 几个例子)几个例子) Icanlearnaboutanimalsfromdifferentcountries. learnabout了解了解 learnmoreabout了解更多了解更多 例子:例子:Iwanttolearnabout someknowledgeoftheworld. FillFill in in thethe chartchart timecontenttheir feelings Janeanimalsfrom different countries Mackevery evening Cocoreallyfun onTuesday interesting manydifferent activities fantastic everyFriday at7:30p.m. hearmanynew songsandsee famoussingers 1.Janelikeswatchingmusicshows.( ) 2.Wecanlearnaboutanimalsfromdifferentcountriesi n natureshows.( ) 3.Mackthinkssportsshowsarefantastic.() 4.CocowatchesmusicshowseveryTuesdayat7:30am .() TickTick oror crosscross Ourfavourite showsarenature shows. Wecanlearnabout animals. Theyrefantastic. MakeMake , , showshow andand saysay Wewatchthemevery evening. MakeaposteraboutakindofTV showsaccordingtopartA. Letswrite MyfavouriteTVshowsarecartoons.Ithink theyareinteresting.Iusuallywatchthemon Monday. What about you? MyfavouriteTVshowsarenewsshows.IthinkIcan learnaboutsomethingnewinmanycountries.I usuallywatchthemeveryday. PracticePractice 选择。 1.Tom_newsshows. A.likingB.likeC.likes 2.Theyoftenwatch_onTuesday. A.theirB.them C.they 3.She_theyareinteresting. A.think B.thinks C.thinking SummarySummary 单单词词:fun fantastic interesting 句子:句子:Icanlearnabout Icanhear 板书设计板书设计 Unit5TVshows(第第三课时三课时) 单单词词:fun fantastic interesting 句子:句子:Icanlearnabout Icanhear HomeworkHomework 1 1. . L Listenisten andand readread thethe passagepassage fivefive times.times. 2.2. C Copyopy thethe newnew newnew wordswords andand phrasesphrases . . 人教新起点英语五年级上册人教新起点英语五年级上册 UnitUnit 5 5 TVTV showsshows 第三课时教学设计第三课时教学设计 课题 TV shows单元Unit 5学科英语年级五年级 学习 目标 1. 知识与技能目标:掌握的单词: fun fantastic interesting;掌握重点句型: I can learn about I can hear 2. 过程与方法目标:能在日常情境下运用句型进行交流 3. 情感态度:激发和培养学习英语的兴趣,用所学英语进行交际的意识和勇气。 重点掌握的单词: fun fantastic interesting 难点能用句型在情境中运用 教学过程 教学环节教师活动学生活动设计意图 导入新课Watch a video 教师呈现歌曲动画,请学生进行观看跟唱 Game time Review What s your favorite TV shows? 跟唱歌曲,培 养学生英语语 感;进行判断 练习,让学生 巩固复习所学 知识 通过游戏让学 生复习所学知 识 激发学生的好 奇心和学习兴趣, 自然引出新课。 讲授新课1.Look and learn 教室呈现单词,请学生学习生词 2.Lets read 教师播放动画,请学生进行观看 教师呈现文本,请学生跟读,注意语音语 调,并回答问题 3.Answer the questions 1. What TV shows does Jane like? 2. When does she watch them? 3. When does she learn from these TV 学习新单词 带着问题看动 画 通过动画以及 录音进行学习 巩固单词,好让 学生对所学内容 有更好的了解。 通过对话练习, 训练学生的口语 能力以及语言组 织能力 shows? 4. Language points I like watching these TV shows very much. like+动词 ing/名词 例子: He likes reading books. There are many different activities on these shows, such as football, basketball and table tennis. such as 例如 (用来列举同类人或事物中的几个 例子) I can learn about animals from different countries. learn about 了解 learn more about 了解更多 例子: I want to learn about some knowledge of the world. 5. Fill in the chart 教师请学生根据文章完成表格 6. Tick or cross 1. Jane likes watching music shows.( ) 2. We can learn about animals from different countries in nature shows.( ) 3. Mack thinks sports shows are fantastic. ( ) 4. Coco watches music shows every Tuesday at 7:30 a m. ( ) 7. Make, show and say Make a poster about a kind of TV shows according to part A. 8. Lets write My favourite TV shows are cartoons. I think they are interesting. I usually watch them on Monday. 各种本节课内 容练习的进行 呈现语言知识 点,让学生进 行理解学习 模仿对话 通过练习加强对 阅读的理解 学习形式生动多 样化,使学生集 中注意力,同时 保持学习的积极 性。 帮助学生建立归 纳语音知识体系 有助于学生巩固 知识 9. Practice 1.Tom _ news shows. A. liking B. like C. likes 2.They often watch _ on Tuesday. A. their B. them C. they 3.She _ they are interesting. A. think B. thinks C. thinking 10. Summary 根据板书复述今天学习的内容: 单词: fun fantastic interesting 句子: I can learn about I can hear 11. Homework. 1. Listen and read the dialogue five times. 2. Copy the new new words and phrases . 进行写作 练习 对学生写作能力 的一种提升 课堂小结这节课的教学任务目标是能理解并会朗读故 事;能听懂、会说、会拼读单词 fun fantastic interesting 本课为新授课,通过反复播放录音视频并跟 读模仿学习语音知识;通过灵活多样,丰富多彩 的课堂形式的进行,熟悉课文内容,进而可以感 受语音带来的魅力,激发学生学习英语的兴趣, 增强他们的自信心,通过教学评价的开展,让学 生体验到成就感,促进学生学习和发展。 板书Unit 5 TV shows(第三课时)(第三课时) 单词单词: fun fantastic interesting 句子:句子: I can learn about I can hear Unit 5 TV shows 第三课时第三课时 习题习题 一、写出下列单词的中文。一、写出下列单词的中文。 1.every evening 2.dance 3.really 4.sometimes 5.sing songs 二、按要求写单词。二、按要求写单词。 1.在周二(英文)_ 2.he(宾格形式)_ 3.these(对应词)_ 4.watch(第三人称单数)_ 5.table tennis(中文) _ 三、根据句子大意补充完整。三、根据句子大意补充完整。 1.Tom (通常)watch them on Saturday. 2.They watch (这些)shows every evening. 3.Joe is very (活泼的). 4. (什么)is your favourite shows ? 5.The children also (喜欢)reading . 四、将下列句子翻译成英语。四、将下列句子翻译成英语。 1.他有时候唱歌跳舞。 2 我们也喜欢阅读 3.他能了解来自不同国家的动物。 4.他们都棒极了。 5.我喜欢看足球。 五、按要求写句子。五、按要求写句子。 1. Jane likes watching music shows. (改为一般疑问句) 2. I like watching these TV shows very much. (改为一般疑问句) 3. Theyre very interesting. (变为否定句) 4. Does she watch music shows every Tuesday at 7:30 am.? (作肯定回答) 5.I dont like singing.(变为肯定句) Unit 5 TV shows 第三课时答案第三课时答案 一、 【解析】该题考查单词的熟悉程度 【答案】1.每个晚上 2. 跳舞. 3.真地 4.有时 5.唱歌 二、 【解析】1. 翻译,故答案 on Tuesday。 2. 考查宾语,故答案为 him。 3. 考查对应词,故答案为 those。 4. 考查三单,故答案为 watches。 5. 考查中文,乒乓球。 【答案】1.on Tuesday 2.him 3.those 4.watches 5.乒乓球 三、 【解析】考察学生的句意理解能力。 【答案】1.usually 2. these 3.active 4.What 5.like 四、 【答案】1.He sometimes sings songs and dances. 2. We also like reading 3. He can learn about animals from different countries. 4.They are excellent. 5. I like watching football shows. 五、 【解析】 本题考查学生句子的运用。 【答案】1.Does Jane like watching music shows? 2. Do you like watching these TV shows very much.? 3. Theyre not very interesting. 4. Yes, she does. 5.I like singing. .
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