(2021新牛津译林版)高中英语选择性必修一Unit 4 Reading知识点- .pptx

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2、理解 6. _特殊效果,特技 7. _带领某人去 8. _终于,最后 9. _犹如,好似,仿佛(Para3) 10._地方感,场所意识 11._放在一起;组合;装配 12._发现;挖出;挖掘 more thanmore than beyond wordsbeyond words true meaningtrue meaning appear toappear to beyond ones graspbeyond ones grasp special effectsspecial effects lead sb to lead sb to in the endin the end as ifas

3、 if a sense of placea sense of place put togetherput together dig updig up BY ZYHBY ZYH 13._苦工,心血(Para4) 14._一生的工作,铁饭碗 15._留出,存,放在一边 16._去旅行,踏上旅途 17._逻辑思考,逻辑思维(Para5) 18._内在美 19._只要 20._永恒的美(Para6) 21._与不同(P46) 22._用其他任何方式(P47) 23._带领某人去 painstaking effortpainstaking effort a lifelong joba lifelong

4、job set asideset aside go on a journeygo on a journey logical thinkinglogical thinking inner beautyinner beauty as long asas long as everlasting beautyeverlasting beauty be different frombe different from in any other wayin any other way guide sb to guide sb to BY ZYHBY ZYH LANGUAGE USAGELANGUAGE US

5、AGE 02 BY ZYHBY ZYH These complex formulas _ of the average pupils. 这些复杂的公式是普通小学生不能理解的。 I _ return to my motherland to work without hesitation. 我毫不犹豫地抓住祖国工作的机会。 Luke _ firmly and led her through the gate. Luke紧紧地抓住她的胳膊,一直把她带到门口。 Even if its true meaning apers to be beyond your Even if its true meani

6、ng apers to be beyond your graspgrasp, you can always , you can always say something .say something . are beyond the grasp are beyond the grasp grasped her by the grasped her by the arm arm n. 理解(力);领会;紧抓,控制vt.抓牢,抓紧 (1)beyond ones grasp某人无法理解 have a good grasp of.= have a good command of. 很好地掌握 (2)g

7、rasp sb. by the hand/arm 抓住某人的手/手臂 grasped the opportunity to grasped the opportunity to BY ZYHBY ZYH Second, Second, approachapproach the poem as if you were an explorer in an unfamiliar the poem as if you were an explorer in an unfamiliar landscape.landscape. New college life is approaching. Im gl

8、ad to hear that there will be six clubs for me to join. Ill approach the customers complaints in a few minutes. With the approach of the wind and rain , the swallows are very busy. We will be exploring different approaches to gathering information. Soldiers were guarding all the approaches to the pa

9、lace. vi. vi. 临近,逐渐接近(某时间或事件)临近,逐渐接近(某时间或事件) vt.vt.与与接洽;处理接洽;处理 n. (n. (某事的某事的) )临临 近近n. n. 方法,方式方法,方式 n. n. 路径路径 BY ZYHBY ZYH (1)give/offer sb. a reward for (doing) sth. 为(做)某事而给某人报酬 in reward (for)作为(对的)报答/回报/奖赏 (2)reward sb. with sth. for (doing) sth. 为(做)某事用奖赏/酬谢某人 This may seem difficult at fir

10、stThis may seem difficult at first,but when you finally make your great but when you finally make your great discoverydiscovery,your efforts will be your efforts will be rewardedrewarded. .n.报酬;奖金;奖励;回报;悬赏金 vt.酬谢;奖赏,奖励 _,the successful businessman offered Mary a post in his company. 作为回报,这位成功的商人在他的公

11、司里给玛丽提供了一个职位。 They rewarded the young man _. 他们因那个年轻人炸了敌军的大楼而奖赏他许多礼物。 She got nothing _,which made her very sad. 她的好心没有得到一点回报,这使得她很伤心。 In rewardIn reward with many gifts for blowing up the enemys buildingswith many gifts for blowing up the enemys buildings in reward for her kindnessin reward for her

12、 kindness BY ZYHBY ZYH (1)in reality 实际上 bring.back to reality 使面对现实/不再抱有幻想 turn.into a reality 把变为现实 (2)real adj.真实的 Poetrys combination and allows you to go beyond normal Poetrys combination and allows you to go beyond normal realityreality for for the everlasting beauty.the everlasting beauty.n.U

13、现实;真实;C事实;实际经历;见过的事物 We thought he was serious but in _(real) he was joking. We Chinese people fully understand that only through great efforts _ _. 中国人民深知,只有通过艰苦努力,才能实现我们的中国梦。 realityreality Chinese Dream into a realityChinese Dream into a reality can we turn our can we turn our BY ZYHBY ZYH set of

14、f 动身;出发;引爆;引发set up 建立;设立;开办 set down 写下;放下;记下 set out (to do sth. ) 出发;开始(做某事) set about (doing sth. ) 着手(做某事) So if you do not get itSo if you do not get it,setset the poem the poem asideaside and come back to it later. and come back to it later. 将放在一边;为节省或留出(钱或时间) The young man dreams of setting

15、_ his own company. The bank set _ 1.1 billion to cover bad debts from business failures. 晚饭后,玛丽动手收拾餐桌。 After supper,Mary _. After supper,Mary _. upup asideaside set about clearing the tableset about clearing the table set out to clear the tableset out to clear the table BY ZYHBY ZYH (1)如果所引导的从句表示的是真

16、实的或极有可能发生的情况时,从句用 陈述语气。 Hurry up! It looks as if the train is going to move. .approach the poem .approach the poem as if as if you were an explorer in an unfamiliar you were an explorer in an unfamiliar landscape.landscape.as though“似乎,好像”,在句中可以引导表语从句或方式状语从句。 He did not sound _. 听起来他似乎不相信她的话。 Its ra

17、ining heavily. It doesnt _. 雨太大了,看样子我们还是不可能搬迁了。 as if he believed heras if he believed her look as if well be movinglook as if well be moving BY ZYHBY ZYH (2)当说话人所陈述的是不真实的或极少可能发生或存在的情况时,从句 用虚拟语气。 A.如果表示与现在的事实相反,从句用一般过去时,若有系动词be,则 用were; The teacher loves the pupils as if she were their mother. B.如果表

18、示与过去的事实相反,从句用过去完成时; It was John who broke the window. Why are you talking to me as if I had done it? C.如果表示与将来的事实相反,从句用would/could/might动词原形。 He looked as if nothing could frighten him. .approach the poem .approach the poem as if as if you were an explorer in an unfamiliar you were an explorer in an

19、 unfamiliar landscape.landscape.as though“似乎,好像”,在句中可以引导表语从句或方式状语从句。 BY ZYHBY ZYH .approach the poem .approach the poem as if as if you were an explorer in an unfamiliar you were an explorer in an unfamiliar landscape.landscape.as though“似乎,好像”,在句中可以引导表语从句或方式状语从句。 I still remember my first trip to M

20、ount Tai _. 我还记得我第一次去泰山的情景,仿佛就在昨天。 It looked as if she _. 她看上去好像是忘了如何呼吸似的。 Her head felt as if _. 她觉得头要爆裂了。 as if it were yesterdayas if it were yesterday had forgotten how to breathehad forgotten how to breathe it would burstit would burst BY ZYHBY ZYH (3)如果as if 所引导的从句的主语和主句的主语相同,且含有be动词,可 以省略从句主语

21、和be动词,这样as if 后就只剩下名词、不定式、形容词 (短语)、介词短语或分词。 Tom raised his right hand as if to say something. .approach the poem .approach the poem as if as if you were an explorer in an unfamiliar you were an explorer in an unfamiliar landscape.landscape.as though“似乎,好像”,在句中可以引导表语从句或方式状语从句。 Henry looked around as

22、if _. Actually, he was just bored. 亨利向四周环视,似乎在寻找什么。其实,他只是无聊罢了。 Mary made as if _, then hesitated. 玛丽似乎要抗议,又犹豫了。 He spoke in a low mumble, as if _. 他自言自语般地嘟哝着。 (he were) in search of something(he were) in search of something to protestto protest to himselfto himself BY ZYHBY ZYH (1)more than名词,意为“不仅仅

23、” (2)more than形容词, 意为“十分,非常” (3)more than数词,意为“超过,多余” More than More than any other type of literatureany other type of literature,it usually implies a deeper it usually implies a deeper meaning beyond the words on the page.meaning beyond the words on the page. I have known Professor Li for _. 我认识李教

24、授有30多年了。 I was _ to see the lion standing next to the baby. 看到狮子站在婴儿旁边,我非常惊讶。 more than 30 yearsmore than 30 years more than surprisedmore than surprised BY ZYHBY ZYH as/so long as 意为“只要”,引导条件状语从句 引导条件状语从句的连词短语有: as/so long as 只要in case 如果,万一 on condition that 只要 As long as As long as the journey of

25、 poetry reading makes you feel something the journey of poetry reading makes you feel something ,it it will have been worth your effort.will have been worth your effort. _ condition that you keep studying hard,you can improve your math. 只要你继续努力学习,你可以提高你的数学水平。 _ it rains,please take your umbrella. 万一

26、下雨,请带上你的伞。 OnOn In caseIn case BY ZYHBY ZYH INSTANT INSTANT FEEDBACKFEEDBACK 03 BY ZYHBY ZYH 1. As is well known, our success in life depends on our determination to _(抓住) opportunities that are presented to us. 2. Ann added that as a reporter she needed many different skills and was _(持续不断地) challe

27、nged to learn new things. 3. You must keep in mind that _(耐心) comes with experience and wisdom. 4. Chinas approach to _(protect) its environment while feeding its citizen offers useful lessons for agriculture and food policy makers worldwide, says the banks Juergen Vogel. 5 The kind woman decided to

28、 take care of the _(abandon) cats. 5. Mr. Jones is quite busy recently. Its worth _(make) an appointment before you go. graspgrasp patiencpatienc e e protectingprotecting constantlyconstantly INSTANT FEEDBACK abandonedabandoned makingmaking BY ZYHBY ZYH 1.玛丽对聚会的描述非常生动,我觉得自己好像在那里一样。 Marys description

29、 of the party was so vivid that I felt _ (as if). 2.只要她学会办公室的常规工作,她就是极好的助手。 _, she will be an excellent assistant. (as long as) 3.我每天留出一个小时来复习学过的内容。 _ to review what I have learnt. (set aside) 4.这篇文章的医学术语太多了,我完全理解不了。 The article has too many medical terms which _. (grasp) as if I had been as if I had been therethere INSTANT FEEDBACK As long as she learns office As long as she learns office routineroutine I set aside one hour everydayI set aside one hour everyday are beyond my graspare beyond my grasp BY ZYHBY ZYH THE END.


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