重庆大学版六年级下册Unit 4 The Water Journey-Lesson 1-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+音频+素材)--(编号:7096e).zip

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    • 教案7096e.docx--点击预览


头脑风暴头脑风暴 Brain storm Remember words as many as possible in 10 seconds. 在10秒钟内记住尽量多的单词。 sea rain wind snow mountain har d lak e cloud river vapour water comes from comes from come from What do your think about their relationship between rain, clouds, vapour and water? 你认为在雨,云,水蒸气和水之间 有什么样的关系呢? 讨论要求:用完整的句子表达它们之间的关系, 别忘了用上come from。 Discuss and report(小组合作思考并讨论,3): RexMax Listen and answer(听音并回答): 1.How is the weather? Its _. 2. Where does rain come from? It comes from . clouds rainy 3. Which question Rex doesnt know? Rex不知道哪个问题的答案? Where do clouds come from? Turn to P39. Look at the pictures, try to read text and answer questions in groups(看书39页,小组合作,看图,试读课文, 找出下列问题的答案并在书上划出来): 1.Why Max and Rex have to stay here? 为什么Max和Rex不能回家? Because its raining . 2. Can Rex answer all the questions? Rex能回答Max的所有问题吗? No, he cant. hard Whats Maxs suggestion? Max的建议是什么? a. Lets go home. b. Lets surf the internet. c. Lets go to the library and get the answer in books. What should they do when Max and Rex cant answer the question? Max和Rex遇到不懂的问题时,准 备怎么做呢? Listen and repeat(逐句听音跟读课文): Tips: Listen carefully and try your best to imitate. (小提示:仔细听,并尽力模仿。) Read and perform in groups(小组合作,读 课文并一起表演读对话,5): Tips: Help each other, please. (小提示:小组成员自由分配角色,并互相帮助哦!) What can water do? s Water can wash clean grow cook make water Discuss and report(小组讨论并汇报,每人说一 种用途,4): Dont waste water! 不要浪费水! Use less water! 节约用水! What have we learned? (这节课我们学到了什么?): ? ? ? ? ? ? 2. Tell your parents what the water journey is? 给父母讲讲水是如何循环 的? 3. Go to the library and get the relative answer of “Where do clouds come from?” 去图书馆查阅资料,找出问题“ 云从哪里来”的答案。 (必做) (选做 ) (选做) 1. Listen and read the text on P39.听 读课文。 vapour Its raining. Its raining hard. 讨论三:讨论三: A: What can water do? B: Water can: wash (dishes, hands, clothes, ) clean(cars, house, teeth, ) grow(food, vegetables, fruits, ) make(drinks, orange juice, watermelon juice, ) cook(meals, rice, noodles, dumplings, breakfast, lunce, dinner, ) water(flowers, grass, trees, ) clouds vapour water rain 1 Unit 4 The Water Journey Teaching aims: 1. Students can understand and read “vapour”,can listen, speak, read and write these words and sentences:hard, become. Where does rain come from? It comes from clouds. 2. Students and understand the main meaning of the text, and express the process of water journey. For example: Where does rain come from? It comes from clouds. 3. Students can know the importance of water, and can be trained to have the emotion of love nature, and can be aware of saving water and protecting environment. Key points: 1. Students can listen, speak, read and write the new words and sentences. 2. Students can know the basic process of water journey. Difficult points: 1. Students can understand “come from” and use it correctly. 2. Students can use completed sentences to tell about the water journey process. Teaching aids: word cards, PPT, pictures, chalks, sentence cards, group evaluated paper Teaching procedures: 2 Step Warming up 1. Greetings. T: Whats the weather like today? 2. Song time. T: Lets sing a song about weather. Step Presentation 1. Brain storm to review old words and lead to new words” hard, vapour”. T:The song is about weather. Here are some words about weather, too. Please remember the words on the screen as many as possible. 2. Teacher ask some pupils answered well: Which group do you come from? And lead students to answer:I come from XX group. Teacher show some pictures on the courseware to help students to understand the meaning of ”come from”. And ask them if they understand this word, then ask some pupils to practice: I come from group X. 3. Teacher show the pictures of water journey: Look at this picture. How is the weather? Ss: Its rainy. T: Yes, its raining now. Listen, please. Then teacher play the sounds of hard rain, and let students to understand sentences through two pictures contrast: Its raining or its raining hard? After reading the sentence, learn word “hard”. 4. Discuss in groups. T:Yes, the rain is hard. But where does rain come from? Teacher show this sentence on the blackboard. 3 T: Maybe it comes from (Ss: clouds/water/vapour) Teach word “vapour”. T:What do you think about the relationship between rain, clouds, vapour and water? 5. Groups show their idea: The rain comes from clouds. The clouds come from vapour. The vapour come water. The water comes from rain. Then teacher and students say it together: Where does rain come from? It comes from clouds. And so on. T: That is Water Journey. Today we will learn Unit 4 The Water Journey, lesson 1. 6. Listen dialogue and answer questions. Teacher show the first picture of the dialogue on the books, T: Who are they? Ss: They are Max and Rex. T: Now lets listen to Max and Rex. What do they talk about? Please listen carefully and answer the questions: How is the weather? Its _. Where does rain come from? It comes from . 7. Discuss in groups and find answers of the 3 questions. T:Well done. Now open your books please, and trun to Page 39.Look at the two pictures and read dialogues, then find the answer of these questions. You have 2 minutes. 4 Why Max and Rex have to stay here? Because its raining . Can Rex answer all the questions? Which question Rex doesnt know? 8. T: Since Rex doesnt know this question, what should they do? Find the answer on your books quickly. (Lets go to the library and get the answer in books.) Step Practice 1. The whole class listen to the tape and repeat them sentence by sentence. 2. Work in groups, select the roles freely, and read this text. 3. Group show the dialogue. Step production 1. Discuss the use of water in groups. T: This dialogue is about water. We all know water is very important for us. We cant live without water. What can water do? Teacher demonstrate first, then discuss and report by groups. 2. T: Now that water is useful, we have to save water. So Do Remember: Dont waste water!(不要浪费水!) Use less water!(节约用水!) Step summary What have you learned today? 5 Step Homework 1. Listen and read the text on P39.(must) 2. Tell your parents or friends how the water cycle.(select) 3. Go to the library and find the relative answer of “Where do clouds come from?” (select)
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