外研版(三起)五下Module 1-Unit 1 We lived in a small house.-ppt课件-(含教案+素材)-公开课-(编号:609ac).zip

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建平县第一小学建平县第一小学 史丽娜史丽娜 Module1 Unit1 We lived in a small house. Then, then, then, There was a small house. Now, now, now, There is a big house. Then , then, then, There was a small bike. Now , now, now, There is a big car. A A riddleriddle WeWe cancan seesee peoplepeople inin it,it, ButBut thethe peoplepeople inin itit cantcant seesee us.Peopleus.People inin itit cantcant listenlisten toto usus .People.People inin itit cantcant walkwalk either,Iteither,It isis notnot a a mirror(mirror(镜子)镜子)WhatWhat isis it?it? A A photo.photo. Look for the different 1 2 3 4 manymany yearsyears agoago nownow Self-studySelf-study taskstasks 1.Open1.Open youryour booksbooks onon page2,listenpage2,listen toto partpart 2 2 andand circlecircle newnew wordswords byby yourselfyourself . . 2.Talk2.Talk aboutabout thethe newnew wordswords inin groupsgroups andand learnlearn themthem eacheach otherother inin groups.groups. (The(The timetime isis threethree minutes.minutes. ) ) ToTo bebe a a littlelittle teacher:Iteacher:I cancan teachteach 1.programme (电视或广播)节目 2.lady 女士,夫人 3.life 生活 4.television 电视机 5.grandchildren (外)孙子,孙女 6.change 改变,变化 7different 不同的 8.enough 足够的 9.ago 以 前 I I cancan dodo 1.programme(复数)2.lady(复数) 3.life(复数)4.television(缩写)(复数 ) 5.grandchildren (单数) 6.change(单三)(现在分词)(过去式) 7different (反义词) 8.enough food(译中文) 9.many years ago (译中文) I I cancan readread 1. programme 节目 programmesprogrammes 2.lady 女士,夫人 ladiesladies 3.life 生活 liveslives 4.television 电视 TVTV televisionstelevisions 5.grandchildren (外)孙子grandchildgrandchild 6.change 改变changeschanges changedchanged changingchanging 7different 不同的 same(same(相同的相同的) ) 8.enough足够的 enoughenough foodfood 足够的食物足够的食物 9ago以前 manymany yearsyears agoago许多年前许多年前 1.Watch1.Watch andand showshow thethe dialoguedialogue inin groupsgroups andand matchmatch thethe answeranswer toto thethe questions.questions. (1)How was the life in China different many years ago? (2)How about the life in China now? nownow manymany yearsyears agoago 1.We1.We livedlived inin a a smallsmall house.house. 2.We2.We livelive inin a a bigbig house.house. 3.We3.We didntdidnt havehave enoughenough food.food. 4.Weve4.Weve gotgot lotslots ofof food.food. 5.There5.There werentwerent manymany buses.buses. 6.There6.There areare lotslots ofof busesbuses andand cars.cars. 7.There7.There werentwerent anyany televisions.televisions. 8.I8.I watchwatch TVTV everyevery day.day. I I cancan match.match. 1,3,5,71,3,5,7 2 2,4,6,8,4,6,8 I can say. WeWe livedlived inin a a smallsmall househouse manymany yearsyears ago.ago. WeWe livelive inin a a bigbig househouse now.now. ThereThere werentwerent anyany carscars andand buses.buses. ThereThere areare manymany carscars now.now. ThereThere werentwerent lotslots ofof foodfood manymany yearsyears ago.ago. ThereThere areare lotslots ofof foodfood now.now. ThereThere werentwerent anyany beautifulbeautiful clothes.clothes. ThereThere areare manymany beautifulbeautiful clothesclothes nownow. 小提示:there is (was),are(were),live(lived),big(small) ,buses,cars,televisions,food,tall buildings Introduce the change of your hometown. Cherish now, 珍惜现在, happy life. 快乐生活 AskAsk youryour fatherfather andmother.Writeandmother.Write a a passagepassage aboutabout theirtheir liveslives inin thethe pastpast andand inin thethe presentpresent andand thenthen showshow itit nextnext class.class. 可用以下句型:可用以下句型: ThereThere werent.werent. ThereThere is/are.is/are. WeWe livedlived inin . WeWe livelive in.in. Homework Module 1 Unit1 We lived in a small house. 一:Teaching objectives: 1.Words and phrases: life,different,ago,television,lady,grandchildren and so on. 2.Sentences: There be.;We lived in a small house. ;We live in a big house now . 3. Grammar: Talk about the life in the past and present. 二:Teaching tools: ppt 三:process(一)Warmingup 1Greeting with each other. (T:Hello,Good morning boys and girls)(S:Good morning teacher.) 2Lets say a chant together. (二)Lead-in:1 Guess a riddle together.(All the students and the teacher guess the riddle together.)2.Look at some photos of my old home and my new home andfind the different and then introduce them in English.And learn and find out the life in the past and present how different. (三)New teaching :(1)Read the self-tasks and finish them in groups. (2)Lets learn new words and phrases with some little teachers. (3)Check the answer to the exercises. (4) Read the new words and phrases together. (5Watch,read the dialogue in groups and Lets match. (四)Practice:1.Lets put some important sentences in the right place 2.Look,think and say some sentences by some important students or “there be.”. 3.Look at a set of photos,think ,write and introduce your hometown by some students.5.Some students show their writing. (5) Summary: Look at some pictures of my hometown and the teacher sum the lesson in English and give everyone one sentence. (6) Homework :Ask your mother and father ,write a short passage about their lives and show it next class. (7) Blackboard design:M1U1 We lived in a small house. many years ago now There werent many cars. There are lots of buses and cars. We lived in a small house. We live in a big house.
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