外研版(三起)六年级下册Module 2-Unit 2 It will snow in Harbin.-ppt课件-(含教案+视频+音频+素材)-公开课-(编号:a0897).zip

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Module 2 Unit 2 It will snow in Harbin. 外研版小学英语(三起)六年级下册 博爱县著名天气博爱县著名天气 预测专家,现任预测专家,现任 北京气象局党组北京气象局党组 书记。书记。 It will snow in Beijing. It will rain in Nanning. It will be sunny in Harbin. It will be cloudy in Tianjin. It will snow in Beijing. It will rain in Nanning. It will be sunny in Harbin. It will be cloudy in Tianjin. It will snow in Beijing. It will rain in Nanning. It will be sunny in Harbin. It will be cloudy in Tianjin. It will be windy on Saturday. It will cold on Sunday. It will snow in Beijing. It will rain in Nanning. It will be sunny in Harbin. It will be cloudy in Tianjin. It will be windy on Saturday. It will be cold on Sunday. Zhengzho u Harbin It will snow in Harbin. It will rain in Zhengzhou. Kunming Shanghai Haikou Beijing It will be . Guess! Guess! Guess! What will the weather be like in Xian? It will be hot in Xian. It will be windy in Beijing. It will rain in New York. Listen to the text and fill in the blanks. 你能听录音填出下列城市的天气吗?你能听录音填出下列城市的天气吗? rain Lets look at the weather tomorrow. It will_ in Harbin. It will _ in Beijing. It will _ in Xian. It will _ in Sanya. warm cold snow sunny cloudy windyhot snowrain be cold and windy be warm and sunny Listen and repeat. Pay attention to your pronunciation and intonation.(跟读,注意语音语(跟读,注意语音语 调)调) 4月月16日日 Monday 4月月17日日 Tuesda y 4月月18日日 Wednesday 4月月19日日 Thursday 4月月20日日 Friday 4月月21日日 Saturday 4月月22日日 Sunday 1.Hello, Im Ms Smart. I like Sunday. It will rain on Sunday. Im going to sleep at home. And Im going to watch TV with my daughter. 2.It will. Im going to. HeShe is going to. Love our nature and protect the environment. (热爱大自然,保护环境)(热爱大自然,保护环境) Rain, snow, be warm. Rain, snow, be hot. Rain, snow, be windy.Rain, snow, be cold. Rain, snow, be sunny. Rain, snow, be cloudy. Weather, weather, weather. It will rain today. 英语教学设计英语教学设计 Module 2 Unit2 It will snow in Harbin. Module 2 Unit2 It will snow in Harbin. 1Warming up 1.Greeting 2.T:This is a very famous place in Boai. Its Xingfuhu Park(屏幕呈现幸福湖美 景)Im going to Xingfuhu Park to have a picnic. But I dont know the weather tomorrow. So I invited a very famous weather reporter. She is Li Xiang. Welcome! 设计意图:首先,我出示幸福湖公园美景,告诉同学们明天想去幸福湖公园玩, 但不知道天气如何,于是请出著名天气播报员李想(本班同学)为大家播报博 爱县周边天气。这一环节学生因为李想的幽默出场而放松紧张的情绪,同时通 过李想的一番天气预报,对本课新授知识有了一个整体的感知。 2Presentation 1.Review the words about the weather. T:Just now Miss Li told us the weather tomorrow. Can you tell me the weather you heard?(学生说出听到的有关天气的单词,教师板书黑板上) T: These are some pictures about the weather. Can you stick them in the right place? (让学生上台将天气图标贴到相应单词下面) T:Read together and do the actions. 设计意图:听完天气播报,学生能说出听到的有关天气的单词,并能将天气图 标贴到相应单词下,此环节可以视为一个听力训练,通过此活动,引出本课语 言运用所需的最基本词汇。 2.Learn a chant. T:Heres a chant for you. When you see the red words, please read louder. The black words ,read lower. 设计意图:这样一个韵律的设置,学生根据字体颜色高低读,在读的乐趣中, 对将来天气的描述有了初步的认识和了解。 3.The knowledge summary Let the pupils look at some sentences,then ask the pupils “What can you find?” It will snow in Beijing. It will rain in Nanning. It will be sunny in Harbin. It will be cloudy in Tianjin. It will be windy on Saturday. It will be cold on Sunday. 设计意图:让学生观察句子,谈谈自己发现了什么?从而对 snow, rain,以及 sunny, cloudy, windy, cold, cool, hot 在一般将来时中的用法有了整体的全面认 识。 4.Let the pupils try to report the weather. (学生根据自己所掌握的知识,尝试进行天气播报。这个环节是语言知识的生成 阶段) 5.Play a guessing game. (出示西安兵马俑、长城和自由女神像,让学生猜测这三个地方明天的天气是怎 样的?学生可任意猜测,这个过程是语言运用阶段。最后通过让学生听天气的 声音音效,判断正确的天气是什么。整个过程学生思维打开,综合语言运用能 力得到发展。 ) 6.Learn the text. 1)Let the pupils watch the cartoon about Activity2. 2)Listen to the tape, then fill in the blanks. 3)Ask the pupils to listen and repeat. 4)Pupils stand up and read the text. If they finish, sit down. 5)Practise in four and try to have a show. 设计意图:第一个环节学生看听课文动画,学生整体感知课文;第二遍听一听, 然后填空,学生能捕捉到课文重点,并通过书写单词锻炼写的能力;第三遍跟 读,第四遍变形式读,以及第五遍的练习并上台展示,学生听说读写演的能力 一步步提升,综合语言运用能力逐步形成。 三、Extension Let the pupils choose a day to talk about the weather. Then copy the example, write it down. 设计意图:通过这个环节的学习,学生选择自己喜欢的天气,能用一般将来时 描述,并能表述自己将会做什么事;当然为了不限制学生思维,还可和同伴合 作,不仅会描述自己,还会描述同伴的喜好及活动,这个环节的设置为学生还 原生活场景,让学生能将所学语言运用到生活中去,使语言的功能性得到发展 和体现。 四、Emotional sublimation Let the pupils watch the pictures of four seasons, tell the pupils they should love country and protect the environment. Make the seasons beautiful forever. 五、Sing a team song weather. Weather Rain, snow, be warm. Rain, snow, be hot. Rain, snow, be windy. Rain, snow, be cold. Rain, snow, be sunny. Rain, snow, be cloudy. Weather, weather, weather. It will rain today. 设计意图:一首自编歌曲,当成明天去幸福湖玩耍时的队歌,学生在歌曲演唱 中重新审视本课重点。
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